Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
If you move your finger off the Zoom lever, the operation sound of the Zoom lever may be also recorded. Focussing may become unstable during zooming. In this case, set the zoom before recording and lock the focus by using the manual focus, then zoom in or out during recording. ^page 42 The minimum possible distance between camcorder and subject while maintaining sharp focus is about 1 cm (about 0.39 inch) for wide angle and 50 cm (about 19.68 inch) for telephoto. Optical zoom preserves the movie quality, but during digital zoom the quality of image may suffer. When you zoom into a subject close to the lens, the miniDV camcorder may automatically zoom out depending on the distance to the subject. In this case, set "Macro" to "On." ^page 54 w ED vol O № H ÀeiToupYÎa Zoup eivai 5ia0éoipQ oïouç ïpônouç ÀeiïoupYÎaç Camera Kai M.Cam. ^oeÀiôa XpQOiponoihoïe ïq ÀeiToupYÎa Zoup Yia eYYpaÿh anô Kovïivh anôoïaoQ h eupuY^via £YYpa9H. • AuTfi n PivïeoKâpepa miniDV eniïpénei ïqv £YYpa9H pe XphOQ onïiKoü Zoup 34x Kai YQ9iaKoü Zoup l200x. ria ^sysGuvan lüpeïe to poxÀô Zou^ npoç Tn 0£oq T (ïQÀe^aKôç). (EvaÀÀaKïiKa, peïaKivhoïe npoç Ta kcitw to Joystick (T) oto noveÀ ïnç o0ôvnç LCD.) ria a^ÎKpuvan Iüp£ï£ TO pOXÀÔ ZoUM npoç ïn 0£OQ W (£üpüYWviOÇ). (EvaÀÀaKTiKa, peïaKivhoïe npoç Ta enàvu) to Joystick (W) oto naveÀ ïnç O0ôvnç LCD.) 'Ooo nio paKpia oüpeTe to poxÀô Zoup, tôoo nio ypHYOpa 0a yivei to Zoup. Bepaiw0eÎTe ôti to 5âKTuÀô oaç napap£vei oto poxÀô Zoup. Eav anopaKpüveïe to 5âKTuÀô oaç anô to poxÀô Zoup, ev5£xeTai va eYYpa^ei o hxoç xeipiopoü tou poxÀoü Zoup. H eoTiaon pnopei va napouoiaoei aoTa0eia ôïav KaveTe Zoup. le auïhv tqv nepinTwon, opioïe to Zoup npiv anô tqv eYYpa^h, KÀeiôwoTe tqv eoTiaon p£ow Tnç ÀeiToupYÎaç pn auTôpaTnç eoïiaonç Kai, otq ouv£xeia, £kt£À£ot£ peY£0uvoQ h opÎKpuvon KaTa tqv eYYpa^h. *oeÀi5a 42 H eÀaxiOTn ôuvaïh anôoïaon peïaÇü tqç pivïeoKâpepaç Kai tou 0£païoç pe 5iaThpnon tqç euKpiveiaç, KupaiveTai nepinou oto 1 cm Yia eupuY^vio ^aKô Kai OTa 50 cm Yia TQÀe^aKô. To onTiKô Zoup 5iaTnpei tqv noiôTQTa tqç Taiviaç, aÀÀa KaTa tq xphon tou ^n^iaKOü Zoup, n noiôTQTa tqç eiKôvaç ev5£xeTai va peiw0ei. Oïav KaveTe peY£0uvoQ evôç avTiKeip£vou kovto oto ^aKô, n pivTeoKâpepa miniDV ev5£xeTai va eKTeÀ£oei auïôpaTa opÎKpuvon avaÀOYa pe tqv anôoTaoQ anô to avTiKeipevo. le pia T£TOia nepinTwon, 0£ot£ tq pü0piOQ "Macro" oto "On". *oeÀi5a 54 37_ English WIDE ®^=0=(ï] Greek 37 SEARCHING QUICKLY FOR A DESIRED SCENE (SETTING THE ZERO MEMORY) (VP-D382( i )/D382HD385( i ) ONLY) • The zero memory function works in both Camera and Player modes. •page 18 • You can mark a point on a tape that you want to return to following playback. iioeiç eyypayhÇ i2iL_ 1. Set the Select switch to TAPE. (VP-D385( i ) only) 2. Press the MODE button to set Camera ( itf ) or Player ( O ). 3. Press the ZERO MEMORY button on the remote control before the recording or during playback at the point where you wish to return. • The time code is changed to a tape counter that is set to zero memory with the zero memory ( E 0:00:00 ) indicator displayed. • If you want to cancel the zero memory function, press the ZERO MEMORY button again. 4. Finding the zero position. • When you have finished playback, fast forward or rewind the tape in stop mode.The tape stops automatically when it reaches the zero position. • When you have finished recording, press ” wmi® ^ the MODE button to set Player ( (3 ) and press the 44 (REW) button. The tape stops automatically when it reaches the zero position. 5. The tape counter with the zero memory ( E ) indicator disappears from the display and the tape counter is changed to the time code. C7T7I • In the following situations, zero memory mode may be cancelled [gj automatically: - At the end of the section marked with the zero memory function. - When the tape is ejected. - When you remove the battery pack or power supply. • The zero memory may not function correctly where there is a break between recordings on the tape. • The zero memory function is available only using the remote control. 38_ English ”°( dill) tap (VP-D385( i ) only 1 c o c> SELF ZERO (in) w. PHOT^ 4 TIME o Û rl 0 O rPHrOPH ANAZHTHIH MIA! ZYrKEKPIMENHI IKHNHI (PYQMIIH TOY ZERO MEMORY) (MQNTEAA VP-D382( i )/D382H/D385( i ) MONON) H AeiToupyia onM^iou evap^n? eivai 5ia9eoi^n otou? Tponou? AeiToupyiag Camera Kai Player. *-oeAi5a 18 MnopeiTe va enionMcweTe eva onpe^ oe pia KaoeTa oto onoio 9eAeTe va enioTpepTe peTa Tnv avanapaywyq. TonoGeTQoTe to 5iaKonTn EniAoYfa oTn Geon TAPE. (povTeAo VP-D385(i) povov) naTnoTe to Koupni MODE yia va eniAe^eTe Camera (J|) n Player . naTqoTe to Koupnl ZERO MEMORY oto TnAexeipioTHpio npiv Tnv eyypa^n Q kotC Tn SiapKeia th? avanapaywyn? oto onpeio nou GeAeTe va enioTpepTe. • O KwSiKo? xpovou aAAaZei oe evav peTpnTQ Taivia? o onoio? opiZeTai oe zero memory pe Tnv ev5ei£n (E 0:00:00) (ev5ei£n zero memory). • Eav GeAeTe va anevepyonoinoeTe Tn AeiToupyla onpeiou eva...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Caméscopes - VP-D382 (8.7 mb)
Caméscopes - VP-D385 (8.7 mb)
Caméscopes - VP-D381 (8.7 mb)
Caméscopes - VP-D381I (8.7 mb)