Instructions Amphony, Modèle 1550
Product Information Product InformationProduct Information RR 5.8 GHz 5.8 GHz5.8 GHz DIGIT DIGITDIGITAL Wireless AL WirelessAL Wireless Audio T Audio TAudio Transmitter / ransmitter /ransmitter / Amplifier AmplifierAmplifier CD Quality Model 1550 Model 1550Model 1550 Tired of wiring your speakers ? Don’t like the look of long speaker cables of your home Tired of wiring your speakers ? Don’t like the look of long speaker cables of your homeTired of wiring your speakers ? Don’t like the look of long speaker cables of your home theater system ? Are you afraid of going wireless because of the low audio quality of theater system ? Are you afraid of going wireless because of the low audio quality oftheater system ? Are you afraid of going wireless because of the low audio quality of 900 MHz analog wireless systems or possible interference from other wireless devices ? 900 MHz analog wireless systems or possible interference from other wireless devices ?900 MHz analog wireless systems or possible interference from other wireless devices ? Then check out the next generation of 5.8 GHz Digital Audio Transmitter / Amplifier Then check out the next generation of 5.8 GHz Digital Audio Transmitter / AmplifierThen check out the next generation of 5.8 GHz Digital Audio Transmitter / Amplifier products from Amp...