Instructions Cadet, Modèle EBKA-1-24
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IMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONSDescriptionTheEBKA-1-24endcapthermostatkitisanaccessoryfortheEBHASeriesofhydronicbaseboardheaters. Thiskitwillprovidethermostaticcontroloftheheaterinplaceofawallmountedthermostat. Note:TheEBKA-1-24endcapthermostatcanonlybeinstalledontheleftendofheater.ItisdesignedtocontrolonlyoneEBHAheaterunit. FIGURE1:ThermostatkitassemblyJunctionboxcoverToolsRequired:PhillipsScrewdriver,InsulatedWireConnectors(WireNuts®),StrainreliefconnectorEBKASoftHeatThermostatINSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSSAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONSEBHAHeaterEBKAThermostatIfyouareuncomfortableworkingwithelectricalappliances,unabletofollowtheseguidelines, ordonothavethenecessaryequipment;consultalicensedelectrician. WARNINGTurntheelectricalpoweroffattheelectricalpanelboard(circuitbreakerorfusebox)andlockortagthepanelboarddoortopreventsomeonefromturningonpowerwhileyouareworkingontheheater.Failuretodosocouldresultinseriouselectricalshock,burns,orpossibledeath. IMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONSDescriptionTheEBKA-1-24endcapthermostatkitisanaccessoryfortheEBHASeriesofhydronicbaseboardheaters. Thiskitwillprovidethermostaticcontroloftheheaterinplaceofawallmountedthermostat. Note:TheEBKA-1-24endcapthermostatcanonlybeinstalledontheleftendofheater.ItisdesignedtocontrolonlyoneEBHAheaterunit. FIGURE1:ThermostatkitassemblyJunctionboxcoverToolsRequired:PhillipsScrewdriver,InsulatedWireConnectors(WireNuts®),StrainreliefconnectorEBKASoftHeatThermostatINSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSSAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONSEBHAHeaterEBKAThermostat TEL: 360-693-2505 Fax: 360-694-8668 P.O. Box 1675 Vancouver, WA 98668-1675 READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY INFORMATION. WARNING! Risk of electrical shock. Turn off all power at the electrical panel board supplying power to the heater before doing any electrical wiring. WARNING! Do not hit or damage the temperature limit sensing switch on this heater. WARNING! Do not operate the heater without the front cover in place. IMPORTANT! It is extremely important that you verify the electrical supply wires are the same voltage as the heater (i.e. 120 volt heater to 120 volt power supply and 240 volt heater to 240 volt power supply). InstallationInstructions 1. Remove the heater front panel by lifting up and pulling out on the bottom edge of the front panel. Set the front panel aside. 2. Remove the junction box cover at the left end of the heater by removing the screw (See Figure 1). Keep screw for future use. 3. If you are installing the EBKA-1-24 thermostat kit as part of a new installation, proceed to Step 6. 4. Disconnect the power supply wires and remove the wiring strain relief device from the heater. 5. Remove heater from the wall by lifting the heater off the mounting brackets. It is best to replace the thermostat while the heater is not mounted. 6. Remove the existing left end cap or EBKA-1-24 thermostat kit by removing the screw and clip located on the back of the heater and sliding the end cap away from the heater. Keep screw and clip for future use. 7. Attach the new EBKA-1-24 thermostat kit with the indicator light on top by sliding it onto the heater, making sure no wires are caught between the thermostat and heater. Secure in place using the screw and clip previously removed in Step 6. 8. Route power supply wires through the wiring knockout hole and secure to heater using the strain relief connector. If this is a new unit, refer to the EBHA owner’s guide for instructions on how to install the heater. 9. Attach heater to the wall mounting brackets, making sure the power supply wires are not pinched between the wall and the heater. 10. Connect one red wire from the thermostat to one power supply wire. Connect remaining red wire from thermostat to remaining power supply wire. 11. Connect one black wire from the thermostat and one black wire from the PILOTLIGHTELEMENTTERMINALSLIMITCONTROLEBKA-1-24THERMOSTATSUPPLYWIRESBLACKBLACKREDREDCRIMPCONNECTORCRIMPCONNECTOR indicator light to one black wire from the heater. Connect the remaining black wire from the thermostat and black wire from the indicator light to the remaining black wire from the heater. 12. Connect ground to grounding screw provided in junction box. Note: All wires must be used. 13. Inspect all wire connections to be sure they are fastened securely. Push wiring back into the junction box and re-attach the junction box cover using screw previously removed. 14. Reattach the heater front panel and turn the thermostat to the lowest position. 15. Restore power at the electrical panel board (circuit breaker or fuse box). 16. Rotate the thermostat control knob to a higher setting until the indicator light turns on. IMPORTANT: All wiring must comply with all local electrical codes. Operation How to operate your thermostat 1. Once installation is complete and power has been restored, turn the thermostat knob to the highest position. 2. When the room reaches your comfort level, slowly turn the thermostat knob down to a lower setting until the light goes off or a click sound is heard. The heater will auto...