Fabricant : Audiovox
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Nom Fichier : ebe9613e-83f4-4337-99c2-f34b9d1441c8.pdf
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Facilité d'utilisation
The following parts will be used when installed properly: Two Bead ConDector, Bead Cb~D, Bead CbaiD CoDnector, and Bead CbaiD CoDDector Cover. (Figure 16) 3. Remove clip or pin which retains throttle cable (and washer if provided) and install Two Bead Connector on the same side of throttle cable as the Cable Assembly will be anchored. This is necessary so that Cable Asaeinbly and throttle cable will not cross. 4. The Two Bead may need to be bent so that it clears the throttle cable. (Figure 17) Also, the 4" Tie Strap can be used to hold the Two Bead Connector to the sleeve of the throttle cable. (Figure 17) NOTE: After the Cable Assembly has been Attached, manually move the throttle to assure the Cable Assembly does not hang up on any part of the vehi~le. 1, GM. Ford. and Chrvsler Throttle Usin~THRQ1TLE CLIP WlTHCABLE I. Some OM, Ford. and Cbrysler vehicles have an attachment stud qn ~e throttle pulley . 2. Slide a Bead Chain Connector Cover over the cruise cable, then attach the Bead Chain Connector to the cable. Attac~ the Throttle Clip with Cable to the Bead Chain Connector And slide the Connector Cover over the Bead Chain Connector. (Figure 18) 3. Slide the Throttle Clip over the throttle pulley attachment stud. Push Throttle Clip onto the stud until it snaps firmly onto the Stud. I Throttle Clip with C-able FIGURE 18 Form #4313, Page 13 ~nchoring Cable Assembly I There are three (3) types of connectors used to anchor the Cable Assembly: A. Snap-ln Adapter B. General Motors Blank Anchor C. Threaded Tube Clamp A. Snap-ln Adapter I. To use the Snap-ln Adapter, it will be necessary to fonn threads on the end of the Cable Assembly. This is easily accomplished by placing the 114" -10 Nut on the end of the Cable Assembly with your fingers. Then use a 7116" box end wrench and turn clockwise until the desired amount of threads have been Conned. (Figure 19) 2. After the threads have been formed, screw the Snap-ln Adapter on to the Cable Assembly. (Figure 20) NOTE: Cable Assembly must extend past the end of the Snap-In Adapter on all applications. 3. The Snap-ln Adapter snaps into the square hole of the Enension Bracket (Figure 11) or snaps into an existing square hole on the vehicle -common on GM vehicles. (Figure 21) 114" x 29 ~ Cable ---7116" Box End Wrench OZ~~~~:= 1-3/8" -1-1/2" Formed Threads nGUU 19 Cable Assembly MUST Extend Snap-In Put Adapter Adapter nGUH 20 FonD #4313, Page 14 :~."'""~ INSTALLATION , , lDchoring Cable Assembly (Continued) t General Motors Blank Anchor --, . 1. To locate the blank anchor on General Motors vehicl~, jljs necessary to remove the air cleaner. The blank anchor is located above the throttle anchor . 2. This anchor is hollow except at one end. Use a 114" bit and drill as shown in Figure 23. 3. Before using the 114"-20 Nut, remove the Adjustable Sleeve from the Cable A3sembly. Then use the 114"-20 Nut to fonD threads on the end of the Cable Assembly. This is easily accomplished by first placing the 114" -20 Nut on the end of the Cable Assembly with your fingers and then use a 7116" box end wrench and tucfn clockwise until the desired , amount of threads have been formed. (Figure 19, pa&e 14) 4. Insert the Cable Assembly through the blank anchor and thread the other 114" -20 Nut in place. (Figure 2.4) , -;, , 5. The 114" -20 Nut cali .be used if there is a pre-existing 114" hole in a bracket on the vehicle or if it islX>SSible to drill a 114" hole in a bracket I on the vehicle. (FIgure 26) PROCEDURES I Drill 114" This Side Anchor FIGURE 23 Form 1#4313, Page 15 i .IN1 a'.' :.,;.-,. ,:.: ~ 16~ p.n.n'.'~cb. m " ~ I HbLiR'A Ul~, :~~U~R ES. c T"rellMdT,,~a.. " ,:. , -., " " I. To ~ TbreadCd ~~P. it Win~ c: . necessary to form threads on the end of' the . Cable AJIeIDbly.1bis is casJly accompliShed ~ . first pl'M;ing the 1/4" -20 NMt on the end of1he .: Cable AJIe8b1y with ~ fingers and then use a i 7/16- box end wre..:h -turn clockwi~ ~til the des~ aII1CMIDt~ threads ~ve been formed. (Fi.re 19, pa. 14 ) 2. After the threads have been fonl1ed, a;rew the Threaded ~ Clamp onto ~ c8b1e ~Iy. (Ji'igure 27) . .3. The r.rea.. T*aa8p -be.~ ~ .ancborthe C~ ~b'~ to ~WSUn.t1uottle ..:' ., cable ~. ~re 28) lD~ ~lhe.eis an existing ~ in *r cases you ~dril' ~ 3116- iW)Ie in the br'actel . " ,:' 4. The nreaded T.bc a..pniay .be ua to anchOr theCNile C.able using tIle: r.stt8si08 Bratket. (Fi..re 29) . ~Ie Assembly MUST~ndPast ThrCaded-rUbC Clamp'" nCURI.,21 Bead Chain Cflain COvet -.-"' 4\. I ~. ~ /1iibe ~ ~ .; .~ C.. I ff: .'..' ~ Clai nGtJRI. 18 Fora 14313, Pa&e 16 ~arness Assembly I Push Rubber Cover Grommet securely into place on the cover of the Actuator Assembly. (Figure 30) Straighten the Harness Assembly and find the 4 pin mating connectors. Separate the 4 pin connectors. A small screw driver may be needed. Bamess Assembly needs a 314" hole to pass through bulkhead. You may find one nearby such as the speedometer cable hole or a small one you can file larger. If you find the right size hole ...