Instructions Weil-McLain, Modèle CGi Series 2
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And Much More CGi Series 2 GAS BOILER for Sidewall or Natural Draft Venting (Induced Draft) Water Net Ratings: 37.000 to 169.000 Biu/Hr Design Advantages Cast Iron Sections with Elastomer Sealing Rings Boiler sections are made of durable cast iron for strenglh, efficiency and long life. It's not uncommon far a Weil-McLain cast iron borler to last 35 years or more. The heat pins in the vertical flue passages cause Ihe hot gases la swirl about, covering iho entire surface of each section far maximum heat transfer. Radiation plales, further increase Heat transfer for maximum efficiency. Modern elastomer sealing rings In the porl openings assure a permanent waler-tighl seal. Tfie flexibility and elastic memory of these seals (unlike metal pusii nippies) prevent leate caused by thermal expansion and contraction. A special high-temperature sealanl between boiler sections assures tighlness from gas leakage in the black. High-Grade Stainless Steel Burners European-dtjsiyned, pNyh-yrade; stainiKss ?1t*el burners h^ue internal venturi air flow technology for accurate mixture of Tuel and air Tms provides far maximum efficioncy in fuel usage. These burners arc matfc end rely of stainless steel and designed so the burner ports provide exceptional stability with natural or pmpanegas for quieter operation, longer life and improved combuston Venting Flexibility The CGi boiler has the flexibility to be vented one of two ways ... Direct Exhaust Venting Dir&cl aM.lia.ust venting (also known as ‘induced draft"): uses inside combustion sir with no combustion air connector piping. Tbe CGi l>oilercan be non-direcl vented eilherlhrouyh a si^ewalE or through the rooF This is considered a Category III appliance positive vent eiatic pressure antt vert gas temperature that avoids excessive condensate in vent. J77v —U/A —- j ■ 1 -1 j s__ -ll I— Natural Draft Venting Natural draft venting [also -inown as 'chimney draft venting"): uses (he natural draft provided fiy 9 vertical vent or chimney. This. is ronsideredd a Category I appliance: non-positive vert slatic pressure end vent gas temperature that avoids excessive condonsato in ^am. Sequence of Operation © & Supply (0 i Flame rallcut (hemal Ги&е elemenl Control Module h Rplijm Гп^п sysliim i Burner shield © Traosfofmei 11 Slginl(J55 5icel bymgr^ к Pitol burner and bracket 3 Incucer Flue outlet I Gas manirold ® Л.Г pressure switch Й Gas vahe n-l Caii iron bailer section) f Pressune-'lemperalure gauge n- FlU^ ULillcUnr ■£) Limit switch 0 Relief valve О J1 иii :lii:ii by* 6 Boiler circulator >1 Air vent connexion How the boiler works ... Whan я room thermostat calls far heat. чье -conifui tnodui-e sia-rts the sysiem circulator and inducer Tnt> control modulo runs liie inducer loritj enough 1u pur§£ the bofleif flue passages. then opens ihe piFOt v£lvG and sttivsles the pilot ignint>n 5 parti The conlrol module allows up to 15 seconds )□ estabiish pilot ilame If ifame is not sensed within 15 seconds, the control module will turr off the gas valve, flash the Flame light, and then omer a 15'second postpurge The control modulo will then starl a new cyae. This will continue indefinitely until pilot flame- is established or power ih interrupted Once pilol flame is proven. Ihe conlrol modultt opens the gas value fo alfow main burner flame When Uie room therrnoslat is satisfied. Ihe tonlrol module turns off ttie gas valve and pilot valve, operates ihe inducer for a 15-second pcetpurge and waits for the next call for heat. The conlrol nodule ind-calor fights show normal sequence when 1he lights are on steady. When a problem occurs, the control module flashes a combination of bghts to Indicate the most hk«ly roason foi the problem Features ... ■ WeFI-MíUin ConLrof Module and Ignfsion Control. Designed for Weil-McLam mistoke-prool winng di^^nostic. indicator lighls. * \ omp.ia design Saves variable Iking- space. Bailor :s only 26 inches hyi. 22 Inches *1pep Power venting elimínales the need fora draft hood. ■ High-gra stainFess steel burners. European-designed, hlflh-gratte stainless atefli burned for qiuiel :gniiion. ¡onger hfe. and improved combuslion. * Wiring liar!I>l i-^. Plug-in connectors mal attadi only one way Lcj assure mipighe-pmct wiring for installation and oon’ponenl replacement. T Iiook-up J-bo* located on outside uf toiler with prp-stripped wires 1 Convenient St ■. i'.i'i;.. Accessible controls .. ^onirol module with di^ynostic indicator hghis simptified wiring ... vertical flueways ... Lop cleaning. ■ : . 11 ■. -:. c-M c.1. E very iiíiile r i s lested al I he factory to assure reli able operation ■ Jtlip .lit!, k Parts lyrm shed in conven ienl K¡1s ■ L mited lifti::nir ■ .ir■.. covers ¡rein secijpns, ■ Multiple L’l ! ti lysLt ■ ■. Uss Iwg or more niyh-efflclencyCGi boilers in place of one large-capacity boler to meet the space-heating requirements of larger buiFdmgs * Homeowner Protect!* n t'lsn. ...
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