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Instructions Bushnell, Modèle 98-0703/12-05

Fabricant : Bushnell
Taille : 943.28 kb
Nom Fichier : 8be8639b-fce0-4fe7-aae8-3731d737f111.pdf
Langue d'enseignement: enesfrde
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Facilité d'utilisation

5. Tighten the mounting screws as tight as possible. BORE SIGHTING Bore sighting is a preliminary procedure to achieve proper alignment of the scope with the rifle bore. It is best done using a Bushnell® Bore Sighter. If a bore sighter is not available, it can be done as follows: Remove the bolt and sight throughthe gun barrel at a 100 yard target. Then sight through the scope and bring the crosshairs to the same point on the target. Certain mounts have integral windageadjustments and, when bore sighting, these should be used instead of the scope’sinternal adjustments. If major elevation adjustments are needed, they should beaccomplished by shimming the mount base. ZEROING Final sighting-in of your rifle should be done with live ammunition, based on yourexpected shooting distance. If most of your shots will be at short range, zero-in at100 yards. But, for long-range shooting at big game, most experienced shooters zero-in about three inches high at 100 yards. Three-shot groups are useful for averaging the point of impact. ELEVATION AND WINDAGE ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the covers from the Elevation and Windage Adjustments. 2. Using a coin or screwdriver, turn the slot in the appropriate “UP” (and/or “R”) direction indicated by the arrows. Each “click” or increment on the Adjustment Scale Ring will change the bullet impact by 1/4” Minute of Angle. 1/4 MOA corresponds to 1/4 inch at 100 yards, 1/2 inch at 200 yards, 3/4 inch at 300 yards and so on. ELEVATION ADJUSTMETN DIAL WINDAGE ADJUSTMETN DIAL VARIABLE POWER ADJUSTMENTS To change magnification, simply rotate the Power Selector Ring to align the desired number on the power scale with the Index Dot. When still-hunting or stalking game, a variable scope should be set to the lowestpower. You then have the widest field of view for quick shots at close range. Higher powers should be reserved for precise long-range shots. 12/6/05 4:27:12 PM BAGUE DE SERRAGE DE L’OCULAIRE OCULAIRE REGLAGE DE L’ELEVATION BAGUE DE SELECTION DU GROSSISSEMENT REGLAGE DE LA DERIVE TEPAULE BOITIER DE LA LUNETTE OBJECTIF WARNING: A scope should never be used as a substitute for either a binocular or spotting scope. It may result in your inadvertently pointing the gun at another person. ADJUSTABLE OBJECTIVE LENS This feature (if present on your scope) permits precise focusing, while simultaneouslyreadjusting the parallax-free distance for any range from 10 yards to infinity. To change range focus, turn the Objective Adjustment Ring and align the number with the distanceIndex Dot. An alternative method is to look through the scope and turn the ObjectiveAdjustment Ring until the target, at whatever range, is sharply focused. MAINTENANCE Your Bushnell® Sharpshooter® riflescope, though amazingly tough, is a precision instrument that deserves reasonably cautious care. 1.When cleaning the lenses, first blow away any dry dirt and dust, or use a soft lens brush. Fingerprints and lubricants can be wiped off with lens tissue, or a soft clean cloth, moistened with lens cleaning fluid. WARNING: Unnecessary rubbing or use of a course cloth may cause permanent damage to the lens coatings. 2. All moving parts of the scope are permanently lubricated. Do not try to lubricate them. 3. No maintenance is needed on the scope’s outer surface, except to occasionally wipeoff dirt or fingerprints with a soft cloth. 4. Use lens covers whenever it is convenient. STORAGE Avoid storing the scope in hot places, such as the passenger compartment of a vehicle on a hot day. The high temperature could adversely affect the lubricants and sealants. A vehicle’s trunk, a gun cabinet or a closet is preferable. Never leave the scope wheredirect sunlight can enter either the objective or the eyepiece lens. Damage may resultfrom the concentration (burning glass effect) of the sun’s rays. REPAIR In U.S.A.: If your scope should ever need repair send it postage prepaid to: Bushnell, 9200 Cody, Overland Park, KS 66214.Your name, address and an explanation of the defect must be included. In Canada: Send it postage prepaid to Bushnell Corporation Of Canada, 25A EastPearce Street, Unit # 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2M9. Include your name, address and an explanation of the defect. In Europe: In the event of a defect we will at our option, repair or replace the product. Contact your local dealer to find out where to send your riflescope. Please include yourname, address and an explanation of the defect. Sharpshooter 4LIM.indd 2 TNous vous felicitons d’avoir choisi une lunette de visee Sharpshooter® de Bushnell®. Cet instrument de precision est fabrique avec les meilleurs materiaux et est assemble par des ouvriers tres qualififies pour une utilisation sans probleme dans lesconditions les plus difficiles. L’explication des nombreuses options ainsi que les conseils d’entretien contenusdans ce livret vous aideront a obtenir les performances optimales. Lisezattentivement les instructions avant d’installer et d’ utiliser votre lunette. Les photos ...

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