Facilité d'utilisation
• UsethePulsebuttontobegintheblendingprocesswhenpreparingbeverages that includeice cubes; this helpstoproducea smoothertexture. • The PUlse function is helpful when short bursts of power are needed such as when preparing thick smoothies or milkshakes, chopping nuts or grinding coffee beans. • Itis helpfultobegintheblendingprocessonthelowestspeedandthen increasetoa higher speed,if necessary. • Tostopblending,pressthe off buttonatany time • Whenblendinghotliquidsalwaysletthemcoolatleast5minutesbefore blending.Before beginningtoblend,removethelidcapandputitback withthe openedsidetiltedawayfromyou.Coverlidwithaclothtoavoid splattering and onlyuselowestspeed. do notblend more than2.to3cups ata time • do NoT place any of the following in the blender: o large piecesoffrozenfoods o Toughfoods such asraw turnips, sweet potatoes and potatoes o Bones o Hardsalami, pepperoni and hardsausages o Boiling liquids(coolfor5minutes before placinginblending jar) • several other doN’Ts: o do not operate blender without the lid on the blending jar. o donotstorefoodsintheblendingjar. o donotoverfilltheblender.(Theblenderismore efficientwithless rather than more.) o donotusepulseformorethan10secondsatatime. Releasethe PUlse button;allowtheblendertorestbriefly,thencontinue. o donotrunblenderforlongerthan30 secondswhenusingdryfoods and2minutes whenblending liquids. scrapedown sidesonblending jar,if necessary andcontinueblending. o do not use if blender jar is chipped or cracked. • Tasks NoT recommended for the blender: o Whipping cream o Beating egg whites o Mixing dough o Mashing potatoes o Grinding meats o extracting juicefrom fruits andvegetables eNGlisH speed cHaRT pulse/off • Use for thick mixtures loW (lo) 1) Fast clean • Combine drop of dishwashing liquid and hot water to clean blender 2) stir/Mix • Prepare sauces • Remove lumps from gravies • Reconstitute frozen juices, drink mixes and condensed soups • Prepare salad dressings • Puree hot liquids 3) Blend • Mix puddings • Combine pancake and waffle batter or mixes • Beat eggs for omelets and custards 4) Grate • Grate hardcheeses and coconut • Make superfine sugar • Make cookie, cereal and bread crumbs • Grind coffee beans, spices and chocolate 5) Beat • Beat eggs for omelets and custards HiGH (Hi) 6) puree • Puree baby foods–fruits and vegetables • Blend protein drinks 7) crumb • Make cookie, cereal and bread crumbs 8) chop • Chop fruits and vegetables • Chop cooked meats • Chop nuts, coarse-to-fine 9) liquefy • liquefy frozen drinks 10) smoothies / ice crush • Crush ice • Prepare smoothies and milkshakes care and cleaning Thisproductcontainsno user serviceable parts.Refer serviceto qualified service personnel. cleaNiNG 1. Before cleaning, turn off and unplug appliance. 2. lift blending jar by handle off power base. 3. Removejar baseby turningcounterclockwise untilloose. 4. Remove gasket and blade assembly. caution: Blades are sharp, handle carefully. 5. Remove lid and lidcap. 6. Washremovable partsby handorinyour dishwasher. Placejaron bottom rackandrestof partsontop-rackonly. important: • do not place jar parts in boiling liquids. • do not immerse base in liquid. Wipe base with damp cloth and dry thoroughly. • Remove stubborn spots by rubbing with damp cloth and non abrasive cleaner. Note: If liquids spill onto base, wipe with damp cloth and dry thoroughly. donotuseroughscouringpadsorcleansersonpartsor finish. QUicK cleaNiNG For quickcleanup,combine1cuphotwaterandadropof liquid dish soapin theblendingjar.Coverandblendon speed1for about30 seconds. discard liquid and rinse jar thoroughly. sToRaGe Forconvenientstorage,wrapthecordaroundthefeetonthe bottomofthe blender base. eNGlisH TRoUBlesHooTiNG pRoBleM possiBle caUse solUTioN Jar bottom does not Avacuum has been Place the jar on the blender come off of jar. formed. and turn counter clockwise until jar is released from the bottom. liquid is leaking from Gasket is either Check that jar is assembled bottom of jar. missing or not in correctly. place correctly. Appliance does not Appliance is not Check that appliance is turn on. plugged in. plugged into a working outlet. Mixture in blender does not seem to be blending. Not eno...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Blenders - BLBD10GW (369.78 kb)
Blenders - BLBD10PW (369.78 kb)