Facilité d'utilisation
Zkontrolujte, zda nedochazi inkoust nebo Write protected Not formatted Write error Read error Not supported format Memory Stick is protected to write. Format the memory card. Failed to write. Failed to read. The format is not supported. Unlock the Memory Stick. Check the memory space or format the memory. Delete the file. The AVI or JPEG file that is not supported. Check the supported file on the page 30. Not supported format (Nepodporovan. format) (Nenaformatovano) Write error (Chyba zapisu) Read error (Chyba ateni) Format neni podporovan. Naformatuje pamuEovou kartu. Zapis se nezdafiil. ateni se nezdafiilo. Soubor AVI nebo JPEG neni podporovan. Zkontrolujte, zda je soubor podporovan. na stranu 30. Naformatujte kartu Memory Stick. Zkontrolujte misto v pamuti nebo zformatujtepamuE. OdstraAte soubor. MPEG decoding error The video file is corrupted. Delete the corrupted file. Write protected (Ochrana proti zapisu) Karta Memory Stick je chranuna proti zapisu. Odemknute kartu Memory Stick. MPEG decoding error (Chyba pfii dekodovani MPEG) Video soubor je po‰kozen.. OdstraAte po‰kozen. soubor. . If these instructions do not solve your problem, contact your nearest Samsung . Pokud nelze problem pomoci tuchto pokynU vyfie‰it, kontaktujte nejbliI‰iho prodejce spoleanosti Samsung nebo autorizovane servisni stfiedisko (personal). dealer or authorized service centre/personnel. 128128 The power is not connected properly The battery is dead The battery is too cold The Date/Time is not set Symptom Possible Causes Measure Connect the AC adapter properly, page 24 Replace the dead battery pack Warm up the battery or move to warmer place Set the Date/Time, pages 90~91 No power is supplied Date/Time is wrong Napajeni neni fiadnu zapojeno. Baterie je vybita. Baterie je pfiili‰ studena. PoloIka DATE/TIME < Datum / aas> neni nastavena. Pfiiznak MoIne pfiiainy Opatfieni Pfiipojte fiadnu napajeci adapter, viz strana 24. VloIte nabitou jednotku baterii. Zahfiejte baterii nebo se pfiesuAte na teplej‰i misto. Nastavte poloIku DATE/TIME < Datum / aas> , viz strany 90-91. Chybi pfiivod napajeni. Udaj DATE/TIME < Datum / aas> je chybn.. ENGLISH CZECH Troubleshooting OdstraAovani problemU 129129 Symptom Possible Causes Measure Focus does not adjust automatically The Memory Stick will not load properly Colour balance of picture is not natural Digital zoom does not work Files stored in the Memory Stick cannot be deleted Images on the LCD monitor appear dark Rear of the LCD monitor is hot Play, rewind and fast forwarding do not work Memory Stick cannot be played back (Photo mode) No picture is taken when is fully pressed Built-in Light will fire Cannot Record a video LCD screen turns off External Camera Module does not operate (VP-X105L/X110L only) Focus is set to manual mode Recording was done in a dark place Lens is covered with condensation Memory stick is in wrong position Something fills in the Memory Stick slot White balance adjustment is required Digital special effect is applied Memory Stick is protected File is locked Ambient is too bright Ambient temperature is too low Prolonged use of LCD monitor The Photo Mode is selected The Video Mode is selected Not enough free memory space is remained Memory card is formatted by different devices Light is forced to cancel Light is not available for recording The ‘Photo Mode’ is selected To save power consumption, the LCD screen and Camera’s power turns off if there is no button operation for a certain period of time (depending on operation mode), which is not a malfunctioning Battery is exhausted Set focus to AUTO Use strobe or lit the place Clear the lens and check the focus Insert the Memory Stick properly, page 34 Clear the Memory Stick slot Set proper white balance, page 67 Turn off the digital special effects, page 54 Remove the protection tab of Memory Stick Remove the lock on the file, page 84 Adjust the brightness and angle of LCD Low temperatures might produce a dark LCD display This is not a malfunction Close the LCD monitor to turn if off, or turn your device off to cool down Select ‘Video Mode’ and select ‘Play’ Select ‘Photo Mode’ and select ‘View’ Delete files from the Memory Stick Format the Memory Stick on the CAM Select different Light mode, page 64 Select ‘Video Mode’ Operating any button will turn the camera on Pressing the button once again will operate its function Battery Replacement Pfiiznak MoIne pfiiainy Opatfieni Nefunguje automaticke zaostfiovani. Kartu Memory Stick nelze fiadnu zasunout. VyvaIeni barev snimku neni pfiirozene. Nefunguje digitalni zoom. Nelze odstranit souboryuloIene na kartu Memory Stick. Snimky se na LCD monitoru zobrazuji tmave. Zadni aast LCD monitoru je horka Nefunguje pfiehravani a rychle pfievijeni vpfied a vzad Nelze pfiehrat obsah karty Memory Stick (vreIimu Photo mode < ReIim Fotografovani> ). Pfii uplnem stisknuti pfiistroj nefotografuje. Spusti se zabudovane svutlo. Nelze nahravat video. Displej LCD se vypne Externi kamerov. modul nepracu...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Caméscopes - VP-X105L (4.29 mb)
Caméscopes - VP-X110 (4.29 mb)
Caméscopes - VP-X110L (4.29 mb)