Facilité d'utilisation
Position: Stand up tall and don’t lean too far forward or too far back. Upper Body: Ideally you should use a light grip on the handlebars or the ergo bar. This should be enough just to assist in your balance. If you grip with a lot of force you will actually reduce your total Work Load. Repeatable effort Level: Above we mentioned that as your fitness improves, your “effort level” should decrease. That is still true, we mean that we need to measure your Effort Level in a repeatable manner. We are measuring your Heart Rate and comparing that against your calculated maximum heart rate (220 – your age.) Try to avoid doing the following before taking the Fitness Test: 1. Heavy exercise 12 hours prior to taking the test. 2. Eating meals or drinking caffeine product 1 hour before the test 3. If you are sick or are on the verge of sickness. The best way to tell if you are “ready to test” is to check your heart rate while standing. For subsequent tests always repeat this and look for your heart rate to be within 7 beats of this “standing heart rate.” If you notice that your heart rate is higher than normal, and if you have not been previously exercising, eating, or drinking caffeine products, then it may be a good idea to exercise at an easier level that day, or maybe even take a “rest day.” p 2 fiTneSS TeST 0 WORKOUT InSTRUCTIOnS Tc6000 Program overvieW HeART RATe COnTROL PROGRAM The Heart Rate Control Program controls the speed of the belt so that you’re heart rate is brought steadily up to a Heart Rate Training Zone. For this program you must wear a Heart Rate Transmitter Strap. In the program setup, you will be asked to Enter your Workout LEVEL, WEIGHT, Workout TIME, and Age. The minimum time for the Heart Rate Control Program is 20:00. You will be asked to enter the warm up speed. Set the speed using the + / - keys for your warm up. The warm up period lasts for 2:00. You will see this as the TIME data will count down from 2:00. At the End of the Warm-up period, the Message Bar will display: “HEART RATE CONTROL ON”. Now the TC 6000 console will automatically adjust the speed so that your heart rate steadily increases until it is in the Heart Rate Zone. If your Heart Rate moves above the zone, the speed will be decreased. With 3 minutes to go in the program, the speed will be reduced. This begins the “Cool Down” period. noTe: If the console stops receiving your signal for any reason, the heart rate control function will turn off and the SPeeD will remain constant. BODY MASS InDex (BMI) The Body Mass Index is a standard formula that estimates if you are below, above, of at your “ideal weight range.” This formula is stated as: BMI = Weight (in kg) / Height2 (in meters2). While it is generally accepted that the formula is not perfect, it is used as a starting point. It is used in practice by the CDC and the World Health Organization. We include this calculation to help you answer the question “how much weight should I try to lose?” This program is a “calculator” that not only tells you your Body Mass Index, but will also tell you your ideal weight range based on your height. To run this program, simply use the + or – keys to select “BMI”. Input your height in inches (if console is set up for English units) and your weight in pounds. The console does the rest. We include this program to help give you a starting point to determine you own weight target, however we encourage you to investigate on your own, the limitations of this formula. bowflex advantage™ Having the Bowflex Advantage™ feature is like having your own personal trainer. This feature tracks your total workout volume, stores previous (last 5) Fitness Tests, and keeps an eye on your weight loss progress. Once you are set up as a user, simply press the BOWFLEX ADVANTAGE™ key. noTe: To use the Bowflex advantage™ feature, you must first be registered in the uSer SeTuP (Page 35). The Bowflex Advantage™ program will show you the following information. 1. TOTAL WORKOUTS: to qualify as a workout your time must be greater than 5 minutes. 2. TOTAL HOURS: This measure the total number of hours that you have exercised. 3. TOTAL MILeS (or Kilometers if in Metric Mode): This represents the total number of miles you have exercised. 4. STARTInG WeIGHT: This is your Starting Weight. The weight you entered during USER SETUP. 5. TARGeT WeIGHT: This is your Target Weight. Running the BMI program will give you a guideline as to your “ideal weight range.” p 8 hearT ConTrol Bowflex® TreadCl mber® Assembly and Owner’s Manual Tc6000 boWfleX advanTage™ 6. CURRenT WeIGHT: Each time you enter an exercise program, you will be prompted to enter your Current Weight. 7. POUnDS FROM GOAL: This tells you how many pounds (or kilograms) you need to loose to reach your Target Weight. 8. STARTInG BMI: This is automatically calculated when you perform the USER SETUP. 9. CURRenT BMI: This is your Current” BMI which is based on your Current Weight. 10. LAST FITneSS SCORe: This keeps track of you...
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