Facilité d'utilisation
Push button and hold until LED goes OFF after the sequence of Yellow , Red and turns Off. The Low Dielectric Material operation is On when the LED’S Green light blinks constantly. 2) To turn the Low Dielectric Materials OFF. Push button and hold until LED goes OFF after the sequence of Yellow , Red and Turns OFF. The Low Dielectric Material operation is OFF when LED is continuously Green. Operation - An ultrasonic/electromagnetic pulse is transmitted from the sensor . The pulse travels to the surface being monitored and is reflected off this surface back to the sensor . The time of flight is divided by 2 and converted to an output signal directly proportional to the material level . A C C U R A C Y R E S O L U T I O N Per Chart CALIBRATION PUSHBUTTON / Led Indicator For 4 - 20 mA (750 ohm Max.) output Deadzone +/—0.25% EMPTY 4 or 20mA 20 or 4 mA FULL Level Material S P A N LED RedYellow 12 30 Vdc 115 / 230 Vac 60 / 50 Hz . 1/2” NPT Conduit Hole 1”, 1 1/2”, 2” , 3”NPT Ultrasonic Sensor Radar Rod Antenna OPTIONAL Programmable Calibration & Diagnostics, Data Logging, RS232 or RS485 Com. Temperature Compensation for the speed of sound . Process Temperature Radar ;190° F/90°C — 40° F/°C Ultrasonic ; 140° F/60 °C — 40° F/° C Typical Installation 1) DIRECT MOUNTING ULTRASONIC SENSOR -SIMPLY THREAD SENSOR DIRECTLY INTO METAL OR PLASTIC NOZZLE. 2) RADAR UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED INTO METAL FITTING WITH THE ANTENNA POINTING DOWNWARD. Instruction Manual For LVU and LVRD Series Ultrasonic and Radar Sensors Instruction Manual For LVU and LVRD Series Ultrasonic and Radar Sensors FUSE Connect to Serial Port of PC ,use Extension Cable length as required ,Refer to Fig.# 1 or # 2 For Wiring Fig. # 2 RS485 Connection Sensor TerminalDB9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RedDB9Sensor Terminal Fig. # 1 RS232 Connection L1 8 L2/N 7 GND. 6 + 5 --4 Shield 3 A/TX 2 Red 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHT. or BLK. WHT. or BLK. L1 8 L2 / N 7 GND. 6 + 5 --4 Shield 3 A/TX 2 ! STATUS Calibration Switch Sensor Calibration Switch & Status Led To Power Source + 8 24VDC --7 6 ULTRASONIC RADAR Connect Shield to Ground at one End 1/2” PVC Conduit Only for PVC Housings, Metal Conduit not Recommended Except for Metal Housing. SHIELD 1) Load “Gateway PC Software” into your PC . (Select SETUP.EXE from installation CD and follow instructions on the screen.) 2) Click on START and under PROGRAMS select “Gateway PC”. 3) Select ”Start Data Link”. You will see two bar graphs, displaying the last 8 echoes & the current output . When PC is connected to the probe, the application header displays the Probe ID and Freq. For PC connected to the Radar the application header displays the radar range. Traffic light icon at the bottom of the screen indicates communication status to probe. 4) Pick “Tools" and select “Show Calibration Data” . Screen displays the following parameters, :Reset Max. Temperature (for ultrasonic probes) :Empty Tank Distance calibration :Full Tank Distance calibration -programmable with accuracy of 0.1" :Temperature Scale (for ultrasonic probes) :Low Dielectric Material (choose for low dielectric constant materials <4) :Pipe On/Off (select this for microwave probes operating in metal pipes) :Select Pipe Diameter (for microwave probes only) 5) Show Calibration Data Screen displays the following parameters, :Sensor I.D. with single probe is 2 :Current Frequency -shows the operating frequency :Empty Tank Distance :Full Tank Distance :Probe Software Rev. :D. Link Protocol :Max Temperature - shows the max. temperature of environment (for ultrasonic sensors only) :Ntemp 6) Select Protocol :RS485/232 :MODBUS RTU (Holding Register address is 40109 for Radar Probes and 40080 for Ultrasonic Probes.) 7) Fix point Calibration (the same as using the probe calibration Switch ) is in the top left corner of the screen. 8) By selecting “Diagnostic” the screen displays all information on “errors”. Unhappy face icon at the screen bottom indicates sensor errors . 9) Echo chart displays information on stability of the echoes. 10) Echo Profile displays profiles of your ultrasonic probe . NOTE- when using this feature the probe is not in the measurement mode . To return to “measurement mode” exit the echo profile (select x ). Wait until you get the Data Link OK (green light on the Probe Status LED). On the “echo profile” you will see a marker where the software picked up an echo and the distance to the target. To change target for different measurement, exit profile screen, wait for updated data, and go to echo profile. The marker will pick up the new target . Freeze screen and select any point on the graph by clicking mouse to display the distance to selected target. 11) Select Data Logging Excel format (default) on FILE menu to collect history data for current and temperature in MS Excel format. Path for data collection: C:\Program Files\um_probe\GATEWAYPC\DATA\yyyy mm dd\sensorID\Data is collected for each sensor ID. The current is collected in 1 hour data files and temperature is collected...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Autres outils - LVU40 (2.78 mb)