Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :

Facilité d'utilisation
Creating a host
Creating a Commonly
other useful Cli Commands
Provisioned virtual volume
In this quick start guide:
NOTE: Download and review 3PAR Implementation
help: lists CLI command categories.
VV =
Virtual Volume
Guides before adding or modifying hosts. The guides
• To create a CPVV, issue createvv –snp_cpg
help –search
CPG = Common Provisioning Group
can be found at http://www.3pardata.com/support.
help text with the supplied regular expression
TPVV = Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volume
CPVV = Commonly Provisioned Virtual Volume
NOTE: The -domain
VLUN = Virtual-LUN
required if you are using 3PAR Domains.
showcpg: displays the system’s common
SV =
Snapshot Volume
provisioning groups.
• To create a host with a Fiber Channel path, issue
exPorting a virtual volume
createhost –domain
showdomain: displays all system domains.
For complete information about the following
• To create a host sees VLUN template, issue
commonly used terms, refer to the 3PAR InForm OS
showhost: displays system host definitions,
Concepts Guide.
including any newly discovered, unassigned, host
• To create a host with an iSCSI path, issue
Virtual Copy - a copy (snapshot) of a virtual volume
createhost –domain
created using copy-on-write techniques.
• To create a port presents VLUN template, issue
showlicense: shows license information.
Physical Copy - a copy (snapshot) of all data from
a base volume onto another base volume. The
showpd: shows drive information including failed
performance of the volumes are identical.
Creating a Common
• To create a matched set VLUN template, issue
drives and their locations.
Host - a set of WWNs of the physical ports on a
Provisioning grouP
showspace -t
amount of space available to build a volume.
NOTE: The -domain
showsys: displays system information.
required if you are using 3PAR Domains.
Creating a virtual CoPy
showversion: displays information about the
Getting Started with the
• To create a CPG, issue createcpg
InServ Storage Server’s software.
InForm CLI
NOTE: Requires the 3PAR Virtual Copy license.
showvlun -a: shows all active VLUNs.
• To create a snapshot of a VV, issue
For complete information about the procedures
showvv: shows all virtual volumes.
described in this guide, refer to the 3PAR InForm
showvv –cpg
OS CLI Administrator’s Manual. For complete
all virtual volumes belonging to the common
information about the CLI commands used in
Creating a virtual volume
Creating a PhysiCal CoPy
provisioning group that matches the specified name
this guide, refer to the InForm OS Command Line
or pattern.
Interface Reference.
• To create a VV, issue createvv
• To create a physical copy of a VV, issue
createvvcopy –p
showvv –tpvv: displays all thinly provisioned
virtual volumes.
Creating a domain
tunevv: changes VV properties.
Creating a thinly Provisioned
Requires the 3PAR Domains license.
virtual volume
• To create a domain, issue
NOTE: Requires the 3PAR Thin Provisioning license.
• To create a TPVV, issue createvv -tpvv
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