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Keep this owner's manual handy, so you can refer to it any time. This owner's manual is considered a permanent part of the snowthrower and should remain with the snowthrower if resold. The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Honda Power Equipment Mfg, Inc. reserves the right, however, to discontinue or change specifications or design at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatever. INTRODUCTION

Téléchargements : 3   Taille : 940 kb   Fabricant : Honda Automobiles  
Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

Place an approved gasoline container below the carburetor drain tube, and use a funnel to avoid spilling fuel. Turn the fuel valve to the ON position. 2. Insert a long, flat-tip screwdriver into the access hole on the left side. Locate the carburetor drain screw near carburetor bowl. Loosen (don’t remove) the drain screw until the fuel starts to drain. Drain until the fuel tank is empty, then tighten the drain screw. DRAIN SCREW BBWARNING Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive. You can be bu

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

If the snow is deep, reduce the ground speed. Always operate the snowblower with the throttle set to FAST. Using other throttle settings can reduce performance and clog the discharge chute. Traction The standard turf tires on the mid-size commercial mower power head extend beyond the width of the snowblower. This can reduce the performance of the snowblower. Narrower, AG (bar-tread) tires are recommended for best performance. Never use tire chains. Removing and Storing the Snowblower_SB7038

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

’ l Be careful not to spill fuel when refueling. Spilled fuel or fuel vapor may ig- nite. If any fuel is spilled, make sure the area is dry before starting the engine. l Avoid repeated oc prolonged contact with skin or breathing of vapor. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. GASOLINES CONTAINING ALCOHOL If you decide to use a g’asoline containing alcohol (gasohol), be sure it’s octane rating is at least as high as that recommended by Honda. There are two types of “gasohol”: one containing ethanol, and

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

BEFOREUSINGTHE SNOWTHROWER,READTHEINSTRUCTIONS ON SAFETYANDCLEARLYUNDERSTANDTHEPROPER‘OPERAT- INGPROCEDURE. Pay special attention to statements preceded by the following words: m Indicates a strong possibility of severe personal injury or loss of life if instructions are not followed. CAUTION: Indicates a possibility of personal injury or equipment damage if instruc- tions are not followed. NOTE: Gives helpful information. This manual should be considered a permanent part of the vehicle and shou

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

OIL CAPACITY: 1 .l P (1 .I6 US qt, 0.97 Imp qt) I DRAI\N BOLT LlMlT CAUTION: Used motor oil may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in con- tact with the skin for prolonged periods. Although this is unlikely unless you handle used oil on a daily basis, it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible after handling used oil. NOTE: Please dispose of used motor oil in a manner that is compatible with the environment. We suggest you take it in a sealed co

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

AUGER HOUSING GUARD SNOW REMOVAL CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED AUGER HOUSING GROUND CLEARANCE For general use 6-8 mm (0.24-0.31 in) For use on uneven surfaces lo-30 mm (0.39-1.18 in) For use on flat surfaces 0-5 mm (O-0.20 in) NOTE: Track model only -The position of the height adjustment pedal (p. 14) also affects auger housing ground clearance. Set the height adjustment pedal in the middle position (II) before adjusting the skid plates. HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT PEDAL (Track model only) Use the pedal for adju

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Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

And using this Snowblower is an important responsibility. To help you make informed decisions about safety, ■ we have provided operating procedures and other information on labels and in this manual. This information alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or others. Of course, it is not practical or possible to warn you about all the hazards associated with operating a Snowblower. You must use your own good judgment. You will find important safety information in a variety of form

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Honda Automobiles  
Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

All information in this publication is based on the latest product informa- tion available at the time of approval for printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. This manual should be considered a permanent part of the snowthrower and should remain with the snowthrower if it is resold. Pay special attention to statements preceded by th

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Honda Automobiles  
Catégorie : Souffleuse à neige

-All Rights Reserved I II I II I II I Ill Thank you for purchasing a Honda snowthrower. We want to help you get the best results from your new snowthrower and to operate it safely. This manual contains the information on how to do that; please read it carefully. This owner’s manual describes the operation and maintenance of HONDA snowthrower: HS621 All information in this publication is based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the
