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Téléchargements : 7   Taille : 9 kb   Fabricant : Avaya  
Catégorie : Chargeurs

This test/condition mode is automatically started every 11th cycle of the charger. Testing the NiCd Standard Battery Pack takes approximately four hours; testing the NiMH High Capacity Battery Pack takes approximately 8-10 hours. To manually start the test, press the MODE button. To stop the test, press the MODE button. However, it is highly recommended that the test be allowed to complete. Battery Pack Bins If a Wireless Telephone is to be used during the recharging cycle, fully charged Batt

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 98 kb   Fabricant : Avaya  
Catégorie : Chargeurs

Either slot can be chosen to take priority (the first Battery Pack placed into either slot is charged first) so that the Wireless Telephone is always ready for use. Full charging is accomplished in approximately two hours for each battery. The Dual Battery Charger will only charge Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Packs used by the 3410 and 3606 Wireless Telephones. This charger will not charge Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Battery Packs. Power Supply Four different models of the power supply for the
