Instructions Panasonic, Modèle SLSX276J
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Jkw SuttiCien* mri (or re merrory Duier to fill op completely 'ideally 40 seconds). <3J Fasten the neoprene sport boll socuroly around your wa«si so th«i the un t lits snugly against yojr body. 1i) Be sure the CD slayer .s placed m I'M? pouch so trw the CUtons a»* facing away from your oocy. (S' This unit ¡s designed for ngnt logging, hut rot lor serious running. It may occasionally stop ;f used by an aggrefisrve runner, or by someone wrih a heavy, lairing stride. V_ •Du not mac-wio wash Facing and lesa ot sh-ape can OCCU'. •Dn no! expose th# pouch to high temperatures whon a player anc CDs are inside. The player and OUu cun Do damaged and !t car. fad to lire. 3e especially careljl not to leave the pouch near neater*. in a car. or it-•ire sun •Do not drop v n** me pouch Y/f ite a player and CDs are inside. This can se'ini..*v damage the player and CDs. • Discontinue use it a rae.h or sxm irn-tatior. develops • 7 akc special car© «stien listening to CDs arounc traffic The mcdel nunper and wrid cumber of ibis p-odud can bo found on e«the< the back or ne bottom of the unit. Piease note Ifiem in the space orovd-Cd below and Keep for future reference MODin. NUMBER SL-SX276J SERIAL NUMBER Portable CD player Dear Customer Thurik you lor purchasing inio product, f or opt mum performance and saiety. olease read these instruction* catu'u !y. Operating Ins Model No. SL-SX276J Supplied Accessories Check the packing carton for these accessory». AC adapter...............1 oc. Wired remote control i po. (RFEA420C S 0< RFEA42IC-W) (RFEVOIftPCKS) Stereo headpnenas........t ac. Jegyoi doll case........ I f>o ://Wwv/.pan9ton>c.com ■ Panasonic Sates Company. Division ot Wal&UBHrta Eloetne ot Puerto Rico. Inc. ("PSC ’) Av* 65 N intameriä Kt> y.a San Gahncl irdusiria! Part». Cai-JIna f\ieno Roc CO&35 Panasonic Canada Inc. V/0 S.TÜI- Drv* O".*»0 L->W 273 iwwpinwwMc^s 19M Vais.srsa fc-seve Co. M RQT5442-P f I iscjKKn.f») fn-tol in Precautions EJe'wo usng ttus ur t te Sv'e to read ire appacabse rerrs cl tnu operuf ng nsi'ud-ors and thcic safety $cg-oestors carolully Aftenvaros ka«p them handy lor iu:ure rutu'unce. Take special care to follow the v/arnings indicated on the unit itself as well as in the operating instruction». Installation Maintenance Safety 1. Power Source—The uni shoyid r>a connected :c power suppfy onty of the type descnoed in the oper-abrnj instructions or as rrarkco on tno un-t Use ory the AC adaptor or car adapter describoo in tfie opor-atinq inain>ciions when recharging. 2. Polarization—if the unii is equipperi with a polarized AC power plug la plug havng nre blndo wider tnan the othorj, that olug will fit Into t^nfi AC outlet nnly one v/ay This Is a sa'cly teatuie if you unahle to insert the ylug My Into ?he outlet, try reve^inc -.he P'ug. II tiKi pug sf oud stin 'a to IK contact your eiectncwn ly rebate you- oUsoctu out vt Do "vet defeat the safety purpose of tne pob’md p.yg 3. Care of AC adaptor—Take ca-e ttiat the core ol Ihir AC aoaptor should be routed so tnnt tney are no: likely to ne wa ked cn or pmched by items placed upon or then-i. Never taKe hod ol the AC adaptor i( your hand is wei, and always n^sp tt-ie plug body when connecimg o' disconnenting :1 4. Nonuso Poriods When nol in uso, bo sure to dis-cc-nnerf tho AC adaptor fro-- the AC po»wr outlet 5. Battenos the set s not ^sec lot a k>ny period o! time ar s med cm*>- frc^ ar AC pc-*«r scarce, remove all the batteries to prevent pctant al damage cue to poMiblfi b^nen/ leakage. Dn not mix batreries •;olo and new) or niferent ty-pes nf nattnnes. ■ Environment 1. Water and Moisture—Do not use this unit near waloi—for example, near л bathtub, washtowl. Swimming pool, oi the like Damp basemens should also be avoided. 2. Condensation—Mo>sluro muy lyrrn on the lens in •.he lollcw ng conditions • immediately after a heater h*» bwi tarred on. •г. я steamy or very hum
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