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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................3 2. FEATURE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................3 3. PACKAGE CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................3 4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................

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Using hot keys can increase your productivity as you do not have to take your hand off the keyboard so frequently, e.g. to use the mouse. The available hot keys depend on the keyboard model and the operating system used. The following list shows the icon on each hot key and the standard assignment of the hot keys. 6-2. Description of Multimedia Key Zone Play/Pause Play or pause media. Once paused, press this key again to resume playing. Stop Stop playing media. Previous Track Skip to the previou

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Catégorie : Périphériques d'entrée

DESCRIPTION OF MULTIMEDIA KEY ZONE...........................................................................................5 6-3. DESCRIPTION OF INTERNET KEY ZONE ................................................................................................6 6-4. DESCRIPTION OF WINDOWS KEY ZONE ...............................................................................................7 8. TROUBLESHOOTING.....................................................................................
