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Specifications may change without notice. Mirage and /!\ Mirage Liberty are trademarks of ResMed Ltd and Mirage is registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ©2007 ResMed Ltd. 1011556/1 07 03 Global leaders in sleep and respiratory medicine ResMed Mirage Liberty MASQUE FACIAL TM Components Guide Français Système complet S* 61300 L* 61301 Entourage rigide (pas de harnais) H§ SuS (M#) üi (L#) 61318 61319 61320 \£#(l*) 61321 61322 61323 Ensemble entourage rigide (sans bulle

DETAILS Cover Dimensions: Trimmed to A5 Portrait (210 H x 148 W ± 2 mm) Style: Covers printed one side only. Inside cover is blank. Stock: 250gsm Chorus Silk Colour of printing: 4 colour process TEXT Dimensions: A5 Portrait (210 H x 148 W)mm ± 2mm Style: Printed double-sided, bound and trimmed to make A5 portrait sized booklet. 80 gsm offset. Colour of printing: Black. Art Work: As shown on following pages. If re-typeset, the same styles and sizes must be maintained. Manufacturer: Small quantiti

.the next level in bilevel. VPAP” Auto is a compact bilevel device designed to deliver effective therapy as naturally and comfortably as possible. VPAP Auto combines the clinically proven AutoSet” algorithm with the supreme comfort of ResMed's Easy-Breathe” technology to make breathing easier for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), noncompliant CPAP users, and those who require additional pressure support. Packaged in ResMed's compact and convenient S8” design, VPAP Auto is ideal for t

VPAP S uses ResMed’s patented Easy-Breathe motor to make breathing easier for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), noncompliant CPAP users and those who require additional ventilatory support. Big performance in a small package The system is exceptionally compact and convenient, making it ideal for travel or home use. Featuring the Easy-Breathe motor, ResMed’s new technology, VPAP S offers nearly silent therapy, so patients and their bed partners can sleep peacefully throughout the night

Dies ist eine Einwegmaske. Sie ist fur die Kurzzeitbehandlung (maximal sieben Tage) eines einzelnen Patienten vorgesehen und wird danach entsorgt. MEDIZINISCHE HINWEISE Hinweis: Das Maskensystem ist latexfrei. Wenn der Patient auf einen der Maskenbestandteile in IRGENDEINER WEISE allergisch reagiert, unterbrechen Sie die Behandlung. WARNUNGEN • Diese Maske darf nur mit dem von Ihrem Arzt oder Atemtherapeuten empfohlenen CPAP- oder Bilevel-System verwendet werden. Eine Maske darf nur benutzt werd

Offices in Austria, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (see website for details). Hospital Full Face Mask protected by patents: AU 744593, AU 775051, CA 2261790, EP 0956069, EP 1187650, US 6112746, US 6357441, US 6374826, US 6513526, US 6581602, US 6634358, US 6701927, US 7069933. Other patents and design registrations pending. Hospital Nasal Mask patents and design registrations pending. M

• Discontinue using the Mirage Liberty if you have ANY adverse reaction to the mask system, and consult your physician or sleep therapist. • Discontinue using the Mirage Liberty if you experience nasal irritation, and consult your physician or sleep therapist. • Refer to your flow generator manual for details on settings and operational information. Using the Mask Select ‘Mir Full’ or ‘Full Face’ as the mask option when using the Mirage Liberty with ResMed flow generators that have mask setting

If you are experiencing leaks, please ensure that you have followed the fitting instructions carefully. Carry out a quick check after fitting your mask: • Is the mask cushion creased? Creases can allow air to leak out of the mask. • Have you cleaned your mask cushion recently? Oils on the cushion can affect the seal. • Are your headgear straps overtightened? Try not to alter the upper headgear straps once they have been tightened by your clinician. • You may need to slightly adjust the dial. Not