Facilité d'utilisation
5. 5. Fill up the bladder with clean hot tapwater. *Do not boil or microwave water as it can destroy the bladder. 6. Replacethetopofthetankbymatchingthelid andtankedges.Handlemustbeintheforward positioninordertoreplacelid.Rotatethehandle tothecarryingpositiontolatchthelid. Note: Remember to secure the lid and test to make sure it is secure before picking up the tank. 7. 7. Place tank into machine base, seating firmly in place. Rotate tank handle back into latched position. Bring machine handle back into upright position. 6. 4. Handle Release Lever 800.237.7691 2. 1. 6 Tip: Thorough vacuuming OperationCarpet cleaning strokes 1. Plug the deep cleaner into a proper outlet before deep cleaning will prevent and turnthepowerswitchON (I).The switch is located on the back of the unit. early clogging of the lint trap. 2. With your foot, press the handle release lever on the back of the lower bodyof unit. 3. While pressing the spray trigger, make one slow forward wet pass and another back. WARNING: Let the BISSELL 2X advanced deep cleaning To reduce the risk of fire formula and DirtLifterPowerBrushdo the and electric shock due to work for you. Caution: Do not over wet. internal component damage, use only BISSELL slow forward and backward pass over the cleaning fluids intended for same area to remove anyresidual dirty use with the deep cleaner. water and aid in drying. Non-BISSELL cleaning solutions may harm the 4. Release the spray trigger and make one 5. Repeat cleaning passes until solution being machine and void pulled up appears clean. Continue passes the warranty. without pressing the trigger until you can’t see any more water being suctioned up. Empty the 2-in-1 water tank/ clean removable nozzle 1. TurnpowerswitchOFF(O).Removethe2-in-1 1. 2. watertankfromthebaseusingthetankcarry handle.Carrythetanklikeabuckettoautilitysink oroutsidewhereyouwilldisposeofthecollection water.Removethetopofthetankbyrotatingthe handletowardthebackofthetanktounlatchlid andliftlidofftank. 2. Empty collection water from bottom of tank. Lint Screen 3. 4. 3. After each use, remove and rinse the lint screen located on the tank lid. 4. Ifnozzleneedstoberinsed:removebygrasping handleattopandpullingforward.Cleanremovable nozzlebyrinsingunderrunningwater. 5. Whenfinishedreplacenozzlebyslightlyraisingfrontofmachinetolineupslotsonthe 5. baseofthemachinewiththehooksonnozzle. Attachatbasefirstandthenclicknozzleinto place. NOTE: If nozzle is not attached properly loss, of suction will occur. 6. To continue carpet cleaning refer back to pages6through8, beginning with“Fill the 2-in-1 water tank” on page 6. 800.237.7691 7 Operation Operation Hard Floor Cleaning Your deep cleaner may have included a hard floor tool and Hard Floor Solutions Formula. The hard floor tool provides effective cleaning for linoleum, vinyl, and tile floors. Caution: Do not use on unsealed hardwood floors. 1. Thoroughly vacuum or sweep floor to pick up anydebris. NOTE: Prior to filling with formula and water be sure all carpet cleaning formula is thoroughly rinsed from tank. floor,theBISSELLhardfloortool 203-5641mustbeusedanditmust onlybeusedwithBISSELLHardFloor SolutionsorBISSELL2XHardFloor Solutionscleaningfluidintendedfor usewiththisappliance. WARNING: Toreducetheriskoffireand electricshock-whencleaningahard 2. FillBISSELL2XHardFloorSolutionsFormulato theindicatedfilllineinthebuiltinmeasuring cupandpourintomouthofbladder. 3. Fillthebladderwithcleanhottapwaterandsetaside. 4. Attachthehardfloortooltothebottom ofthe machinebyhookingitintothenozzleand swingingitdown untilit clicksintoplace. 5. Be sure the ReadyTools dial is set to FLOOR CLEANING. 6. Plug into an outlet and turn the power on. 7. Planyourcleaningroutetoleaveanexitpath. Besuretoallowadequatetimeforfloorstodry. 8. While pressing the spray trigger, make one slow forward wet pass and another back. Caution: Do Not Overwet. 9. Repeatthe motion without pressing the trigger using the hard floor tool to squeegee and suction up the dirty water. 10. When finished, remove hard floor tool, rinse and let drybefore storing. Refer to the Maintenance section below for machine clean up and storage instructions. Maintenance and care Machine care For best results, a few simple steps can assure your machine is well maintained after your cleaning is complete. 1. TurnpowerswitchOFF(O). Unplugthe machine and wrapthe power cord. 2. Afteremptyingthe2-in-1watertank,rinseitout atafaucetwithrunninghottapwater,takingcare tocleanunderneathandaroundtheheavyduty bladder.Cleanoutredlintscreen.Removable nozzlemayberinsedifnecessary. 800.237.7691 4. 8 Anyloose hair or debris can be pulled from the brush roll if desired and thrown away. 5. Wipe the machine’s exterior with a soft cloth. Machine care continued 3. Replace the 2-in-1water tankon themachine. 4. Maintenance and care 6. After carpet is dry, vacuum again to remove hair and fuzz. Machine storage Put the unit away in a closet or basement for th...
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