Fabricant : Mantis
Taille : 3.65 mb
Nom Fichier : L0904567.pdf

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Facilité d'utilisation
3-4 Maintenance ........................... t 1-12 Safety Decals ....................................... 3 Storage ................................................ 13 Engine & Fuel Warnings ...................... 4 Trouble Shooting & Specifications .......... I4-I5 Assembly and Mixing Fuel ........................ 5-7 Sen.ice Maintenance Guide ................. I5 Starting ..................................... 7-8 Using The Border!Edger Attachment ......... 16 Additional information ................................ 8 MANTIS Tiller L'_sembly Layout .............. 17 What to Do Just in Case .......................... 8 Engine Parts Assemblies ....................... !7-18 Getting to -Your Garden .......................... 9 EPA Phase 2/California Tier III Emission Tilling & Cultivating .................... 9-10 Control Warranty Statement ................. 19 Iine Positioning ........................... 10 Limited Warranty Information ................ 20 Cultivating ................................... i0 SAFETY RULES & "WARNINGS You will notice throughout this Owners Manual Safety Rules and Important Notes, Make sure you understand and obey these warnings for },our own protection, I. Special Safety Information ,t,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,t, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, A WARNING * DANGER A AWARNING _ DANGERA :::ATTENTION: THIS SYMBOL POINTS : TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR ACCIDENTS, .... : OUT OUR IMPORTANT ..... COMPLY WITH THE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS : ::: S AFETYINSTRUCTIONS. : : :: fIN THISMANUAI IW.ENYOUTHiSA SEESYMSOL, FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS IHEED IT'S WARNING!! STAYALERT!! PERSONAL INJURY, AND/OR EQUIPMENT ....: :: : AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.: : .... II. Safety & Warnings _, WARNING ,, DANGER A _, WARNING IMPROPER USE OR CARE OF THIS TILLER OR FAILURE TO WEAR PROPER PROTECTION CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY. The Engine Exhaust from this product contains chemicals known READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION to the State of California to cause AND ALL INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL. cancer, birth defects or other WEAR HEARING AND EYE PROTECTION. reproductive harm, PRODUCT EMISSION DURABILITY The 300 hour emission durability compliance period is the time span selected by the manufacturer certifying die engine emissions output meets applicable emissions regulations, provided that approved maintenance procedures are followed as listed in the Maintenance Section of this manual III. Safety Decal Information .4° important pan of the sa[ety sysLem incorporated in this t_|]er are the warning and information decats fotmd on various parts of the tiller These decals must be replaced in time due m abrasion, elc It is vottr responsibility to replace these decals when they become hard to read The location and part nu_nbers (P/N) of these decals are illustrated on Page _[7 IMPORTANT ENGIP_E INFORMATION "_ EMt$SIO_ .r3MPUAS'CE PER)CO: 300 HOURS THiS ENGINE MEriTS U3, EPA PH2 AND 2035 2005 CALIFORI_IA EMISSION REGULATIONS FOR SOR.s, REFER TO OWNER'S i'aANUAL FOR t_AINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS AF'_D AD3USTMENTS ENGII;E FAMILY : 4EHX_,_214R_ D_SPLA{_EI,tE_tT : 2t-2c€1 [_ __ ........... PtN 4043 EMBSIONCONTROL - ThE_mlsst_)nc0nt_'01 f3nOil_E is EM (Er=Oin_Modification}. _[_tOJO_I}_O]J-B_! Ioc_tedonEngin_ _:/3tBm {0_r this EXAMPLEONLY, intormationor,label wries b),FAMILY) CUTi;{_GHAZARD; KEEP DO NOT CARRY THE READ OWNER'S r,V_NUA[ OON'I FUEL,REFUEL, FEETAND HANDS AWAY TILLERINTHIS BEFORE USI._GTILLER,OR OR CHECK FUEL WHILE FROM ROTATING TINES. POSITION PERFORMII_G ANY REPAIR SMOKINB, OR NEAR Ar| OR MNt_TENN_CE KEEP OPEN P'LAMEOR 50:1 S/_E PLACE SOURCE _ OWNERS V_ANUAt IN A OTHER IGNITIO}_" CALr_tO[_: WHEN ASSEMBUt_R II_CORRECTASSEMBLY tHE HAt,IDLES,MAKE SURE --FUELTANK FACESOPERATOR. THISISTHEBEAR OFTHE WEA,_ EAR A_D EYE MIX UNLEADED GAS TILLER, REFERTO ASSEMBLY PROTECTIOFJ WITH 2 CYCLE 50:1 OIL INSTRUCTION ON PAGE 7 ]IF DtE TILLER IS USEDIMPROPERLYOR SAFETY PREOAUTIONS ARE NOT FO_OWED, [I [ : THEUSERSRISKSERIOUSINJURY'tO THEMSELVESANDOTHERS,READAND :: [I 1:iu_o_nsra,vor,,sMa_ua,_E_OnEroOP_RAr_LLER: arrEMen,vcrn,ST,: iII IV. Warnings -Do's Read and understand the owner's manual Pay particular attention to all sections regarding safety I. Ahvays keep a firm grip on both handles while the tines are mm,ing and/or die engine is running BE AWARE!! The tines may coast after throtde trigger is released Make sure tines have come to a complete stop and engine is off before letting go of the tiller 2. Always maintain a firm footing and good balance Do not overreach while operating the tiller. Before you start to use the liller check the work area for obstacles that might cause you to lose your footing, balance or control of the rrmchine 3, Thoroughly inspect the area where equipment is to be used and remove all objects, which can be thrmwt by the machine 4 Al'_ays keep area clear of children, pets, and bystanders 5. Always stay alert. \.Vatch what you V. Warnings -Don'ts Don't use tiller with one hand Keep both hands on handles with Finge...