Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
• Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. Make appropriate adjustments. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. NOTE! GG You cannot adjust colour, sharpness and tint in the RGB-PC/HDMI-PC mode. GG When the EExxppeerrtt 11//22 is selected, you can select BBaacckklliigghhtt(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), CCoonnttrraasstt, BBrriigghhttnneessss, HH SShhaarrppnneessss,, VV SShhaarrppnneessss, CCoolloouurr or TTiinntt.. PICTURE IMPROVEMENT TECHNOLOGY You can calibrate the screen for each Picture Mode or set the video value according to the special video screen. You can set the video value differently for each input. To reset to the factory default screen after making adjustments to each video mode, execute the “Picture Reset” function for each Picture Mode. Image shown may differ from your TV. PICTURE Move OK • Contrast 90 E • Brightness 50 Screen • Sharpness 70 • Colour 60 • Tint 0 • Picture Reset R • Advanced Control G FF Medium GG Medium Low Screen PICTURE Colour Temperature FF Medium GG Dynamic Contrast Medium Dynamic Colour Low Noise Reduction Medium Gamma Medium Black Level Auto Real Cinema On TruMotion 100Hz Low Eye Care Off Close E Colour Temperature Dynamic Contrast Dynamic Colour Noise Reduction Gamma Black Level Film Mode Close E Medium Medium Auto On L LLC CCD DD T TTV VV/ //L LLE EED DD L LLC CCD DD T TTV VV o oon nnl lly P PPyy l lla aas ssm mma aa T TTV VV o oon nnl lly yy 1MENU PICTURE Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. 3 2 OK OK Select A AAd ddv vva aan nnc cce eed dd C CCo oon nnt ttr rro ool ll. Select your desired Source.: C CCo ool llo oou uur rr T TTe eem mmp ppe eer rra aat ttu uur rre ee, D DDy yyn nna aam mmi iic cc C CCo oon nnt ttr rra aas sst tt, D DDy yyn nna aam mmi iic cc C CCo ool llo oou uur rr, N NNo ooi iis sse ee R RRe eed ddu uuc cct tti iio oon nn, G GGa aam mmm mma aa, B BBl lla aac cck kk L LLe eev vve eel ll, E EEy yye ee C CCa aar rre ee(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), R RRe eea aal ll C CCi iin nne eem mma aa(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), 4 F FFi iil llm mm M MMo ood dde ee(Plasma TV only), ,, T TTr rru uuM MMo oot tti iio oon nn 1 110 000 00H HHz zz or T TTr rru uuM MMo oot tti iio oon nn 2 220 000 00H HHz zz(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), C CCo ool llo oou uur rr G GGa aam mmu uut tt, E EEd ddg gge ee E EEn nnh hha aan nnc cce eer rr, x xxv vvY YYC CCC CC or O OOP PPC CC(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only)). ..( ((R RRe eef ffe eer rr t tto oo p pp. .. 1 112 221 11 t tto oo 1 112 222 22) )) Make appropriate adjustments. • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. PICTURE CONTROL EXPERT PICTURE CONTROL By segmenting categories, E EEx xxp ppe eer rrt tt1 11 and E EEx xxp ppe eer rrt tt2 22 provide more categories which users can set as they see fit, offering the optimal picture quality for users. This may also be used to help a professional optimize the TV performance using specific videos. Image shown may differ from your TV. Screen PICTURE FF Off GGDynamic Contrast Noise Reduction Off Gamma Medium Black Level Auto Real Cinema On TruMotion 100Hz Low Colour Standard SD Colour Gamut Standard Edge Enhancer High Close E FF Off GGDynamic Contrast Noise Reduction Off Gamma Medium Black Level Auto Film Mode On Colour Standard SD Colour Gamut Standard Edge Enhancer High xvYCC Auto Close E PPllaassmmaa TTVV oonnllyyLLCCDD TTVV//LLEEDD LLCCDD TTVV oonnllyy OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTURE E Picture Mode : Expert1 Intelligent Sensor Vivid Standard Natural Cinema Sport Game Expert2 Expert1 PICTURE CONTROL 1MENU Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. 3 2 OK OK 4 OK 5 OK Select P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. E EEx xxp ppe eer rrt tt1 11 or E EEx xxp ppe eer rrt tt2 22. Select Select E EEx xxp ppe eer rrt tt C CCo oon nnt ttr rro ool ll. Select your desired Source. 6 Make appropriate adjustments. • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. *This feature is not available for all models. Colour Temperature [Advanced Control] (Warm/Medium/Cool) Dynamic Contrast (Off/Low/Medium(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only)/High) ¦ Choose one of three automatic colour adjustments. Set to warm to enhance hotter colours such as red, or set to cool to make picture bluish. ¦ Adjusts the contrast to keep it at the best level according to the brightness of the screen. The picture is improved by making bright parts brighter and dark parts darker. Dynamic Colour (Off/Low/High ) Noise Reduction (Off/Low/Medium/High) Gamma (Low/Medium/High) Black Level (Low/High) Eye Care (On/Off) Real Cinema/Film Mode (On/Off) TruMotion 100Hz or TruMotion 200Hz (Off/Low/High ) ¦ Adjusts screen colours so that they look livelier, richer and clearer. This feature enhances hue, saturation and luminance s...
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