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Sva prava zadrzana. Nijedan deo ove publikacije ne sme da se izdvaja, reprodukuje, prevodi niti koristi u bilo kom obliku i na bilo koji nacin, elektronski ili mehanicki, sto obuhvata fotokopiranje i mikrofilmovanje, bez prethodne pismene dozvole od kompanija ZTE Corporation. Ovaj prirucnik je izdala kompanija ZTE Corporation. Zadrzavamo prava da izmenimo stamparske greske ili da azuriramo specifikacije bez prethodne najave. Prosireno uputstvo mozete preuzeti sa Internet stranice Telenora. 1 Pre

Podera obter outros acessorios numa loja Vodafone perto de si: - Base para dock - Bolsa premium folio - Cabo HDMI • O conector de 40 pinos pode ser usado para transferencias de dados ou para carregar o dispositivo. • O seu Vodafone Smart Tab tem uma memoria interna de 16 GB. Podera expandir a sua capacidade de armazenamento utilizando um cartao de memoria MicroSD (ate 32 GB). Usar o ecra tactil Pode usar os seus dedos para controlar o seu Vodafone Smart Tab. Os controlos no seu ecra mudam confor

...... .. ....: 1. ........ .. ....... ......... PC .... ........... USB. 2. ........ .. ....... ......... PC ... Smart Tab .... ... ........ 40 ....... 3. ........ ... ........... USB .. ... ..... ..... AC. ..........: • .. ..... ... ........... ........... USB ......... .. ........ ....... .. ... ....... .... • .. ....... ......... PC ....... ... ........... ........... USB .. ... ....... USB ... ... .... ... .. Smart Tab .. ... ....... 40 ...... ... .... ..... 4. ........... ... ........ ....

Explosive environments Petrol stations and explosive atmospheres In locations with potentially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off wireless devices such as your phone or other radio equipment. Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres include fuelling areas, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders. Blasting Caps and Areas Turn off your mobile phone or

29 Piezimes microSD logotips ir SD Card Association precu zime. 1. Ievietojiet SIM karti. 2. Ievietojiet microSD (iespejams, jau ir ievietota). 3. Ievietojiet akumulatoru. 4. Uzlieciet vacinu. 5. Uzladejiet. 30 Ieslegsana un izslegsana 1. Lai ieslegtu ierici SmartPad, nospiediet un turiet ieslegsanas/izslegsanas taustinu. 2. Lai izslegtu talruni, nospiediet un turiet ieslegsanas/izslegsanas taustinu, lidz tiek paraditas talruna iespejas. Tad izvelieties Izslegt un pec tam pieskarieties Labi. Mie

Explosive environments Petrol stations and explosive atmospheres In locations with potentially explosive atmospheres, obey all posted signs to turn off wireless devices such as your phone or other radio equipment. Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres include fuelling areas, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders. Blasting Caps and Areas Turn off your mobile phone or