Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
You can either use Window's drag and drop or copy and paste methods to transfer content. CAUTION! Only J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) based programs will run in a phone environment. The J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition) based programs will only run in a PC environment. 4. Double click on « Removable disk » and open. A folder called My media will be displayed. Within that folder there are a further 5 folders. Do not disconnect the phone whilst a file transfer is in progress, doing so may damage the memory and corrupt the file. 5. When you want to disconnect the phone from your PC, use Windows to safely remove the handware and then disconnect the USB cable from the handset. v If you receive a call whilst in mass storage mode, the call will be rejected. Once the handset is disconnected, the KG800 will display information about any calls missed. MMyy mmeeddiiaa In the My media folder you will find the following 5 folders; Music, Others, Photos, Text and Videos. Do not change the names of these folders, doing so will cause content stored in them to not be seen by the handset. MMuussiicc v You can store music files in this folder. v The supported formats are: MP3,AAC,AAC+,AAC++, WMA,MP4(audio). v The files in this folder can be played using the MP3 player and Playlist features of the phone. v If you download an MP3 file to a different folder, it will be not be possible for the phone to locate and play the file. v Do not create subfolders here because the MP3 files contained in that folder will not be found and, therefore, will unable to be played by the music player. v To set an MP3 file as a ringtone then please do the following on the handset: options>Go to MP3 player>options>set a ringtone. My stuff My stuff My stuff OOtthheerrss v Any type of file can be stored here. This folder is mainly used for transporting files from one PC to another. v The handset can preview JPG (Max 460K), GIF (Max 200K). v You can set an image file as wallpaper as long as it does not exceed 30k in size, for other formats please use the PC Suite. PPhhoottooss v This folder is reserved for pictures taken using the phone's digital camera. v Even though photos can be uploaded to this folder from your PC, they will not be available on the phone's photo album or My photos folder. Therefore, we recommend that no photos are uploaded to this folder. TTeexxtt v This folder supports .txt files. If you place non .txt files here then the handset will not display them. V VVi iid dde eeo oos ss v You can download videos taken with the phone's digital camera onto the PC and upload new videos onto the phone. v This folder supports the 3GP file format. v You can upload files of any size until the memory is full. v Files stored in this folder can be accessed by doing the following on the handset: Menu>Multimedia>Video album. Videos Menu 8.2 Show the list of 3GP file. ] Play: You can play the video file when pressing OK key or selecting Play menu of Option menus. ] Send via Bluetooth: Send the selected file to another device via Bluetooth. ] Rename: change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And You can not change the extension of file. WARNING! You can’t use the following characters, \ / : * ? “ < > | ] Delete: Delete a file. ] Delete all: Delete all files in the list ] Information: Show the file information. Photos Menu 8.3 Show the list of JPG files. ] View: You can see the JPG file when pressing OK key or selecting View menu of Option menus. N NNo oot tte ee vThe maximum size of JPG file you can see is 460Kbytes. ] Send via multimedia message: You can write and send multimedia messages. ] Send via email: Send the selected file to another device via email if the file size is less than 300Kbytes. ] Send via Bluetooth: Send the selected file to another device via Bluetooth. N NNo oot tte ee v To setup .JPG (.JPEG) file from Photo folder as wallpaper, go to MenuMultimedia- Photo album and then please select Set as wallpaper in Options menu. My stuff ] Rename: change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And You can not change the extension of file. ] Delete: Delete a file. ] Delete all: Delete all files in the list ] Information: Show the file information. Music Menu 8.4 Show the list of MP3, MP4, AAC, M4A and WMA files. ] Play: You can play the MP3 file when pressing OK key or selecting Play menu of Option menu. ] Send via Bluetooth: Send the selected file to another device via Bluetooth. My stuff My stuff ] Rename: change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And You can not change the extension of file. ] Delete: Delete a file. ] Delete all: Delete all files in the list ] Information: Show the file information. Text Menu 8.5 Show the list of TXT files. ] View: You can see the TXT file when pressing OK key or selecting View menu of Option menus. ] Send via email: Send the selected file to another device via email if the file size is less than 300Kbytes ]...