Сведения об iPod touchРуководство пользователя iPod touch. Прежде чем пользоваться iPod touch, ознакомьтесь с руководством пользователя для этого устройства.
Сведения об iPod touchРуководство пользователя iPod touch. Прежде чем пользоваться iPod touch, ознакомьтесь с руководством пользователя для этого устройства.
iPod nano InfoSafety & Compliance InformationListen responsibly. Review the iPod nano User Guide before using iPod, including the Safety and Handling section,
iPod touch InfoiPod touch User Guide Review the user guide before using iPod touch. Go to help.apple.com/ipod-touch. To view the user guide on iPod touch, use
Software License AgreementUse of iPod shuffle constitutes acceptance of the iPod Software License Agreement found at: www.apple.com/legal/sla/BatteryThe
Información de iPod touchManual del usuario del iPod touch Antes de utilizar el iPod touch, consulte el manual del usuario. Vaya a help.apple.com/ipod-touch.
Schaden. Ferner haben Sie Anspruch auf Reparatur oder Ersatz der Waren, sofern die Waren Qualitätsmängel aufweisen, diese jedoch nicht schwerwiegend sind.
iPod touch InfoiPod touch User Guide Review the user guide before using iPod touch. Go to help.apple.com/ipod-touch. To view the user guide on iPod touch, use
You can also use the included cable to sync iPod or iPhone with your computer. To charge your iPod or iPhone: 1 Connect the USB cable to the power adapter, and then plug the power adapter into a power outlet. 2 Connect iPod or iPhone to the other end of the cable. You can also connect the cable to an iPod or iPhone dock. To charge and sync iPod or iPhone with your computer: ■ Connect iPod or iPhone to your computer using the USB cable. 3 Safety Information WARNING: Failure to follow thes