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Instructions John Deere, Modèle OMGX10742 J9

Fabricant : John Deere
Taille : 1.48 mb
Nom Fichier : a329e1d1-88d9-1134-2593-41272593e74b.pdf

Langue d'enseignement: en

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Facilité d'utilisation

2. Slide snowblower lift handle under rear of lower mounting frame and lift up to raise front mounting brackets into clevises of mounting angles. EF AB Pulltensioningchain(A)totightenlowerV-beltandsecurewithhaircotterpin(B). InstallClutchLinkRod 1.Placethetractorattachmentleverinthedisengaged(OFF)position. ABC 3.Aligntheholeinthefrontmountingbrackets(A)withholeinmountingangleclevis(B)andsecurewithclevispinandhaircotterpins(C). 4.Removethelifthandlefromunderthesnowblower. BCDA 2.Moveidlerarm(A)totheleftsideofthesnowblowerframeandholdagainstthestop. 3.Adjustthelengthoftheclutchlinkrod(B)untilthemountinganchor(C)canbeassembledintotheclutchbellcrank. 4.Attachclutchrodlinkwithhaircotterpin(D). Installing -12 INSTALLING Install Lift Handle AB 1. Slide the lift handle (A) over the end of the lift bar (B) with the grip offset toward the operator’s position of the tractor. 2. Adjust lift height. Install Lift Assist Springs 1. Pull lift handle back to place snowblower in the raised position. EDACB 2. Thread the chain and toggle assembly (A) through the spring anchor bracket (B) mounted on the front of the tractor. 3. Hook one end of the lift assist spring (C) into the hole of the channel box bracket (D) and the other end into the last link of the chain and toggle. 4. Pull the toggle end of the chain and toggle, exerting slight pressure on lift assist spring. 5. Insert large hair cotter pin (E) through chain just above thespringanchorbracket. 6. If chain and spring are not taunt, remove the hair cotter pin, apply a little more pressure and reinstall the hair cotter pin. 7. Assemble lift assist spring on other side of tractor using the same procedure. Install Chute Control Support ABFEDC 1. Assemble chute control rod (A) crank handle through hole in chute control support (B) from the back side of the decal plate. 2. Hook the loop of the chute control rod into the eyebolt of the chute level wind assembly (C). 3. Loosen chute control support bolt (D). 4. Place chute control support over post on chute control support bracket (E). 5. Tighten chute control support bolt into hole in post. 6. Slide plastic handle grip (F) onto handle of chute control rod. Installing -13 REMOVING Removing Snowblower cCAUTION: Avoid injury! Attachment is heavy. Keep hands and feet out from under attachment when removing or installing. NOTE: Storeallhaircotterpinsandclevispinsin snowblowerassemblyforstorage. 1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the Safety Section). E 4.Lowersnowblowerandremovelifthandle(E). BA 2.Loosenchutecontrolsupportbolt(A)thenremovechutecontrolsupportandchutecontrolrod(B)asoneassembly. F 5.Disconnectclutchlinkrod(F)fromtractorattachmentengagementlever. CD 3.Raisesnowblowerandremoveliftassistspring(C) alongwithchainandtoggle(D)fromeachsideofunit. GH 6. Remove upper V-belt from engine drive pulley (G). 7. Use lift handle to relieve weight from clevis pins (H) and remove hair cotter pins and clevis pins from front mounting brackets. Lower upper mounting frame to ground. Removing -14 REMOVING cCAUTION: Avoid injury! When the snowblower is removed, remove any weights that were added to the tractor. JI 8.Rolltractorforwardcarefullyuntilrearofuppermountingframe(I)canbeloweredfrom1/2x2-Inchbolts(J)inmountingangles. 12.Remove any weights that were installed when preparing the tractor. M95942 9. Roll tractor backward off of the snowblower. M95931KLM 10.Remove both left hand and right hand mounting angles (K) from tractor. Replace hardware (L) into holes of mounting angles for storage. 11.Front axle bracket (M) and spring anchor bracket may be left mounted to tractor is desired. Removing -15 OPERATING Before Operating Snowblower • Learn all controls and how they work. Read your Tractor's Operator Manual, if necessary. •STOP engine. • LOCK park brake. •Remove key. • Make operating adjustments as necessary. • Tighten loose hardware. Daily Operating Checklist . Check snowblower for loose fasteners. . Lubricate discharge chute. Controls and Adjustment Levers EFGIHJKABCD A -Snow Deflector B -Snow Deflector Control Handle C -Snowblower Lift Handle D -Attachment Clutch Lever E -Chute Control Rod F -Lift Assist Springs G -Skid Shoes H -Scraper -Snow Augers J -Auger Housing K -Discharge Chute Snowblowing Tips Install tire chains and rear weights on tractor. Adjust runners before you clear snow. Operate snowblower at full throttle. Operate snowblower at safe, SLOW travel speed. Slow down: • On slopes. • When you make turns. • When you throw snow close to buildings or trees. Always transport with the snowblower in the RAISED position and the attachment clutch lever DISENGAGED. Throw snow downwind, if possible. If you hit an object: • STOP snowblower immediately. • Fix damage before you use snowblower again. Before you clean or unplug snowblower: • Move attachment clutch lever to the DISENGAGED position. • STOP engine. • Remove key. • LOCK park brake. • Wait for ALL moving parts to STOP. • Lower snowblower to the ground. • Remove spark ...

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