Facilité d'utilisation
The tax modifier(s), I LC OPEN] , and [PR OPEN] keys may be operated with the 1STR CPN] key if necessary. 2. The |ITEM CORR| key is effective to delete the store coupon item entered through a department. VENDOR COUPON (Mode Lock: REG or 0; or MGR if so programmed) Department or PLU entries COUPON AMOUNT[ —»|VND CPN| —»--- \ ~ ; _ —( ITX/M i if the IVND CPN i tax status is to be reversed.) NOTE: Quantity extension is not possible with the [VND CPN| key. BOTTLE RETURN (motorized fBTL RTN~1 key) (Mode Lock: REG or 0 ; or MGR if so programmed) DEPT or PLU entries —> |BOTTLE RETURN AMOUNT| —» |BTL RTN|-»--- NOTES: 1. The BOTTLE REURN AMOUNT must not exceed the sub-total, or if | BTL RTN | key is programmed to be taxable, must not exceed the taxable item total, unless the ’’Credit Balance" option is selected. 2. The tax modifier(s) may be operated if necessary. BOTTLE RETURN (non-motorized |BTL RTNI key) (Mode Lock: REG or □; or MGR if so programmed) IBTL RTN| —> |PRESET DEPT I —>--- |BTL RTN|-»|BOTTLE RETURN AMOUNT| -»|OPEN DEPT]--- NOTES: 1. Other declaration keys except IRTN MDSE I and I VOID I may function along with the |BTL RTN] key. 2. The tax modifier(s) or [SI/M| key may be used to modify each department status through which the bottle return amount is entered. The j BTL RTN | key itself does not have tax or SI status. 3. Quantity extension is possible, but split pricing is not. - 24 - PREVIOUS BALANCE, CHARGE POSTING (Mode Lock: REG or 0) 1. TO INITIATE CHARGE POSTING WHERE NO PREVIOUS BALANCE EXISTS: 0—»IPB+1 (or (PB-|) —>---Follow the second line of the operation below. 2. CHARGE POSTING WITH A PREVIOUS, BALANCE FIRST ENTERED (PRE-SELECT) ¡PREVIOUS BALANCE|-»[PbTI (or fPB^I if the balance is negative) —»(Additional registrations if any) —>( | TXBL T~l] ) —> | Chg |- Displays only the sale total with taxes of the additional registrations. Displays the entire sale total including PB and taxes. 1TRFI ... to transfer all the balance as a new balance IR/A I 1AT/TL I ...if paid all in cash 1CHK TNDI ...if paid all in check AMOUNT paid; (for a payment, partially or entirely) AMOUNT AMOUNT PORTION PAID IN CHECK| —»|CHK TNDI C : ( | AMOUNT PORTION PAID IN CASH | )-> [AT/TL | ... if payment is combined with check and cash ŒD NOTES: 1. The operation is finalized on a media key when the indexed amount total reaches the amount declared through the |R/AI key. 2. If the amount entered prior to the 1 CHK TND 1 or |AT/TL j is already larger than the amount delcared by the |~R/A) , then it is finalized with the change computation. . when the balance is negative and must be paid back to the customer in cash. 3. PERCENT CHARGE ADDED TO A PREVIOUS BALANCE | PREVIOUS BALANCE ] —» fPBTI —»( | MANUAL RATE | )-^» [%7| ^--- 4. CHARGE POSTING WITH A PREVIOUS BALANCE ENTRY DURING SALE (POST-SELECT) A previous balance may be entered not only before other sales items but also after or between them if the [Chg | key has not been depressed. Multiple previous balance entries are possible within a sale. - 29 - MANUAL TAX ENTRY (Mode Lock: REG or 0) | TAX AMOUNT | —»[~TAX] NON-TAXABLE ITEM TOTAL READ (Mode Lock: REG or 0) 1 DEPT 1♦..1 DEPT] —»1 TAX| —?---... The total of the non-taxable item(s) so far entered within the sale is displayed. It is usually not printed, but programmable to print if required. SELECTIVE ITEMIZER READ (Mode Lock: REG or 0) I DEPT | . . . | DEPT | —> | SI/tIT| —»---••• The selective item total is displayed and printed on the receipt and journal. NOTES: 1. It may be programmed not to print the selective item total on the receipt. 2. The content of the selective itemizer is cleared on the depression of the ]SI/TLI key. 3. If a percent rate is programmed on the 1 SI/TL 1 , the amount calculated on the rate is automatically printed and added to or subtracted from the sale. 4. If the "SI/TL Compulsion" option is selected, only a finalizing operation is allowed after the [SI/TLI key depression. TAX EXEMPTION (Mode Lock: REG or 0) I DEPT 1 ...1DEPfl •—» 1 EX1—»Finalization ... to exempt all the taxes |DEPT 1♦..|DEPT 1 —»|TXl/M1 —»[EX 1 —»Finalization ... to exempt TAX 1 only |DEPT 1 ...|DEPTl —»1TX2/M| —>[EX| —»Finalization ... to exempt TAX 2 only DESIGNATED VOID (MOde Lock: REG or 0; or MGR if so programmed) .VOID I —»|PRESET DEPTl —»--- |PRICE TO be voided|->|VOIDl->(OPEN DEPT I —»--- I VOID]—»I DEPT PRICE TO BE VOIDED| —» jOPEN DEPTl —»|% CHARGE RATE TO BE VOIDED ALONG WITH THE DEPT PRICE| — [%+\ I VOID| —» j PRESET PLU CODE| —»|PLU1-» I VOID 1 —> |OPEN PLU CODE| -» [PLU| -»|PRICE TO BE VOIDED| —»|AMT| [ (A |%+1 or jkey operation may follow, just as in the above, if necessary.) NOTES: 1. Designated voiding cannot be made on a department that has been preset as a negative department. 2. Unless the "Credit Balance" option has been selected, voiding to result the sale total into negative will go into an error. - 26 - RECEIPT SAMPLES NO-SALE REC...
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