JOB TABLE (1) PERFORMANCE PLAY MODE VOICE PLAY MODE CS Assign View Voice Control Edit 1: Oscillator 2: Amplitude EG 1: AEG Level & Rate 2: Level Scaling 3: Sensitivity AEG Data Copy 3: Filter 1: Type, Cutoff Frequency 2: Cutoff, Scaling 3: FEG Level & Rate 4: Filter Sensitivity Filter Data Copy 4: Pitch EG 1: Level & Rate 2: Range, Sensitivity Pitch EG Data Copy 5: LFO 1: LFO 2: LFO Speed Sensitivity LFO Data Copy 6: Controller 1: Pitch Bend Range 2: Modulation Wheel Depth 3: Foot Controller 4:

SampleSongs YMIA Introduction HTML Enables you to take advantage (via the Internet) of the most up to date music software and tools, enhancing your Clavinova experience. Acroread_ Acrobat Reader PDF (Portable Document Format) viewer. Enables you to view each PDF manual for the applications. *1 You can start the application as either a stand-alone software or a plug-in application in the Open Plug-in Technology compatible application. See page 2 on the Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI

Doing so may result in damage to your hearing as well as to your CD player/audio speakers. The applications in this CD-ROM are provided in versions for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. The installation procedure and the applications themselves differ depending on the operating system that you are using. For Windows Folder Name Application/Data Name Contents FileUtil_ File Utility *1 *2 Enables you to manage files in the drive of the MIDI instrument. MIDI Setup Enables you to use the

SampleSongs YMIA Introduction HTML Enables you to take advantage (via the Internet) of the most up to date music software and tools, enhancing your Clavinova experience. Acroread_ Acrobat Reader PDF (Portable Document Format) viewer. Enables you to view each PDF manual for the applications. *1 You can start the application as either a stand-alone software or a plug-in application in the Open Plug-in Technology compatible application. See page 2 on the Acrobat Reader/File Utility/YAMAHA USB MIDI