Facilité d'utilisation
Don't over.oil. (Reminder: don't use household oll..,Kenmora sewing machine oli,) NOTE: Kenmore Oil/Oiler No, 6890 is available at most Seers retail stores and catalog, REPLACING BOBBIN CAEE _d 1, Make sure needle is above feed dogs, insert bobbin case into shuttle until its Jd groOve fits on shuttle raceway as illustrated, and then snap down into position, Replace both needle plate end bobbin cover plate totheir originalpositions, ! TOp OOVlit'ptltl .........,JL k........................................_ ......... OILING UNDER TOP COVER PLATE Remove top €ove r,plafe by Iooleelng two _ screws (A end B)!II ShOwn at left, T_ place one or two drops of Kenmore sewtng re|chine oil at each point_ OILING UNDERilDE Tilt back machine end remove two bottom €over1 by loosening five Icmwe (A_ B, C, D and E), OILING IN FACE COVER PLATE _wlng face cover plate open end oli points ndlaated by arrows In illustration, !©HANGING LIGHT BUL B I The eewlng light II located Ineide thin faae .0verplate as shown, To replace the bulb, puth switch to off, unplug machine and iwtng the face cover plate open, Push up on the bulb slightly and turn bulb to the left, Withdraw bulb from socket, Push in new bulband turn tq the right, 4. C _our KenmOresewing machine ime pr_lelon mltrurneht,designedto giveyou mall9years of troublefree sewing with minimum malnte nence. If YoUhaveany Performanceprobe shack the/lit below and you'll _ ikl, solve the'problem_ourielf. -.... Itltohel Me Irregular 1, Needle size Is notoorrect for thrUd fabric,. See page 8. 2, Meohine Ii not threaded correotly, page 11end 12, 3, Top thread tension Je too loose. 4, Fibrtc is beirig pu!ted or pushed age mechlne feeding action,. Guide It gently, 8, Premier foot preuups te too light. page 17, 6, Bobbin hue not been wound evenl_ Rewind bobbin (tee page 10), 7. There are nlcki or burrs It needlep opantng, . fleplece needleplete or sac burpswith extra fine Emery cloth, Needle breaks 1, Fabric Is being pu!led or pushed egl machine feeding action, Guido It gently, 2, Needle size Is not correct for thread fabric,. See page 8. 3, Needle Is not nil the way up into nt clamp,. See page 9, 4. Premr foot holder is not fastened eecul , See page 14, Bun©hing of thread 1, TOp end bobbin threads are not drawn t u_der premr foot before starting N Draw both threads back under prelMr _ abount 4" and hold until a few stltohu formed, Fabrlo pu©kere 1: Top thread tension is too ttght,. Decrl top thread teneioM, 2. Proses|' foot pressure le too light, p_ge 17, 3, Two different _=es or types of thread used,. UH same size end type of threac top and in the bobbin, 4, Needle t, bent or blunt,. RoptaGe nero:lie, 5, Presser foot holder is not futened eecut , See page 14, . 6, Fabric i too sheer or too soft . Use u_t of tiSSUepaper, _chino skips ititchH Needle size Is not correct for thread and fabric,. See page 8, Fabric is certain knit or synthetic, • Use "0 NEEI)L.",, end "O FOOT",.. Needle la bent or blunt. • Replace needle, Needle le not |ll the way up into needle clamp.-See NOLO, Top thread ten lion Is too tight. • Decrease top thread tension, Pellet foot prenure is tOo light, -See pag117, 4d{e |breed b!lekl Machine il Itlrtad too flit, • Slam to itttch it i rrldtum Iplad. Machine la not threaded correctly, See _ga 12, Op thread tension Is too tight. -See page 18, Needle size is' not correct for thread and fabric,, See page 8, Eye Of neadla him iharp id_. -Replace needle, There ere nicks or burrs tt needleplete opening,. Replace needlaplate or amooth burrswith eMtrafine Emery cloth, bbin thread trellis Bobbin _se kl not threaded correctly,-See page !1. Lint accumulates In bobbin case or lhuttle, • See page 61, • hln, does rm! fined fabric Presser foot preHure la too light, -See page 17. Thread Is kn_ltd under fabric, Feedcover plata Is attached on rleodle plate, • Remove feed cover plate, chine Jams Thread Is caught in !hurtle, Remove bobbin caseend clean ihUtlla {lee page 51), Needle Isdamugl!_d.. Replace rvledlo, Needle plate ti b_flt, Replace needle plate, _chine will not operlta Hand wheel ti t_ot returned to stitching position,-Push in clutch, Power cord la not connected,. Check plug, Power/light switch II turned off, -Turn on the awitch, ). WITH SLEWING MACHINE Now that you havre puraha_ your Kanmore Sewing Meohlne, ehould a rt_ ever exit for repairpartsor urvloe, almply oontaot any Sum Service Cent_ and most 8earn, Roebuok and Co, Stores, Be sure to provide all pertinent facts when you .11 or vlelt, The model number of your Bewlng Machine wlll be shown on your nomenoleture plata on the back of your Sewlng Mechlne. See page 3 for location, WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: "MODEL NUMBER "NAME OF ITEM 'PART DESCRIPTION If the parts you need are not stocked locally, your order will be electronically tranemltted to a Sears Repair Parte Distribution Center for handling. BEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO,, Chicago, IL 60684 U,S.A. S • 158 Part No. 69637 ...
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