Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 309 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

Thewaterbucketcanbeemptiedinoneofthreeways: Empty the bucket manually, Place the dehumidifier Attach a garden hose to the directly over drain. threaded bucket drain hose When the bucket is full, connection to carry water to Open the threaded bucket drain remove and empty it into a the drain. hose connection inthe bucket large sink or tub. When When being attached to the by drilling a 3/8" (lOmm) to 3/4" finished, replace it properly. bucket drain hose connection, (19ram) hole in the center of th

Téléchargements : 2   Taille : 322 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

At temperatures below this, the coils can become covered with frost. (_65" F NOTE: If frost occurs, the unit will cycle on and off. This is normal. Unplug the unit (or turn the unit off) until the frost melts and the room temperature rises. (18"c) DEFROST CONTROL -65°F When the defrost control senses frost build-up on the evaporator coil, it will automatically shut off the compressor. The fan will continue to run to draw air across the coil and melt the frost. When the coil is defrosted, the com

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 589 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

2 WARRANTY .................................................. 2 SAFETY ........................................................ 3 Important Safety Instructions ...................... 3 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS .................. 4 OPERATION ................................................. 5 Features ................................................... 5 Control Panel ........................................... 6 INSTALLING YOUR DEHUMIDIFIER .............. 7 Defrost Control .......................

Téléchargements : 3   Taille : 661 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

The Auto Shut Off switch stops the unit before the bucket overflows, and turns the unit on again after the bucket is emptied and replaced.. Direct Draining If you want the water to flow directly to a drain, connect any standard garden hose to the bucket connection (Bin Figure I ), or place the dehumidifier over the drain. A standard garden hose has a 314" (19 ram) diameter connection with 11 112threads per inch. Note: When using either of the above direct draining methods, you must first drill a

Téléchargements : 5   Taille : 661 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

Warranty (Exclusions) 1_ Damage to product caused by misuse, fire, flood, acts of nature° 2, Damages due to commercial use or from product being used in multiuser dwellings 3, Damage to Sealed System* caused by salt corrosion or chemical reaction to copper/steet. * Sealed System (compressor, condenser, evaporator, drier and tubing.) Warranty Service Warranty Service is available by returning this Dehumidifier to the nearest Sears Service Center in the United States This warranty applles only whi

Téléchargements : 1   Taille : 661 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

2 Table of Contents Important Safety Instructions .......................................... 2 Location ........................................................... 3 How It Works ....................................................................... 3 Operating Steps ............................................ 3 Dehumidifier Features ......................................... 3-4 Removing Collected Water .................................. 4 Care and Cleaning ....................................

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 693 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

Ck_n Inside of bucketwith brush ordampenedcloth. • We recommendusinga mild detergentsolution. 3. Replacethe bucketcover. • Makesuretabs(_and _)are placedas shown. 2..Attach a length of garden hose to the threaded bucket drain nose conne_ion to carry water to the drain. The buckethas a threaded hose connectionwhich can be leftopen. Drilla 1/4"(6.4 ram)holeinthe centerofthe hoseconnection, Once opened,the hoseconnection willcontinually drainwater from the bucket. • The nozzlecannotbe fixed after p

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 693 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

Water bucket 1 2 6 -5 CONTROL PANEL Your dehumidif'_r control panel contains a Bucket Full indicator, a Humidity indicator, a Power Control, Humidity Control, Fan Speed Control and Timer Control. Bucket Full indicator --This lightglowswhen thewater bucketisfull and needsto be emptied. It alsoglowswhen the bucketis notproperlypositioned. Power--Operationstartswhen thisbuttonis pressedandstopswhenthe buttonispressedagain. Humidity Control --This buttoncontrolsthe humidityinthe room. • e : To raise

Téléchargements : 9   Taille : 962 kb   Fabricant : Kenmore  
Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

_ Avoid fire hazard o_-etectdc shock. Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug. Do not remove any pron_j from the power cord, Grounding type waI_receptacle Do not under any circumstances cut, remove, or bypass the grounding prong from this p_ug. Power supply cord U with 3_pong grounding plug \ ELECTRICAL BNF(_RMATiON The complete electrical rating of your new dehumidifier is stated on the serial plate. Refer' to the rating when checking the electrical requirements. , Be sure the dehumidif

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Catégorie : déshumidificateurs

(Fig.4) 5. After cleaning, assemble the air filter to front grill. (Fig.5) NOTE : Check your filter periodically to insure proper operation. 10 CLEANING THE EXTERIOR Clean the exterior using a soft brush or dry towel. But do not spray water directly on the exterior. CLEANING THE BUCKET Remove the bucket from the unit. Lift off bucket cover. (Fig.1) Clean the inside of bucket as needed. (Fig.2) After cleaning, replace the bucket cover and slide the bucket into the unit. (Fig.3) Check the float sw
