Instructions Gigabyte, Modèle GV-N96TZL-1GI
Fabricant : Gigabyte Taille : 1.27 mb Nom Fichier :
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101 Rev. 101 12MM-N96TZGI-101R 12MM-N96TZGI-101R C CCo oop ppy yyr rri iight ghtght © ©© 2 220 000 009 99 G GGI IIG GGABYT ABYTABYTE EE T TTE EEC CCH HHN NNO OOL LLO OOG GGY YY C CCO OO. .., ,, L LLT TTD DD Cop CopCopy yyr rri iight ghtght by byby GIG GIGGIGA AA- --B BBY YYT TTE EE T TTE EEC CCHNOL HNOLHNOLOGY OGYOGY CO COCO., .,., L LLT TTD. D.D. ( ((" ""GBT GBTGBT" "") )). .. N NNo oo p ppa aar rrt tt of ofof t tth hhis isis ma mamanual nualnual ma mamay yy be bebe r rrepr epreproduc oducoduced eded or oror t ttr rra aan nns ssm mmit ititt tte eed dd in inin a aan nny yy f ffo oor rrm mm w wwi iit tthou houhout tt t tth hhe ex e exe expr prpre ees sss sse eed dd, ,, wr wrwri iit ttt tten per en peren permis mismiss ssi iio oon nn of ofof GB GBGBT TT. .. 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Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Features ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Minimum System Requirements .................................................................................... 4 2. Hardware Installation .................................................................................................. 5 2.1. Board Layout ................................................................................................................. 5 2.2. Hardware Installation ......................................................................................................7 3. Software Installation .................................................................................................... 9 3.1. Driver and Utility Installation ........................................................................................... 9 3.1.1. Driver Installation ....
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