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Instructions Sears, Modèle 279787

Fabricant : Sears
Taille : 153.62 kb
Nom Fichier : ec9f213c-87f4-437b-ab94-537a55b93379.pdf

Langue d'enseignement: en

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Failure to do so eould result In I I ii1 NOTETOTHEINSTALLER: Thlsm tarkitlsenButho zedFSP_rvicereplscemerltparlloryourapplloation. The motor m this kit may or mw not be Identical to your old motor. If your culTent motor has the pluggable. motor marltch, replaoe the serv|c.e..,motor in the same manner as you removed your dele_llve motor. If your defeolive mof_r has the switch where the w[m lead from the main harness eannects to the motor I" ° "L s_tch Indivklually, carefully follow Instructions below--...... Potent|al Rre Hazard and/or Nulsanoe "l'dpptng of Motor Protector DO NOT under any oiroumstance attempt to remove or replace the motor 8witoh from this p|uggable service motor. The swituh is a non..serviceable.bomponent. Failure to do so oould result in fire, serious injury or death. OVERLOAD I OLD 1. Remove defective motor using standard motor removal proaedures 2. Compare and no_ethe difference between the motor switch of fire delective motor and the switch of the new replaoement motor, ffthe switchesare the same, simply -instal! the motor In reverse order you've -removed the defectivemotor. See Figure 1. 0EFECllVE g01_ NOTE: Overload proteotor Is part of the switch on the replaoBrnent motor and separate on the P,0/JqE / deleotive motor. Corpo_to. 1111H InstrucSon Sheet279788 Rev.A 6/94 34 Positionmotoras shown in Figure 2. Notethe location 13o Connect thet_ack(6M)wke leadOntothe lie" terminal of the motor switch.Secure motor to bradder with the marked "6" onthe motorswitch_,-'_eFigure.3. origim_ motor damps, BLACK "fELLOW, RGURE3 .yVIRING INSTRUCTIONS 14. Reconnectgroundwire to motor. _ee Figure 3_ NOTE: Read =rid follow Instructions carefully. If the unit you are replacing the motor on has the option "_5. All wire lead (_nnections are completeat this point. which included the momentary switches for the drum, you can now reinstall the motor andbracket assembly proceed to section title WlRIN_3JNSTRUCTIONS---into the unit. MOMENTARY SWITCH APPUCATIONt otherwise, proceed to s_ep 4. WIRING INSTRUCTION_ _,_ Connect the blue (4M) wire lead from the broken belt MOMENTARY SWITCH APPLICATION switch to the vacant terminal located on the ba_ of 1_ Connect the blue (4M) wire lead from the broken belt the overload prote_or of _he motor switch. See switchtO the vacantterminal located on the back of Figure 3 the overload protector of the meter switch. See Figure 4. 5o ConneCt the red (1M) wire lead. to 'Jle _/4_ terminal marked "1" onthe motor switch. 'See Figure 3. 6o Connect the red (2M} wire lead to the _/4"terminal Connect the red (1M} wire lead to the _/4°tem]ina! 2_ rr_xked "2" onthe motor sv#ftch.See _Tgure3. m_ked "I" on the motor switch. See Figure 4. "7. Connect the yellow (BK2) wire lead to the vacant termth_J onthe broken belt switch. See Figure 3. Connect the red (2M) wire lead ta the _14"terminal 8. 'To connect the black (6M} wire lead and the while markeO "2" on the meier switch. See Figure 4. (5M) wire lead to the motor switch, you must replace the _/4"female terminalswiththe 1/8" insulated female _erminals includedwith the replacement motor. 4_ Connect the yellow (8K2) wire lead to the vacant 9_ Cut _e _14'female terminal from the black (6M) and terminal on the broken belt switch See Figure 4. white (SM) wire leads as close to the terminaJ as possible with wire eL,tiers. ! O_Strip wires back approxim_,tely _14elan inch. ,5. To connect the purple (3M_ wire lead and the white (5_'_ wire lead to the motor switch, you must replace t"_[h barrel c_mpers, crimp _!_ insulated female: lll e _/4"female terrninalwith the t Is"insulated terminals terminals, ]no4t_dedwith motor, onto the w&'eleads. included wffhthe replacementmotor. _f.'_TE: _ake sure ter_r_inals 8_'ecr_rr_dseeurely _mp_aoe. Cut the t/_,, female terminaJ from the purple (3M) and 2_Connec_thewhite(5M)wlre leadonto_he_/e"termi_al . white (5M) wire leads as close to the terminal as m_rked "5" on the motor sw_teh See Figure 3 possible w_h wire cutters 27.788-A .... 2 7, Strip w_ee back approximately 1/4 of an indl. 8. W_h ba_el crimpers, _lmp _/*" ir_vteted female ten_nlnal$,Inclucleclwith motor, ontothe wire leads NOTE: Make sure terminals are crimped securely In place. 9. Connect the white(SM) wire lead ontothe i/€ terminal marked "5" on the motor swlte,h. See _ 4. 10. Connec_the purple_ wire !ead ontothe 1M terminal ,.a'_d "_"?, the...motor_.... s_ch.seeRg_ur_e 11, RcconneGtgroundwire to motor. See Rgura 4. 12. All wire lead conneotlOns are complete at this polnL You can now reln_tlhe'motor and brackete._embly into unit. _4 ...

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