Instructions Victor, Modèle 930-2
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GRAO-DEG 29 Iprg») Angular conversion of data DEG-»RAD~*GRAD->DEG 29 1x^7) Register exchange 33 0 Clearing the last entered digit 12 œ*3 Fix the number of digits after decimal point 33 (H3) Floating notation 33 fscT) Scientific notation : 33 (éng] Engineering notation 33 BASE - N KEYS KEY Functions Page (pc) Decimal 21 Güö Binary 21 CM) Hexadecimal 21 (qct) Octal 21 Œ3-CÈ3 Hexadecimal numbers entry 21 [and] And 26 Or 26 [xor] Exclusive Or 26 IxwörI Exclusive Nor 26 füör) Not 26 (nëg) Negative 24 -2- FUNCTION KEYS KEY Functions Page GüD Sine : 29 j cos ] Cosine 29 QanJ Tangent 29 Uln-'j Arcsine 29 (cos3 Arc cosine 29 Qan3 Arc tangent 29 (hyp| Hyperbolic 30 GÜD Common logarithm 31 m Common antilogarithm 31 ÜE3 Natural logarithm 31 QD Natural anitlogarithm 31 GQ Square root 32 CBD Square 32 Fraction 19 S3 Cube root 32 GEI Reciprocal 32 ra Factorial 32 CZD Power 31 SD Root 31 m Rectangular to polar 34 EH Polar to rectangular 33 cs Percent 20 -3- STATISTICAL KEYS KEY Functions Page dS Statistical data mode 35 IdÄTÄ) Data entry 35 dim Data delete 35 CS Sample standard deviation 35 [03 Population standard deviation 35 cn Arithmetic mean 35 CID Number of data 35 □SD Sum of value 35 □¡D Sum of square value 35 Preface Congratulations on your purchase of the 930-2 scientific calculator from Victor Technology. Victor has been serving customers since 1918. Today, Victor offers a complete line of printing, handheld, desktop, scientific, and financial calculators. For more information please see our website at or call us at 1-800-628-2420. Victor: The Choice of Professionals A Spanish version of this instruction manual is available at . Una version en espanol de este manual de instrucciones esta' disponible en Copyright © 2008 by Victor Technology LLC Ail rights reserved. INDEX 1. GENERAL GUIDE........................... .......7 2. ORDER OF OPERATIONS AND LEVELS 10 3. CALCULATION RANGE AND SCIENTIFIC NOTATION ..............................................................11 4. CORRECTIONS......................... ............12 5. OVERFLOW OR ERROR CHECK .. ......... 13 6. BATTERY REPLACEMENT....................................................14 7. NORMAL CALCULATIONS........ ............16 8. BINARY/OCTAL/DECIMAL/ HEXADECIMAL CALCULATIONS..............................21 9. FUNCTION CALCULATIONS.........................28 10. STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS......................................35 11. SPECIFICATIONS 38 -6- 1. GENERAL GUIDE 1-1) Modes To put the calculator into a desired operating mode,_ press [MODE|first, then[ BIN],[ост1,[РЕс].[НЕХ[ог{ SD| [ MODE) [bin] - “BIN” is displayed. Calculations and conversions are performed in the Base-2 mode (Binary). [ MODE11 OCT] - “OCT” is displayed. Calculations and conversions are performed in the Base-8 mode (Octal). [ MODE I [dec] -Calculations and conversions are performed in the Base-10 mode (Decimal). ( MODE J [hex] - “HEX" is displayed. Calculations and conversions are performed in the Base-16 mode (Hexadecimal). [ MODE] [ SD ] -“SD” is displayed. Change to the statistical calculations mode. Pressing of [ AC [ key at any moment will clear all the memories and display contents and return the calculator to Bass-10 mode (Decimal) and angular unit in DEG. 1-2) The display M 1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Of") E : . ¡NV HYP BIM OCT HEX SD DEG RAD GRAD I_ I Mantissa Exponent LCD Diagram The display shows input data, interim results and answers to calculations. The mantissa section displays up to 10 digits. The exponent section displays up to ±99. -E- Error Indication (see page 13) INV Pressing of INV M Something is being stored in the memory (see page 18) HYP Pressing of HYP (see page 30) BIN, OCT, HEX BASE-N mode (see page 21} SD Statistical calculations (see page 35) DEG, RAD, GRAD Angular unit (see page 29) FIX Decimal places of a displayed value is being designated (see page 33) SCI Converts a displayed value to exponent display (see page 33) -8- ENG Converts a displayed value to exponent display of which exponent is a multiple of 3 and mantissa is between 0 to 999 (see page 33). FLO Convert a SCI or ENG form display to normal display value (see page 33). 45-12 J123 45-12/23 (see page 29) 12°3’45.6".. : 12°3'45.6" (see page 29) Exponent displays The display can show calculation results only up to 10 digits long. When an intermediate value or a final result is longer than 10 digits, the calculator automatically switches over to exponential notation. Values greater than 9,999,999,999 are always displayed exponentially. 2. ORDER OF OPERATIONS AND LEVELS Operation are performed in the following order of precedence : 1. Functions 4. +, - 2.y\»/ÿ,R->P, P->R 5. AND 3.x, + 6. OR, XOR, XNOR Operations with the same precedence are performed from left to right, with operations enclosed In parentheses performed...
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