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Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 198 kb   Fabricant : Euro-Pro  
Catégorie : Greeley

If your appliance fails to operate properly while in use under normal householdconditions within the warranty period, return the complete appliance and accessories, freight prepaid to EURO-PRO Corporation, 178 West Service Rd., Champlain, N.Y. 12919. If the appliance is found by EURO-PRO to be defective in material orworkmanship, EURO-PRO will repair or replace it free of charge. Proof of purchase dateand $9.95 to cover the cost of return shipping and handling must be included.* The liability of

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 461 kb   Fabricant : Euro-Pro  
Catégorie : Greeley

It is recommended that ground beef be well done. Cheese Stuffed Burgers1 pound ground beef4 ounces grated cheese of choicesalt & pepper to tastePreheat the frill for 5 minutes. Form the beef into 8 thin patties, 4" in diameter. Place an equal amount of cheese on half the patties. And top with the remaining patties. Pinch the edges together and season. Cook for 5-6 minutes or to an internal temperature of 160° F. Beef Steaks ( thin 1/ 2 inch) Preheat the grill for 5 minutes. Season the meat as de
