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Catégorie : Projecteurs

Set TURN OFF BE EF 03 06 00 4A 72 01 00 07 22 00 00 TV BE EF 03 06 00 DA 73 01 00 07 22 01 00 FILM BE EF 03 06 00 2A 73 01 00 07 22 02 00 Get BE EF 03 06 00 79 72 02 00 07 22 00 00 3D-YCS Set TURN OFF BE EF 03 06 00 E6 70 01 00 0A 22 00 00 MOVIE BE EF 03 06 00 76 71 01 00 0A 22 01 00 STILL BE EF 03 06 00 86 71 01 00 0A 22 02 00 Get BE EF 03 06 00 D5 70 02 00 0A 22 00 00 VIDEO NR Set LOW BE EF 03 06 00 26 72 01 00 06 22 01 00 MID BE EF 03 06 00 D6 72 01 00 06 22 02 00 HI

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Catégorie : Projecteurs

frequency (kHz) V. frequency (Hz) Rating Signal mode 720 x 400 37.9 B5.0 VESA TEXT 640 x 4B0 31.5 59.9 VESA VGA (60Hz) 640 x 4B0 37.9 72.B VESA VGA (72Hz) 640 x 4B0 37.5 75.0 VESA VGA (75Hz) 640 x 4B0 43.3 B5.0 VESA VGA (B5Hz) B00 x 600 35.2 56.3 VESA SVGA (56Hz) B00 x 600 37.9 60.3 VESA SVGA (60Hz) B00 x 600 4B.1 72.2 VESA SVGA (72Hz) B00 x 600 46.9 75.0 VESA SVGA (75Hz) B00 x 600 53.7 B5.1 VESA SVGA (B5Hz) B32x 624 49.7 74.5 Mac 16” mode 1024x 76B 4B.4 60.0 VESA XGA (60Hz) 1024x

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Catégorie : Projecteurs

Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 USA European Office: Louis Armstrongweg 110,1311 RL Almere, The Netherlands We declare under our sole responsibility that this projector conform to the following directives and norms: EMC Directive 2004/108/EC EMC: EN 55022 EN 55024 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-3 Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC Safety: IEC 60950-1: Ist Edition Trademarks Apple, Macintosh, and PowerBook are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. IBM is a trademark or registered trade

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Catégorie : Projecteurs

The projector's Aspect Ratio setting is accessed through the Resize button on the remote or through the projector's Basic Picture Menu. See page 28 for more information. What is Aspect Ratio? Aspect ratio is the ratio of the image width to image height. TV screens are usually 4:3, which is the default for this projector. HDTV and most DVDs are 16:9. If you're projecting onto a screen, the size/shape of the screen may determine which aspect ratio to use. If you are projecting onto a blank wall,

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Catégorie : Projecteurs

Select a sharpness setting. Color: adjusts a video image from black and white to fully saturated color. The color setting applies to video sources only. Tint: adjusts the red-green color balance in the image of NTSC video images. The tint setting applies to NTSC video sources only. Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the image width to image height. TV screens are usually 4:3. HDTV and most DVDs are 16:9. The default is 4:3. Select Auto to have the projector choose the ratio. Choose N
