Facilité d'utilisation
358.797922-32cc 358.797950-22cc 358.797961-22cc 358.797982-32cc Always Wear Eye Protection 8___/A/,q._iCRI:IFTSMl:lN_ GAS POWER BLOWER A WARNING: Read the Operator's F_o__am.,AILW_ _t_.ti__ Manual and SafetyTOvo so 2 Cycle E_gine Fuel Mix I Ca_ Result in Serous Injury. • Assembly • Maintenance • Operation • Repair Parts J, illl illl ,, ,L, Sold by Sdi_,_Ro_b_Lck-a.ffd:__.o.2Ohicagd,_IL60684 USA 153o ............................ |_ : _, -Mc4els 358.7979t_0 & 358.797961 _] Two ears -Modal_ 358.79%922 & 368.797982 [_ For the W_ey Pe_gd sp_Ie_ _ove from the date of purchase, when this Power Blo_zr is maintatued_ _ubric_ted, and tUaed u_ _,| _ warranty excludes blower t_e_, spark plug, a_d air deane_; _ich _xe expendable parts and become worn dufingnvrmai use. _| If this Power Blower m used for commet_dal or rental pur_se_. _ werran_" applies for 90 days. •_| WAF.I_ "TI' SERVIC_ IS AVAILABL_ BYRETUI_LNG THE U2qlT TO THE _AREST SEARS SERVICE _NT_RDEP._RT[ i{ MEriT 1N THE UNITED STATES, This wm'fan_-applie_ only wh_e this product is in use in the United States. _| Thi_ warranty gives _u ._eific legal rights, and yo_ may al_e have o_her tights whiCh _r from s_ate to _-'_le, TABLE OF CONTENTS WAI_NINOS AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .. 3 GENERAL M.a_ITEN._ICE ................. I0 KNOW YOUR UNIT " 4 A. Air Filter .............. . ............. 10 ASSEMBLY ................................ 5 B. Fue! Tank ............................ 10 USING YOUR UNIT ......................... 6 C. Starter Rope ... :_..................... 10 • _ Operator Safety .. ......... :-.......... 6 DoStorage .............................. 12 B. Operating Tips_ -Blower .... :.... ...... . E. T!_b-leShootingChart. ............. _ 12 C. Operating Til_s--Vacuum ..,_ ........ 7 ACCEqSORIES ............. ................. .1_ D. Pre-operation Checks . ............. _. 7 7 REPAIR PARTS LIST ........................ !3 ENGINE INFORMATION .................... 8 QUICK'REFERENCE PAGE .................. 16 A. FuelingYour Engine ... _ _............. 8 PARTS AND SERVICE .............. Back Co_,er B. Starting Instructions .................. 8 C. Carburetor Adjustments ......... _.... 9 SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE TYPE: 2 Cycle Air Coded DISPLACEMENT: _22cc-Model 358.797950 Model 358.797961 32ce-Model 35&797922 Model 358.797982 ENGINE RPM: Operatin" g--7000-7600. All Models Idle--3800-4600- All Models f,,, !So d.s t .......... P LUG: ,, H, ,, .................... Positive Rocker MoD z Auto Rewind 'i!8,6 ft. oz. ............. LUBRICATION: Thr e Rear Muffler Plug Blower Rope -Z _ _ " " |l IIIIIIIIIII *11 I III r ;'me_ =" ' -IIIIIIIIII1_ III iiiiiiiii IJ ill WARNINGS.................................AND SAFETYINSTRUCT!0NS - Failu)_.to follow all Safety Rules and Prdeardions can result in serious injury. A.KNOW YOUR UNIT 6. Never use for apreadin_ chemicals, fertiliz, ers, or any other material w_ich may contain toxic 1. Read your Operator's Manual carefully ur_tfl substance_ you completely understand and can follow all warn 7. Do not set the unit on any surface except a ingsand safety instructionsoperating before unit. clean, hard area to start the engine or while Z. Restrict your unit to users who understand and follow all warnings and safety, instructions in . the engine is running. Debrissuchasgravel. _thls manual. sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air intake and thrown out through the discharge open- B. PLAN AHEAD ing,damagingthe unit, property, or causing serious l"..:_[ways wear eyeproteetion to prevent rocks or injury to bystanders or the operator. ..debris from being blown or ricocheting into eyes and 8, Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in face which can result in blindness andlor other seri unventilated areas or where explosive vaporsor ous mjuryo carbon monoxide build up could be present. 2. Always wear a respirator or facemask when 9. Avoid situations whmh could se_ the collecworking with the unit in di_sty environments. tion bag on fwe, Do not vacuum discarded cigars 3. Always wear heav_ long pants, boots, and or cigarettes or ash,from fireplaces, barbecue pits. gloves. Do not go barefoot or wear short pants, brush piles, etc. To avoid spreading fire, do not use sandals,jewelry,orwith looseclothing,clothing blower nearleafRreplaces, orbrushfires,barbecue loosely hangingstraps, ties,tassels,etc_;they canbe pits, ashtrays, etch. •caught in moving _. Secure;_]_ir so it is above IO.Do not overreach or use from unstable sur. shoulderlength.Beingfullycov6Fedwillhelppro faces such. as ladders, troe_ steepsl_pe_ rooftops, tectyou frompiecesof_ic pla_ts suchaspoison ivy"thrownbytheblade,which couldbemore ofa etc_ Use extra care when'cleaningon stairways. hazardthantouchingtheplantitse]. Keep firm footing and balance at all times. 4, Do not operate the unit when you are fired, ill, ll.Never place objects inside the blower tubes; upset, or ffyou are trader the influence of alcohol, alwaysdirectthe blowingdebrisawayfrom people, drugs, ormedication. anima...
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Les systèmes de ventilation - 358.797950 (1.65 mb)
Les systèmes de ventilation - 358.797982 (1.65 mb)