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10 11 3 “Editor Setup” button Click this to open the “Editor Setup” dialog and specify the MIDI Out port settings. “Editor Setup” Dialog This is where you set up the Voice Editor to allow the transmission/reception of voice data to/ from your synthesizer. Click the [OK] button to apply the settings and quit the dialog. Click the [Cancel] button to quit without applying the settings. 1MIDI In Port: ...........Click this and choose the MIDI In port. You can use the Voice Editor to receive data sent from the device connected to this port. 2MIDI Out Port: ........Click this and choose the MIDI Out port. You can use the Voice Editor to control and edit the device connected to this port. nIf you are using a Macintosh, the MIDI Out Port setting is assigned in the OMS Port Setup. For further details, see the section “OMS Settings” (page 31). 3MIDI Ch:..................Click this and choose the MIDI Out channel. This is used when monitoring sounds using the on-screen keyboard in the Edit Windows. 4Device No.: .............Click this and choose the MIDI device number of your synthesizer. 5Dump Interval: .......Click this and choose the interval between successive MIDI dumps. nSetting this to too short of an interval may result in errors when transmitting MIDI data. 21345345Windows Macintosh 4 4 Click this to open the “Transmit” dialog to transmit all settings to your synthesizer. “Transmit” Dialog Voice data can be transmitted in bulk to your synthesizer. Click the [Start] button to begin transmitting the data. The progress bar shows how much of the data has been transmitted. Finally, click the [Close] button to quit the dialog. 1Transmit Type .........Indicates the voice data to be transmitted. User Normal ................ All User Normal Voices User Drum................... All User Drum Voices User Normal + Drum... All User Voices Plug-in 1 ...................... All Plug-in 1 Voices Plug-in 2 ...................... All Plug-in 2 Voices Plug-in 3 ...................... All Plug-in 3 Voices Plug-in 1+2+3 ............. All Plug-in Voices All ................................ All Voices (Normal, Drum, and Plug-in) 2Progress bar ..........Indicates how much of the data has been transmitted. 3[Start] button ..........Click this to transmit the data. 4[Close] button ........Click this to close this dialog. nThe MIDI Device Number has to be set correctly in order to transmit bulk data. For further details, see page 11. 1234 12 5 5 Click this to open the “Receive” dialog to receive all settings from your synthesizer. “Receive” Dialog Voice data can be received in bulk from your synthesizer. Select the bulk voice data you wish to receive, then click the [Start] button. The progress bar shows how much of the data has been received. Finally, click the [Close] button to quit the dialog. 1“Receive Type” ......Click this and choose the Voice data (internal/external/all) to receive. User Normal ................ All User Normal Voices User Drum................... All User Drum Voices User Normal + Drum... All User Voices Plug-in 1 ...................... All Plug-in 1 Voices Plug-in 2 ...................... All Plug-in 2 Voices Plug-in 3 ...................... All Plug-in 3 Voices Plug-in 1+2+3 ............. All Plug-in Voices All ................................ All Voices (Normal, Drum, and Plug-in) 2Progress bar ..........Indicates how much of the data has been received. 3[Start] button ..........Click this to receive the data. 4[Close] button ........Click this to close this dialog. nThe MIDI Device Number has to be set correctly in order to receive bulk data. For further details, see page 11. 1234 13 6 6page 15. 7 “Monitor” button If you click this, bulk voice data will be sent for monitoring on your synthesizer each time you select a voice. Click it again to disable monitoring. n To monitor the voice, you need to play your synthesizer’s keyboard or the keyboard connected to your synthesizer. 8 “Import” button Click this to open the “Import” dialog and import voices from an existing Library file. You can drag-and-drop voices to the Library Window. 14 123465 “Import” Dialog nMore than one of these dialogs can be opened simultaneously. 1 File name:...............Indicates the name of the Library file from which you will import voice data. 2 [Open File] button . Click this to open the “Open File” dialog and select a Librar y file to open. 3 Memory:..................Click this and choose the Memory Bank from which you will import voice data. 4 Voice list .................This area shows all the voices in the selected Memory as a scrollable list, in order of voice number. You can select a voice here and import it directly to the voice list in the Library Window by dragand- drop. (Multiple voices can also be imported this way.) In Windows, you can alternatively copy the voice by selecting it and pressing [Ctrl]+[C] on the computer keyboard, and then switch to the Library Window and press [Ctrl]+[V] at the new location to paste (impor...