Facilité d'utilisation
Reposition the dishwasher if necessary. See Step 12. • The dishwasher will drain and turn off about 5 minutes after it was started. Check drain lines. If leaks are found, turn power off at the breaker and correct plumbing as necessary. Restore power after corrections are made. See Step 15. • Open dishwasher door and make sure most of the water has drained. If not, check that disposer plug has been removed and/or air gap is not plugged. See Step 14. Also check drain line for kinking. • Run the dishwasher through another “Rinse Only” cycle. Check for leaks and correct if required. CUSTOM PANEL FOR MODEL ZBD6890, ZBD0700 These dishwashers require a field installed 3/4" thick custom panel and custom handle. An installation template is packed with these models and may be obtained in advance. Order Pub. No. 31-30569-1. Complete panel installation instructions are included on the template. CUSTOM PANEL SIZE REQUIREMENTS HEIGHT Panel height must be between 30-1/16" and 30-1/4". • If the panel height is more than 30-1/4" it will prevent the door from swinging open. • If the panel height is less than 30-1/16" it will not cover the dishwasher door frame. • The top of the custom panel must be flush with the top of the door. The 1/2" minimum gap between the top of the door and the bottom of the countertop must be maintained. WIDTH Panel width must be 23-3/4". • If the panel width is less than 23-3/4" it will not cover the dishwasher frame. IMPORTANT: To ensure optimum door balance performance, the custom panel must not weigh more than 14 lbs. Minimum 1/2" Gap for Clearance Countertop 1/2" min. 23-3/4" 30-1/16" Min. 30-1/4" Max. REPLACE TOEKICK • Place toekick against the legs of the dishwasher. • Align the toekick with the bottom edge and make sure it is against the floor. • Insert and tighten the two toekick attachment screws. The toekick should stay in contact with the floor. TIP: Make sure toekick is against floor to minimize noise. STEP 18 Toekick Attachment Screws Figure II 15 NOTE: While performing installations described in this book, safety glasses or goggles should be worn. For Monogram® local service in your area, call 1.800.444.1845. NOTE: Product improvement is a continuing endeavor at General Electric. Therefore, materials, appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice. Pub. No. 31-30586 Part No. 206C1559P126 11-04 JR Instructions d’installation En cas de question, appeler 800.626.2000 ou rendre visite a notre site web : Lave-vaisselle encastre ZBD6800 ZBD6880 ZBD6890* ZBD0700* ZBD0710 Guide de conception Instructions d’installation *Pour ZBD6890 et ZBD0700, consulter aussi les instructions imprimees sur le gabarit fourni avec ce modele. ® Monogram. Information de securite AVANT DE COMMENCER Il faut lire soigneusement toutes ces instructions. • IMPORTANT — Conserver ces instructions afin que l’inspecteur local s’en serve. Il faut respecter tous les codes et reglements. • Remarque pour l’installateur — Ne pas oublier de remettre ces instructions au consommateur. • Remarque pour le consommateur — Il faut garder ces instructions avec le manuel d’utilisation, pour consultation ulterieure. • Niveau de competence — L’installation de ce lave-vaisselle demande des talents mecaniques et electriques de base. L’installateur est responsable de l’installation appropriee. La garantie des appareils menagers de GE ne couvre pas les defaillances du produit causees par une mauvaise installation. • Duree d’installation — 1 a 3 heures. Les installations initiales demandent plus de temps que les installations de remplacement. • IMPORTANT — Le lave-vaisselle DOIT etre installe de maniere a permettre la depose ulterieure de l’enceinte afin de permettre toute intervention. Si le lave-vaisselle livre est endommage, il faut contacter immediatement le concessionnaire ou l’entrepreneur de construction. LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT. IL FAUT GARDER CES INSTRUCTIONS. SECURITE Il faut lire et observer tous les avertissements (PRUDENCE et ATTENTION) montres dans ces instructions. Pendant l’installation decrite dans ce livret, il faut porter des gants et des lunettes de securite. Pour le service local Monogram dans votre region : 1.800.444.1845. Pour le service Monogram au Canada : 1.888.880.3030 Pieces et accessoires Monogram, appeler le : 1.800.626.2002. CONTENU Preparation pour l’installation Pieces fournies ............................................................................3 Materiaux necessaires ..............................................................3 Outils necessaires ......................................................................3 Modeles disponibles ..................................................................4 Planification prealable................................................................4 Preparation de l’enceinte du lave-vaisselle ..........................4 Egout ..............................................................................................5 Prepara...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Lave-vaisselle - MONOGRAM ZBD6890 (678.39 kb)
Lave-vaisselle - MONOGRAM ZBD6880 (678.39 kb)
Lave-vaisselle - MONOGRAM ZBD6800 (678.39 kb)
Lave-vaisselle - MONOGRAM ZBD0700 (678.39 kb)