Facilité d'utilisation
. UOI‡: (1) eO‰OOA‰EIEUA O O‚O‰ .IAIU OOEU‡IEfl I .IAIU E.AOIOE OAUE. COU‡‚.UA ‚A .IEE IOIA. OOA‰EIEUAI.IOE OI‡OUEI° OAUA‚O„O ‡‰‡OUA ‡ OA AI. UOI‡ ‚‚A .I.. .‡OU. ·‡U‡ AEIOE UOU‡IO‚O.IOE OO‚A .IOOUE. c‡EIEUA I‡ OOA‰EIEUAI.IU. OI‡OUEIU, U‡I, .UO·° OI‡ O EOOA‰EIEI‡O. I‡‰AEIO. i·A‰EUAO., .UO C° ‰‚‡E‰° UOI°.‡IE .AI.OI. (2) iOU‡IO‚EUA OAIAIUO ‚ OOIOEAIEA VTR (DC OUT). WARNING The mains lead must only be changed at qualified service shop. PRECAUTION The set is not disconnected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is connected to the mains, even if the set itself has been turned off. eeONieeOUNOcaO eAUA‚OE O O‚O‰ OIA‰UAU A‡IAIflU. UOI.IO ‚ I‡OUA OIOE I‚‡IEUE.E O‚‡IIO„O O·OIUEE‚‡IEfl. eeONeeiOeOUOcaO N‡II°E ‡OO‡ ‡U IA OUII..‡AUOfl OU EOUO.IEI‡ OEU‡IEfl OA AI. UOI‡, OOI‡ OI OO‰OOA‰EIAI I .IAIU E.AOIOE OAUE, ‰‡EA AOIE O‡I ‡OO‡ ‡U OUII..AI. CCD-TR501E/TR502E/TR620E 3-859-127-13.E/R Using alternative power sources aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‡I.UA I‡UE‚I°. EOUO.IEIO‚ OEU‡IEfl Using alternative power sources aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‡I.UA I‡UE‚I°. EOUO.IEIO‚ OEU‡IEfl Notes on the POWER lamp • The POWER lamp will remain lit for a while even if the unit is unplugged after use. This is normal. • If the POWER lamp does not light, set the selector to VTR (DC OUT) and disconnect the mains lead. After about one minute, reconnect the mains lead. To remove the adaptor The adaptor is removed in the same way as the battery pack. Using alkaline batteries Use the supplied battery case and six LR6 (size AA) Sony alkaline batteries (not supplied). (1) Remove the battery holder from the battery case. (2) Insert six new alkaline batteries into the battery holder, following the marking on the holder to be sure the batteries are installed in the correct direction. (3) Insert the battery holder with the alkaline batteries. (4) Insert the battery case with the alkaline batteries to the battery mounting surface of the camcorder in the same way as the battery pack. e EIA.‡IEfl I I‡IOO.IA POWER • a‡IOO.I‡ POWER ·U‰AU OOU‡‚‡U.Ofl „O fl.AE I‡IOA-UO ‚ AIfl, ‰‡EA AOIE ‡OO‡ ‡U ·U‰AU OUOOA‰EIAI OOOIA EOOOI.AO‚‡IEfl. uUO fl‚IflAUOfl IO I‡I.I°I. • OOIE I‡IOO.I‡ POWER IA A‡„O ‡AUOfl, UOU‡IO‚EUA OAIAIUO ‚ OOIOEAIEA VTR (DC OUT) E OUOOA‰EIEUA OAUA‚OE O O‚O‰. e E·IEAEUAI.IO .A AA O‰IU IEIUUU OIO‚‡ OO‰OOA‰EIEUA OAUA‚OE O O‚O‰. NIfl OIflUEfl ‡‰‡OUA ‡ A‰‡OUA OIEI‡AUOfl U‡IEI EA O· ‡AOI, I‡I E ·‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI. aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA .AIO.I°. ·‡U‡ AAI aOOOI.AUEUA O EI‡„‡AIU. ·‡U‡ AEIU. I‡IA U E .AOU. .AIO.I°. ·‡U‡ AAI Sony LR6 ( ‡AIA OI AA) (IA O EI‡„‡.UOfl). (1) eIEIEUA ·‡U‡ AEI°E ‰A E‡UAI. O ·‡U‡ AEIOE I‡IA °. (2) COU‡‚.UA .AOU. .AIO.I°. ·‡U‡ AAI ‚ ·‡U‡ AEI°E ‰A E‡UAI., OIA‰Ufl OOIAUI‡I I‡ ‰A E‡UAIA, OO‰U‚A E‰‡fl, .UO ·‡U‡ AEIE UOU‡IO‚IAI° ‚O ‡‚EI.IOI I‡O ‡‚IAIEE. (3) iOU‡IO‚EUA ·‡U‡ AEI°E ‰A E‡UAI. OO .AIO.I°IE ·‡U‡ AEI‡IE. (4) iOU‡IO‚EUA ·‡U‡ AEIU. I‡IA U OO .AIO.I°IE ·‡U‡ AEI‡IE I‡ ·‡U‡ AEIU. UOU‡IO‚O.IU. OO‚A .IOOU. ‚E‰AOI‡IA ° U‡IEI EA O· ‡AOI, I‡I E ·‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI. 1 2 3 CCD-TR501E/TR502E/TR620E 3-859-127-13.E/R Using alternative power sources aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‡I.UA I‡UE‚I°. EOUO.IEIO‚ OEU‡IEfl Using alternative power sources aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‡I.UA I‡UE‚I°. EOUO.IEIO‚ OEU‡IEfl Battery life Using Sony alkaline batteries at 25 °C (77 °F) CCD-Typical Continuous recording time recording time TR501E 80 min. 150 min. /TR502E TR620E 70 min. 135 min. Notes • The above battery lives are estimates. The battery life may be shorter depending on the storage condition of the battery before being purchased and temperature. • You may not use the battery case in cold environment. To remove the battery case The battery case is removed in the same way as the battery pack. When you replace the batteries, be sure to remove the battery case from the camcorder to prevent malfunction. Using a car battery Use Sony DCP-77 DC pack (not supplied). Connect the cord of the DC pack to the cigarette lighter socket of the car (12 V or 24 V). Connect the DC pack to the battery mounting surface of the camcorder. To remove the DC pack The DC pack is removed in the same way as the battery pack. e OI OIUE·° ·‡U‡ AAI e EOOOI.AO‚‡IEAI .AIO.I°. ·‡U‡ AAI Sony OE 25°e (77°F) CCDC AIfl UEOE. IOE A‡OEOE C AIfl IAO A°‚ IOE A‡OEOE TR501E/ TR502E 80 min. 150 min. TR620E 70 min. 135 min. e EIA.‡IEfl • C°.AO E‚A‰AII°A O OIE OIUE·° ·‡U‡ AAI O.AIAI° O E·IEAEUAI.IO. eOI OIUE·° ·‡U‡ AAI IOEAU ·°U. IO O.A ‚ A‡‚EOEIOOUE OU UOIO‚EE . ‡IAIEfl ·‡U‡ AAI ‰O OOIUOIE E OU UAIOA ‡UU °. • C° IA ‰OIEI° EOOOI.AO‚‡U. ·‡U‡ AEIU. I‡IA U ‚ .OIO‰I°. UOIO‚Efl.. NIfl OIflUEfl ·‡U‡ AEIOE I‡IA . A‡U‡ AEI‡fl I‡IA ‡ OIEI‡AUOfl U‡IEI EA O· ‡AOI, I‡I E ·‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI. eE A‡IAIA ·‡U‡ AAI IA A‡·U‰.UA ‚°IUU. EA ‚E‰AOI‡IA ° ·‡U‡ AEIU. I‡IA U ‰Ifl O A‰OU‚ ‡.AIEfl I‡ U.AIEE ‚ ‡·OUA. aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‡‚UOIO·EI.IO„O ‡IIUIUIflUO ‡ aOOOI.AUEUA ·IOI OOOU. UOI‡ DCP-77 Sony (IA O EI‡„‡AUOfl). eO‰OOA‰EIEUA .IU ·IOI‡ OOOU. UOI‡ I „IAA‰U OE„‡ AUIO„O O EIU E‚‡UAIfl ‡‚UOIO·EIfl (12 C EIE 24 C). eO‰OOA‰EIEUA ·IOI OOOU. UOI‡ I UOU‡IO‚O.IOE OO‚A .IOOUE ·‡U‡ AE ‚E‰AOI‡IA °. NIfl OIfl...
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