Facilité d'utilisation
If, despite hasoccurred during production or transportation, please return the device to your dealer. In addition tostatutory legal rights, the purchaser has an option to claim under the terms of the followingguarantee:For the purchased device we provide 2 years guarantee, commencing from the day of sale. Duringthis period we will remedy all defects free of charge, which can be demonstrably attributed tomaterial or manufacturing defects, by repair or exchange.Defects which arise due to improper handling of the device and malfunctions due to interventionsand repairs by third parties or the fitting of non-original parts, are not covered by this guarantee. OPERATION • The On/Off switch (8) must be in the OFF position and both temperature regulators (2, 6) must beon position MIN. • Connect the power plug (7) to a corresponding outlet. • Set the On/Off switch (8) to the ON position. • Set the pot with/without contents on the appropriate heating plate (1, 4) according to the size ofthe pot. Heating plate A (1) has a capacity of 1500 watt and heating plate B (4) has a capacity of1000 watt. • Select the desired temperature with the corresponding temperature regulator (2, 6). Thecorresponding control light (3 or 5) will light up. As soon as the set temperature is reached, thecontrol light will fade. If the heating plate has cooled down too much, the control light will light upagain. • After the cooking process, turn the heating plates off by setting the corresponding temperatureregulators (2, 6) to position MIN. The control lights (3, 5) will fade. • After turning off, the heating plates will still give off heat for a certain amount of time. elta GmbH Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8 approved 63322 Rodermark 5 6 F FF MODE D.EMPLOI DK200 RECHAUD ChZre Cliente, Avant de brancher votre attentivement le present en particulier, les consignes de securite. Si cet appareil COMPOSANTS 1 8 7 23 456 1. Plaque chauffante A 2. Regulateur de temperature de la plaque chauffante A. 3. Temoin lumineux de la plaque chauffante A. 4. Plaque chauffante B. 5. Temoin lumineux de la plaque chauffante B. 6. Regulateur de temperature de la plaque chauffante B. 7. CCble d.alimentation electrique avec sa prise. 8. Commutateur Marche/Arrzt ON/OFF INFORMATIONS CONCERNANT LA SECURITE • Une mauvaise manipulation ou un usage anormal peut endommager l.appareil et causer desblessures a son usager. • L'appareil doit ztre employe uniquement pour l'usage prevu. Aucune responsabilite ne peut ztreretenue dans l.eventualite d.un incident survenu suite a un usage anormal ou une mauvaisemanipulation. • Avant de brancher l.appareil a une prise electrique murale, verifiez que le courant electrique localcorrespond a celui specifie sur la plaque de l.appareil. • Ne placez jamais l.appareil ou la prise electrique dans de l.eau ou dans un quelconque autreliquide. Cependant, si l.appareil tombe accidentellement dans de l.eau, debranchezimmediatement l.appareil et faites-le reviser par du personnel qualifie avant toute ...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Autres appareils de cuisine - 0608 (263.05 kb)
Autres appareils de cuisine - DK200 (263.05 kb)
Autres appareils de cuisine - DK200 (263.05 kb)