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Phones Protect the product from moisture (i.e. vases) , and excess heat (e.g.fireplace) or equipment creating strong magnetic or electric fields Disconnect the power cable from the AC supply if the unit malfunctions. Your product is not intended for industrial use. Use of this product is for personal use only. Condensation may occur if your product has been stored in cold temperatures. If transporting the unit during the winter, wait approximately 2 hours until the unit has reached room temperature before using. The batteries used with this product contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Do not dispose of batteries in the general household trash. contents EnG feAtUReS 2 SAfety InfORMAtIOn 3 gettIng StARteD 6 DeSCRIPtIOnS 7 ReMOte COntROl 9 COnneCtIOnS 10 fUnCtIOnS 14 tROUBleSHOOtIng 20 APPenDIx 21 2 Features 2 License 3 Safety warnings 4 Precautions 6 Before reading the user’s manual 6 What’s included 7 Front/Rear Panel 9 Tour of the remote control 10 Installing the wall mount 11 Installing toroidal ferrite HDMI IN/OUT 11 Installing ferrite core to audio cable 12 Connecting the Crystal Surround Air Track 14 Basic functions 15 Advanced functions 19 Software upgrade 20 Troubleshooting 21 Specifications getting started BefOre reaDing tHe User’s ManUaL Note the following terms before reading the user manual. icons used in this manual icon term Definition Indicates a situation where a function does not operate or settings may be canceled. Indicates tips or instructions on the page that help each function operate. caution note safety instructions and troubleshooting 1) Be sure to be familiar with the Safety Instructions before using this product. (See page 3) 2) If a problem occurs, check Troubleshooting. (See page 20) copyright ©2012 Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved; no part or whole of this user’s manual may be reproduced or copied without the prior written permission of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. WHat’s incLUDeD Check for the supplied accessories shown below. The appearance of the accessories may differ slightly from the illustrations above. . POWER TV POWER AH59-02433A TV INFO TV CH TV CH SAT SOURCE SOUND SPEAKER EFFECT SAT MUTE SMART 3D SOUND VOLUME VOLUME S/W LEVEL AUDIO SYNC DIMMERDRCREPEAT TV SOURCE TV VOL TV VOL TV PRE-CH TV EXIT TV MUTE remote control / Batteries (aaa size) Bracket-Wall Mount User Manual (For HDMI cable 1EA) (Large) (Small) (For Audio cable 1EA) audio cable toroidal ferrite core UsB cable . Use the dedicated USB cable to connect external USB devices to the unit. EnG . Description descriptions Front/Rear Panel 5V 500mA HDMI OUT AUX IN HDMI IN 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 DisPLay Displays the current mode. POWer BUttOn Turns the Crystal Surround Air Track on and off. fUnctiOns BUttOn Selects the AUX, HDMI, USB, ARC input. VOLUMe +/-Controls the volume level. UsB POrt Connect here and play files from external USB storage devices such as MP3 players. 6 POWer sUPPLy caBLe Plug the power supply cable into the AC wall outlet. HDMi OUt JacK Outputs digital video and audio signals simultaneously using an HDMI cable. 8 HDMi in JacK Receives digital video and audio signals simultaneously using an HDMI cable. 9 aUX in Connect to the Analog output of an external device. . When you turn on the power of this unit, there will be a 4 to 5 second delay before it produces sound. remote control EnG tOUr Of tHe reMOte cOntrOL POWeR BUttOn Turns the Crystal Surround Air Track on and off. SAt SOURCe Press to select a connected SAT source. (SAT:Surround Air Track) SOUnD effeCt Selects the Sound Effect: (MUSIC, NEWS, DRAMA, CINEMA, SPORTS, GAME, OFF (Original Sound)) SAt MUte Mutes the sound from the unit. Press again to restore the sound to the previous volume level. VOlUMe Adjusts the volume level of the unit. RePeAt Select Repeat File, All, Random. DRC, DIMMeR You can use this function to enjoy Dolby Digital sound when watching movies at low volume at night (Standard, MAX, MIN). You can control the brightness of the Display. COntROl BUttOn Play, pause or stop playing a Music file, or search for the Music file next or back. tV SOURCe Press to select a connected TV's video source. tV PRe-CH Moves to the previous TV channel tV MUte Mutes the sound from the TV. Press again to restore the sound to the previous volume level. POWER TV POWER AH59-02433A TV INFO TV CH TV CH SAT SOURCE SOUND SPEAKER EFFECT SAT MUTE SMART 3D SOUND VOLUME VOLUME S/W LEVEL AUDIO SYNC DIMMERDRCREPEAT TV SOURCE TV VOL TV VOL TV PRE-CH TV EXIT TV MUTE tV POWeR BUttOn Turns your Samsung TV on and off. Anynet+ Anynet+ is a function that enables you to control other Samsung Devices with your Samsung TV's remote control. SPeAKeR This button allows you to choose to listen to audio from the Air track or your TV. (This function supports the via an HDMI cable.) SMARt VOlUMe, 3D SOUnD Regulates and stabilizes the volume level against a drastic volume change. This feature adds depth and spaciousness to the sound. S/W leVel, AUDI...