Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
26-27) or by using the Control Panel («■ p. 33-34). • If AUTO LOADING is disabled, you must press [ LOAD/PARK) to load paper. • If you need to align the paper horizontally or vertically, set the paper feed selector to " This releases the paper and allows the paper to be positioned manually as required. Set the selector back to “ Q ” before printing. 0 If the ON LINE indicator is not lit, press [ON LINE] to get ready to print. Tearing off Paper With fanfold paper installed, this function allows you to advance your paper to the tear position. After tearing off the page you can return your paper to the first printer line by pressing [TEAR OFF | again. If [ TEAR OFF] is not pressed a second time, the printer will automatically reverse to the first print line upon receiving data from the computer. Press 1TEAR OFF ) to advance the 3 Press [ TEAR OFF I to reverse the paper to the tear position. paper back to the first print line. 2 Tear off the page. Note: • The printer is equipped with a TEAR OFF feature that automatically advances the paper’s perforation to tear off position when printing is completed. To enable auto TEAR OFF, set to AUTO in the INSTALL Menu on your Setup Disk p. 26-27) or by using the Control Panel (cs- p. 33-34). 18 Self Test / Printer Driver Selection Self Test The printer has a self test feature which allows you to test the printer. When activated, this feature will print 5 lines of each resident font. When complete, it will return to the draft font and continue for approximately 8 minutes. -| Install the ribbon cassette and paper, 3 Once you see that the printer is then turn the power off ( rap p. 12-18). functioning properly, you may turn the power off during the self test, or 2 While pressing fUF/FFl, turn the Vou maV run the entire test‘ power on, then release. A sample printout will begin, which serves as a self test. Printer Driver Selection This procedure is the final step before printing and is performed in your application software program. The steps will vary, depending on the software program. Consult your software package for proper procedures. The Panasonic KX-P3196 will be your first choice. However, if the Panasonic KX-P3196 printer is not listed in your software, you must select an alternative from the following table. Note: • If using Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 3.5x or Windows NT 4.0, you will need to install a Windows printer driver. These drivers are located on the Setup Disks supplied with your printer. Proceed to Installing the Setup Disk on pages 20-24 for the installation procedure. Printer Selections (in order of priority) _Panasonic KX-P3196_ _Epson FX-880_ _Panasonic KX-P1150_ _Epson FX-850_ Panasonic KX-P2180*1 Panasonic KX-P3200*2 _Epson FX series_ IBM Proprinter III*3 OKI MICROLINE 320 Turbo*3 *1 KX-P3196 cannot print in color. *2 KX-P3200 does not have Friction mode. *3 If selecting the IBM Proprinter III or OKI MICROLINE 320 Turbo in your software, printer emulation must also be changed through the Setup Disk (p. 26-27) or using the Control Panel («** P. 33-34). 19 Handling Paper / Self Test / Printer Driver Selection Installing the Software These Setup Disks (“DOS Utilities & Printer Driver for Windows® 3.1” disk, “Printer Driver for Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows NT® 3.5x and Windows NT® 4.0” disk) can only be used in an IBM-PC or a compatible computer with a 3.5" floppy disk drive. Before using the Setup Disk, it is recommended that you make a back-up copy and store the original in a safe place. The following steps will automatically create a directory called P3196 and copy Control Panel Software (CPS 3196.EXE) and Command Reference utility (CMDREF.EXE) from the “DOS Utilities & Printer Driver for Windows® 3.1” disk to your C Drive. (You can change the directory and drive.) Note: • Control Panel Software and Command Reference utility cannot be installed on Windows NT. DOS Program Function Control Panel Software Allows you to view and change the printer settings on the computer screen. Command Reference utility Allows you to access a detailed explanation of each software command on the computer screen. Follow the steps below for installation. 1 Insert the “DOS Utilities & Printer Driver 3 TyPe SETUP and press [ Enter |. for Windows® 3.1” disk into drive A (or B). 4 Follow the instructions on your computer 2 Type A: (or B:) and press j Enter screen. Windows 3.1 Program Function Printer Driver A printer driver is the part of the software that allows the software to communicate with the printer via the interface in use. Control Panel Software Allows you to view and change the printer settings on the computer screen. Command Reference utility Allows you to access a detailed explanation of each software command on the computer screen. Follow the steps below for installation. 1 Insert the “DOS Utilities & Printer Driver 4 for Windows® 3.1” disk into drive A (or B). 2 Click | Fi...