Fabricant : American Sensor
Taille : 82.7 kb
Nom Fichier : SA379USmanual.pdf

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WHERE TO LOCATE SMOKE ALARMS WARNING ! This smoke alarm is suitable for residential Alarm-Pause® period, the smoke alarm should “beep” DICON GLOBAL INC. SHALL HAVE NO basement smoke alarm may not detect a fire which started on use. It is not to be connected to a approximately once every 45 seconds to alert the household that LIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY As a minimum, smoke alarms should be located between the first or second floor. commercial or industrial fire alarm panel. the smoke alarm has been silenced. DAMAGE, OR ANY SPECIAL INCIDENTAL, sleeping areas and potential sources of fire such as a kitchen, CONTINGENT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE OF ANY • Smoke alarms may not be heard. The loudness of the horn in heated garage or basement. In single storey homes with one SMOKE ALARM MANUAL 6. INSTALLATION AND TESTING Variations in Length of Alarm-Pause® Period KIND RESULTING FROM A FIRE. THE EXCLUSIVE your alarm meets current standards. However, the sound may sleeping area, an alarm should be installed in the hallway outside The Alarm-Pause® period will vary in length depending upon the Ionization Type Model - 120 VAC Hardwire be blocked by distance, closed doors, or ambient noise such as the bedrooms (see Figure 1). In single storey homes with two Locking Keys - Optional REMEDY FOR BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY amount of smoke present. When there is no smoke, the Alarm- This model has optional locking keys to better secure either the CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT traffic or a stereo. Smoke alarms may not be heard by persons separate sleeping areas, a minimum of two alarms are required, with Battery Back-Up & Alarm-Pause® Feature Pause® will be activated for the longest period of time alarm and/or the alarm and back-up battery to inhibit OF THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT AT DICON GLOBAL who are hard of hearing. one outside each sleeping area (see Figure 2). In multi-level or (approximately six to ten minutes) after releasing the Alarm- unauthorized removal. See point 16 in this section for more INC.’S OPTION. IN NO CASE SHALL For these reasons, a smoke alarm should be installed in every split-level homes, as a minimum, an alarm should be installed • Model SA379 - Professional Multi-Location Pause® button. details on this feature. DICON GLOBAL INC.’S LIABILITY room or at least on every level of your home. American outside each sleeping area, in the basement and at every level of - 120 Volt AC Hardwire Smoke Alarm with Battery Back-Up If the level of smoke density increases, the length of the Alarm- A. Installation UNDER ANY OTHER REMEDY PRESCRIBED BY LAW Sensors recommends that hardwire AC Powered smoke alarms the home (see Figure 3). and Alarm-Pause® feature. This smoke alarm is also Pause® period will shorten. As the level of smoke density Mount to any standard or rectangular junction box with a EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE. YOUR SMOKE ALARM be interconnected, so that one alarm will trigger all other interconnectable with up to 11 other units. • In every room of your home (except the bathroom): Research approaches 4 per cent per foot obstruction (a very heavy Smoke alarms to sound their alarms. minimum depth of 1 inch (25mm). 120V AC, 55mA operation. IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROPERTY, DISABILITY, LIFE indicates that substantial increases in warning time can be concentration of smoke), the smoke alarm will override the WARNING: Wiring should only be installed by a licensed OR OTHER INSURANCE OF ANY KIND. APPROPRIATE • Smoke alarms are not fool-proof. Smoke alarms may not obtained with each properly installed, additional alarm. Alarm-Pause® mode and sound an alarm. NOTE: If powered only Important information about your smoke alarm electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code and COVERAGE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. CONSULT YOUR always sense every kind of fire. They cannot be expected to • In bedrooms: In anticipation of fires originating within these by battery, the level of battery voltage will also affect the length • Install alarms outside of every bedroom area and on every floor local codes. INSURANCE AGENT. sense fires caused by carelessness or by safety hazards. They may rooms, caused by faulty wiring, lamps, appliances, smoking or of the Alarm-Pause® period. If the battery voltage is low, the of your home. Please refer to Section 3 “Where to Locate WARNING: The circuit used to power the alarm must be a 24 This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also not give early warning of fast growing fires caused by smoking other hazards. Alarm-Pause® will be activated for approximately 10 minutes. If Smoke Alarms” for details. hour voltage circuit that cannot be turned off by a switch or a have other rights which vary from province to province. in bed, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of the battery voltage is high, the Alarm-Pause® will be activated for • In hallways: At a distance no greater than 13 feet (4 meters) ground fault interrupter. It is high...