Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
5. This warranty does not apply to defects resulting from (a) improper or inadequate maintenance or calibration, (b) software, interfacing, parts, or supplies not supplied by HP, (c) unauthorized modification or misuse, (d) operation outside of the published environmental specifications for the product, or (e) improper site preparation or maintenance. 6. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, THE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHER WARRANTY OR CONDITION, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND HP SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some countries/regions, states, or provinces do not allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation or exclusion might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you might also have other rights that vary from country/region to country/ region, state to state, or province to province. 7. HP's limited warranty is valid in any country/region or locality where HP has a support presence for this product and where HP has marketed this product. The level of warranty service you receive may vary according to local standards. HP will not alter the form, fit, or function of the product to make it operate in a country/region in which it was never intended to function for legal or regulatory reasons. 8. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, THE REMEDIES IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. EXCEPT AS INDICATED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL HP OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF DATA OR FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFIT OR DATA), OR OTHER DAMAGE, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE. Some countries/regions, states, or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. 9. THE WARRANTY TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS STATEMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT LAWFULLY PERMITTED, DO NOT EXCLUDE, RESTRICT, OR MODIFY AND ARE IN ADDITION TO THE MANDATORY STATUTORY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT TO YOU. English Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement 25 Chapter 5 HP Scanjet Enterprise 9000 Scanner Copyright et licence © 2009 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. La reproduction, l'adaptation ou la traduction de ce document sans l'autorisation ecrite prealable de Hewlett-Packard est interdite, sauf dans des conditions conformes aux lois relatives au copyright. Les informations contenues dans ce document sont sujettes a modification sans preavis. Les garanties limitees des produits et services HP sont exclusivement presentees dans la documentation accompagnant ces produits et services. Aucun element du present document ne peut etre interprete comme constituant une garantie supplementaire. HP ne pourra etre tenu responsable des erreurs ou omissions de nature technique ou redactionnelle qui pourraient subsister dans le present document. Marques deposees ENERGY STAR est une marque de l'agence americaine de protection de l'environnement (United States Environmental Protection Agency) deposee aux Etats-Unis. Microsoft et Windows sont des marques deposees de Microsoft Corporation. Francais Sommaire 1 Configuration du scanner Verification du contenu de l'emballage.....................................................................................29 Installation du logiciel...............................................................................................................29 Configuration du materiel.........................................................................................................30 Test de l'installation..................................................................................................................32 2 Utilisation du scanner Presentation du scanner...........................................................................................................35 Chargement d'originaux............................................................................................................37 Numerisation et copie...............................................................................................................43 3 Informations supplementaires Guide de l'utilisateur.................................................................................................................45 Aide du logiciel intelligent de numerisation de documents HP.................................................45 Utilitaires Outils du scanner HP - Aide.....................................................................................45 Ressources techniques............................................................................................................46 4 Entretien et assistance produits Erreurs du scanner..........................................................................................................