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Instructions Samsung, Modèle CLX-8385ND Series

Fabricant : Samsung
Taille : 10.8 mb
Nom Fichier : 487f1c26-48fc-4d89-a3a3-63159dc40f0a.pdf
Langue d'enseignement: en
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© 2009 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. This user’s guide is provided for information purposes only. All information included herein is subject to change without notice. Samsung Electronics is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, arising from or related to use of this user’s guide. • CLX-8385ND is model name of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. • Samsung and Samsung logo are trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. • PCL and PCL 6 are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard company. • Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server R2 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. • PostScript 3 is a trademark of Adobe System, Inc. • UFST® and MicroType™ are registered trademarks of Monotype Imaging Inc. • TrueType, LaserWriter and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. • All other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. • This machine can be operated only in the country you have purchased. (Due to different voltage, frequency, telecommunication configuration and etc) CONTACT SAMSUNG WORLDWIDE If you have any comments or questions regarding Samsung products, contact the Samsung customer care center. Country Customer Care Center Web Site ARGENTINE 0800-333-3733 AUSTRALIA 1300 362 603 AUSTRIA 0810-SAMSUNG (7267864, € 0.07/min) BELGIUM 02 201 2418 (Dutch) be_fr (French) BRAZIL 0800-124-421 4004-0000 CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) CHILE 800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) CHINA 800-810-5858 400-810-5858 010-6475 1880 COLOMBIA 01-8000112112 COSTA RICA 0-800-507-7267 latin CZECH REPUBLIC 800-SAMSUNG (800726786) Samsung Zrt., ceska organizacni slozka, Oasis Florenc, Sokolovska394/17, 180 00, Praha 8 DENMARK 8-SAMSUNG (7267864) ECUADOR 1-800-10-7267 latin EL SALVADOR 800-6225 latin ESTONIA 800-7267 KAZAKHSTAN 8-10-800-500-55-500 kz_ru KYRGYZSTAN 00-800-500-55-500 FINLAND 30-6227 515 FRANCE 01 4863 0000 GERMANY 01805 - SAMSUNG (7267864 € 0,14/min) GUATEMALA 1-800-299-0013 latin HONDURAS 800-7919267 latin HONG KONG 3698-4698 HUNGARY 06-80-SAMSUNG (7267864) INDIA 3030 8282 1800 110011 1800 3000 8282 INDONESIA 0800-112-8888 ITALIA 800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) Country Customer Care Center Web Site JAMAICA 1-800-234-7267 latin JAPAN 0120-327-527 LATVIA 8000-7267 LITHUANIA 8-800-77777 LUXEMBURG 02 261 03 710 MALAYSIA 1800-88-9999 MEXICO 01-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) NETHERLAND S 0900-SAMSUNG (09007267864) (€ 0,10/min) NEW ZEALAND 0800 SAMSUNG (0800 726 786) NICARAGUA 00-1800-5077267 latin NORWAY 3-SAMSUNG (7267864) PANAMA 800-7267 latin PHILIPPINES 1800-10-SAMSUNG (7267864) 1-800-3-SAMSUNG (7267864) 02-5805777 POLAND 0 801 1SAMSUNG (172678) 022-607-93-33 PORTUGAL 80820-SAMSUNG (7267864) PUERTO RICO 1-800-682-3180 latin REP. DOMINICA 1-800-751-2676 latin EIRE 0818 717 100 RUSSIA 8-800-555-55-55 SINGAPORE 1800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) SLOVAKIA 0800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) SOUTH AFRICA 0860 SAMSUNG (726-7864) SPAIN 902-1-SAMSUNG(902 172 678) SWEDEN 075-SAMSUNG (726 78 64) SWITZERLAND 0848-SAMSUNG (7267864, CHF 0.08/min) TADJIKISTAN 8-10-800-500-55-500 TAIWAN 0800-329-999 THAILAND 1800-29-3232 02-689-3232 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) latin TURKEY 444 77 11 Country Customer Care Center Web Site U.A.E 800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) 8000-4726 U.K 0845 SAMSUNG (726-7864) U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (7267864) UKRAINE 8-800-502-0000 UZBEKISTAN 8-10-800-500-55-500 kz_ru VENEZUELA 0-800-100-5303 latin VIETNAM 1 800 588 889 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. About this user’s guide .................................................................................................................................................i Finding more information .............................................................................................................................................i Safety and Regulatory Information .............

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