Facilité d'utilisation
1.DisconnectelectricalpowertotheHVACandshutoffwatersupply. 2.Disconnectthewaterlineattheinletcompressionnut. 3.Removethein-linestrainerfrominsidetheinletsideofthevalvebyusingasmallnailorwire. 4.Flushthein-linestrainercleanorreplacewithanewstrainer,PartNo.4004.5.Reconnecttheinletwaterline.DoubleWrenchtoPreventLeaking. 6.Disconnectthewaterfeedtubeattheoutletcompressionnut. 7.Inspectthewaterfeedtubebygentlyflexingitandlookingforcracksorsignsofwear.Replacetubeifitiscracked,brittle, orhasbeendamaged. 8.Inspecttheorificeinthewaterfeedtubeandmakesurethesmallopeningisunplugged. 9.Reconnectthewaterfeedtube.DoubleWrenchtoPreventLeaking. 10.Removethedrainlinefromthebottomofthehumidifier.Ifapplicable,flexittoloosenanymineraldepositsorblockages.Flushthedrainlinewithwaterunderpressuretoclearitofanydebris,andslipitbackontothedrainfitting. Ifdrainlinedoesnotflowproperly,replaceit.Inspectthedrainlinetomakesureithasaconstantdownwardslopeandisnotflattenedorblocked. 11.TurnonwatersupplyandreconnectelectricalpowertotheHVAC. WATERLINEINSPECTIONANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONS INLETCOMPRESSIONNUTINLET SOLENOID VALVE ORIFICEOUTLET COMPRESSION NUTIN-LINESTRAINERWATERFEED TUBE90-1053 -12--13- REQUIRED MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (APRILAIRE HUMIDIFIER MODELS 350 & 360) (APRILAIRE HUMIDIFIER MODELS 400A & 400M) WARNING CAUTION MODELS350& 360 MODEL400SERIES Suddenoperationmaycausepersonalinjuryorpropertydamage. TurnHumidifierControltoOFForlowestsettingbeforeservicing. 120voltsmaycauseseriousinjuryfromelectricalshock.Disconnectpowerandshutoffwatersupplybeforeservicing. 35249 1. Inlet Grille 7618 2. Distribution Tray 3. Scale Control Insert 4. Distribution Tray Cover 5. Water Panel Evaporator 6. Drain Spud 7. Power Cord 8. Metal Housing 9. Water Panel Evaporative Assembly 1. Note Manual Humidifier Control setting and turn dial to the “OFF” position. 2. Disconnect electrical power and turn off water supply. 3. Remove inlet grille screws (1). Remove grille from metal housing (8). 4. Lift the Water Panel evaporative assembly (9) out of the humidifier housing (8). 5. To remove the distribution tray (2) from Water Panel evaporative assembly (9), push down on tray and pull out scale control insert (3). To clean the “V” openings of the tray, gently pry the distribution tray cover (4) from the tray. Lightly scrape out or brush off any mineral deposits, being careful not to stretch or loosen the synthetic fabric liner. Soaking the tray in vinegar or a lime-removing agent is helpful when trying to remove stubborn mineral deposits. 6. Slide the Water Panel evaporator (5) out from the scale control insert (3) and dispose of the Water Panel. Clean the scale control insert of mineral deposits. Replace the Water Panel evaporator (Stock No. 35) with a Genuine Aprilaire Water Panel. Slide the Water Panel back into the scale control insert (3) and snap the distribution tray cover (4) into the distribution tray (2). Then snap the distribution tray back into the scale control insert. 7. Inspect the plastic feed tube by gently flexing it and looking for cracks or signs of wear. Replace tube if it is cracked, brittle or has been damaged. 8. Remove the drain line from the bottom of the humidifier and flex it to loosen any mineral deposits or blockage. Then flush it with water under pressure. If it does not properly clear, replace it. Slip the drain line back onto the drain fitting (6). Make sure the drain line has a constant downward slope and is not flattened or blocked. 9. Reinstall Water Panel evaporative assembly (9) and intake grille (1). 10. Reconnect electrical power (7) and turn on water supply. 11. Turn up Manual Humidifier Control and check system operat...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Humidificateurs - 500M (817.44 kb)
Humidificateurs - 350 (817.44 kb)
Humidificateurs - 360 (817.44 kb)
Humidificateurs - 400A (817.44 kb)