Instructions Motorola, Modèle 2000X
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Aller à la télécharger
Facilité d'utilisation
Pressdownandslidethebatterydoorawayfromcenterofyourpager. c.Matchpositive(+)markingonbatterywithtwo-contactsideofpager’sbatterycompartmentandnegative(-) markingwithone-contactsideofbatterycompartment. d.Ensurelifttabisunderneath, notontopofbattery.Thetabisdesignedtohelpliftbatteryoutofcompartmentwhenyouremoveit. e.Insertbatteryintobatterycompartmentatanangletowardouteredgeofpager, thenpressbatterydownintoplace. f.Foldtheprotrudinglifttabdownontopofthebattery,andslidethebatterydoorbackon. · InstallingtheChargerg.Plugoneendoftransformerintobackofchargerandotherendintoanystandard120Vacoutlet. h.PresspagerfirmlyintochargeruntilitSNAPSINTOPLACE.EnsuretheredLEDlightonthechargergoeson. LEDsLEDs ¶ InstallingtheBatterya.Holdthepagerfacedown. b.Placeyourthumbonarrowincenterofthebatterydoor. Pressdownandslidethebatterydoorawayfromcenterofyourpager. c.Matchpositive(+)markingonbatterywithtwo-contactsideofpager’sbatterycompartmentandnegative(-) markingwithone-contactsideofbatterycompartment. d.Ensurelifttabisunderneath, notontopofbattery.Thetabisdesignedtohelpliftbatteryoutofcompartmentwhenyouremoveit. e.Insertbatteryintobatterycompartmentatanangletowardouteredgeofpager, thenpressbatterydownintoplace. f.Foldtheprotrudinglifttabdownontopofthebattery,andslidethebatterydoorbackon. · InstallingtheChargerg.Plugoneendoftransformerintobackofchargerandotherendintoanystandard120Vacoutlet. h.PresspagerfirmlyintochargeruntilitSNAPSINTOPLACE.EnsuretheredLEDlightonthechargergoeson. LEDsLEDs . Charging the Battery i. Open the front flip on the pager and observe the splash screen. It tells you that the battery is charging to a minimum level. THE SPLASH SCREEN WILL DISPLAY IMMEDIATELY OR MAY TAKE A FEW MINUTES, DEPENDING ON THE CONDITION OF THE BATTERY. As the battery begins to charge, the Red and Green LEDs on the pager will briefly flick on. THIS IS NORMAL. The charging indicator will move across the screen from left to right, until the screen is completed covered. This process usually takes about 10 minutes. j. Leave your pager in the charger until the Green LED on the charger turns on and the Red LED on the charger turns off. This will take another 40-60 minutes but in the meantime, you can set up your pager beginning with page 18 of the User Guide. YOUR PAGER IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL EVEN THOUGH THE BATTERY ISN’T FULLY CHARGED YET. After the battery has charged to a minimal level, the Home screen will display (see page 5). A AAAA PageWriterTM 2000X User’s Manual Motorola, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically disclaims any warranties, express or implied, of merchantability or fitness for any specific purpose. Further, Motorola, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make any modifications to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any party, person, or entity of such revisions or changes. © 1999 Motorola, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personal Communications Sector 1500 Gateway Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426-8292 Printed in the United States of America 4/99 T, Motorola, PageWriter, and FLEX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. All other brand or corporate names are trademarks of their respective owners. MOTOROLA LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This license agreement is a legal agreement between you and Motorola, which includes computer software and associated media and printed materials, and may include “online” or electronic documentation (“SOFTWARE”). By installing, copying or using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this license agreement, promptly return the unused SOFTWARE to the place from which you obtained it for a full refund. The copyrights laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties, protect this SOFTWARE. 1. You may install and use one copy of this SOFTWARE on a single computer. The SOFTWARE may not be used by more than two (2) processors at any one time on the single computer running the SOFTWARE. 2. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE. 3. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its components may not be separated for use on more than one computer. 4. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE. 5. You may transfer your rights under this license, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media, and printed materials and this license agreement) and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. 6. If you fail to comply with the terms of this license, Motorola may terminate this license agreement, without prejudice to any other rights that Motorola may have. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts. 7. Motorola owns all title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE and any copies of the SOFTWARE. Copyright laws and inter...
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