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Instructions Mitsubishi Electronics, Modèle WD-62825

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.... .... .... .... Appendix H: Lamp Cartridge Replacement Beforeyoureplacethelampcartridgepleasenotethefollowing: CAUTION:Ifthetelevisionison,pressPOWERtoturnoffandallowthetelevisiontocoolforonehourbeforeattemptingtoreplacethelampcartridge. LAMPLIFEThelightsourceforthistelevisionisalamp,whichispartofalampcartridgeassembly.Theactuallifeofthelampinthistelevisioncanvary,basedonthelampitself,theairtemperaturearoundtheTVwhileitisoperating, andyourviewingpatterns.Warmerairorpoorventilationshortensthelamplife,asdoesturningthetelevisiononandofffrequently. Mitsubishiwarrantsthelampforone(1)yearfromdateoftheoriginalpurchaseatretail.However,itislikelythatthelampwilllastsignificantlylongerthanthis.Whentheendofthelamp'slifeisapproaching,theTVwilldisplayawarningmessageforoneminute,whentheTVispoweredon.Thepurposeofthismessageistoadviseyouthatthelampmayfailsoon.ThiswarningmessagewillcontinuetobedisplayedeverytimetheTVisturnedon,untilthelampcartridgeisreplacedandthelamp'sstatusisreset. Afterreplacingthelampcartridge,whenyoupowerontheTV,themessage"Didyouchangethelamp?PressENTERforYes,pressCANCELforNo"willappear,pressENTERtoreset. Toorderanewlampcartridge,pleasecall(800)553-7278andorderpartnumber915P020010. WARNING: Donotremovethelampcartridgeimmediatelyafterturningoffthetelevision.Youmaygetburnedbecauseofthelamp'shightemperature.Allowthetelevisiontocoolforonehourbeforeattemptingtoreplacethelampcartridge. Donotremovethelampcartridge,exceptwhenreplacing.Carelesstreatmentcanresultininjuryorfire. Donottouchthelampelementdirectly.Itmaybreakandcauseyoutohaveinjuriesorburns. Besurenottoinsertanymetalorflammableobjectintothelampcartridgeopening,asitmaycausefireorelectricalshock.IfanyobjectisinsertedintotheopeningunplugtheACcordoftheTVandcontactyourdealerforservice. Installthelampcartridgesecurely.Failuretodosomaycauseafire. Thelampinthisproductcontainsmercury.Disposalofmercurymayberegulatedduetoenvironmentalconsiderations.Fordisposalorrecyclinginformation,pleasecontactyourlocalauthoritiesortheElectronicIndustriesAlliance:Appendix H: Lamp Cartridge Replacement, continued ReplacingtheLampCartridgeToolneeded:Phillipsscrewdriver1.TurnthetelevisionoffandunplugtheACcord. 2.Openthefrontpanelbypressinginthecenteroftheglossypanel,abovethediamond.Thepanelwilllowerandyoucanaccessthelampcartridge. 3.Usingaphillipsscrewdriver,removethethreescrews(oneontheleftandtwoontherightside) thatholdtherecessedplasticcoverinplace. 4.Removetheplasticcoverandsetasidewiththescrews. 5.Afterremovingthecover,youwillbeabletoseethelampcartridge.Withthescrewdriver, loosenthethreescrewsofthecartridge. Thethreescrewswillnotcompletelyremove. 6.Gentlygraspthemetalhandleandpullstraightout(towardsyou). 7.InsertthenewlampcartridgesecurelyintotheTV.Donottouchtheglasssurfaceofthecartridge. 8.Withthescrewdriver,tightenthescrewsonthelampcartridge. 9.Replacetheplasticcoverandscrews. 10.Closethefrontpanelbypushingitbackintoplace. 2. 3.4. Toorderareplacementlampcartridge, partnumber915P020010,call(800)553-7278. screws handle 5. 6. Troubleshooting Problem Possible Solution 1. The TV remote control does not work. • Check that the batteries are installed correctly. • Check that the selected switch is set to “TV”. • Be no further than 20 feet from the TV when using the remote control. • Program the remote control to operate the TV (Appendix C). 2. The TV takes several seconds to respond. • It is normal for digital channels to take longer to tune in. • Press ENTER after a channel number to avoid delays. • Use a 4 digit number for an over-the-air digital channel • Use a 6 digit number for cable digital channels 3. Cable provider needs information to start CableCARD™ service. • On the remote control, press TV MENU and then enter the numbers 999 to display the Host ID and CableCARD™ ID information. 4. You cannot access a channel. • Use number keys instead of CHANNEL up/down. • Be sure the channel you want to view is in memory. See page 65. • Check that the TV is turned to the correct device or antenna for that channel, by pressing the DEVICE button. • Make sure the V-Chip lock is off. • If tuned to Digital channels, have physical channel in memory. 5. On-screen displays appear each time you change a function. • This is part of normal TV operation. 6. You cannot program the TV to turn on automatically (timer function) • The TV may be locked. • The clock may not be set. 7. There is no sound even when the volume is turned up. • Check audio source in Device Menu. • Check to see if the MUTE button is on. • The TV’s “Listen to:” setting may be set to SAP. • Check that the “TV Speakers” setting is On in the Audio/Video menu. 8. NetCommand unable to learn specific device keys. • Device does not use IR format for remote control signal. ITT and RF formats cannot be learned. • Room lighting may affect the signal. Have the remotes very close (6 inches or less) to the TV during Learning. • If using a Mitsubishi remote control make sure slide switch is not set to TV position. • Some but ...

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