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Instructions Philips, Modèle SA4MUS08KF/97

Fabricant : Philips
Taille : 878.61 kb
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Langue d'enseignement: en

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Facilité d'utilisation

3 On AudibleManager, click Add to Device. (. X + to AudibleManager, activate the player as prompted. Download audiobooks to the PC 1 Connect your PC to the Internet. 18 EN To check the audio books that are transferred to the player, See the player pane on AudibleManager. ( If necessar y, click Refresh Device. Find audiobooks on the player In , the audiobook librar y is sor ted by book title and author. Play audiobooks +#* # ?#= audiobook. 1 Tap the book. » Current book star ts to play. 2 Tap to show the play screen. Select play options On the play screen, tap icons to select play options: / ( Tap to pause/ resume play. / ( Tap to skip chapters. ( Hold to search within current book. / ( Tap to select a play speed. ( Add a bookmark to current play time. Tip ( When you tap / to skip to previous or next chapters, play star ts from where you stopped last time in the chapter. Use bookmarks On an audiobook, you can add bookmarks to the play time. Star t play from the bookmarked play time as needed. To add a bookmark, ( On the play screen, tap . » A bookmark is added to current play time. To play from a bookmarked play time, EN 19 ( On the play screen, press and select [Bookmarks] > [Go to bookmark]. Tap an option. To delete a bookmark, ( On the play screen, press and select [Bookmarks] > [Delete bookmark]. Tap an option. Delete audiobooks ( On the play screen, press > [Delete Audiobook]. » Current audiobook is deleted from the player. 20 EN 10 Text reader 1 From the Home screen, go to . Play a Go to >;@ ; librar y on the player. 2 Tap and select [Delete]. » + ; 1 Connect MUSE to a computer. 2 On the PC, under My Computer or Computer, ( select MUSE? ; 3 .?! folders on the MUSE. ( & ?! from the PC to MUSE. 1 From the Home screen, go to . » X ; 2 "= +!+ .=#= through the list of options. Tap an option to star t play. 3 "= +!!. +& pages. EN 21 11 Folder view Go to &= internal memor y and SD card on the player. 22 EN 12 Settings From the Home screen, go to to select your settings. (. Swipe up or down to scroll through lists of options. Tap an option to select it; ( Tap to go to the Home screen; ( Tap to go to the previous screen. Sleep timer During play or in idle mode, the MUSE can switch off automatically after a cer tain time duration. (. In [Sleep timer], tap to select an option. » After the selected time duration, the device is switched off automatically. Display settings In [Display settings], select your display options: [Brightness] Drag the slider to change the display brightness. [Screen off timer] After the selected time duration, the screen turns off automatically.To save batter y power, select a low value. Date and time In [Date and time], select date/ time display options. [Set date] To set the date, swipe up/down to select an option. [Set date format] Select in what sequence the year, month, and date are displayed. [Set time] To set the time, swipe up/down to select a digit. [Set time format] Select how to show time, in 12- hour or 24-hour format. Language In [Language], select a language for the player. PC connection preference In [PC connection preference], select how the player is connected to a PC.The player allows the access by a PC through USB Mass Storage Class (MSC), or Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). [MSC] *allows the player to work as Philips Songbird drive. Click the Philips Songbird drive to star t the program installation on the PC. [MTP] during the sync to the player, allows music and videos to be conver ted to playable formats through Philips Songbird or other software for media management. Tip ( *Make sure that you select [Enable] in > [CD installer]. Information In [Information], learn the following information about the device: EN 23 [Model:] full product name. Check the full product name when you update = + website. [Firmware version:] +=& ;* =& = ++ = suppor t website. [Support web site that provides suppor t site:] for the device [Capacity:] memor y size [Free space available space:] [Songs] Total number of songs [Pictures] Total number of pictures [Videos] Total number of videos Format device Format the player.You remove all the data that are stored on the player. (. Select [Format device], and then, select [Yes] as prompted. Factory settings In [Factory settings], restore the player to factor y settings. Files transferred to the player are retained. SafeSound ( Tap SafeSound to switch on the function. » If the function is enabled, the tick box is selected. Set the volume limit To set a volume limit for yourself, select SafeSound > [Volume limit]. (. To set the volume limit, drag the slider. Weekly overview In [Weekly overview]?++ sound pressure that your ears receive on each day over the past week. CD installer If you have selected [MSC] in > [PC connection preference], the [CD installer] options are displayed. In [CD installer], select [Enable] to allow the player to work as Philips Songbird drive. Doub...

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