Facilité d'utilisation
b) longer detachablepower-supply cords orextensioncords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use. c) Ifalongdetachablepower-supply cord orextensioncordis used, 1) The marked electrical rating of the detachable power-supply cord orextensioncordshouldbeatleast asgreatastheelectrical rating of the appliance, 2) If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cordshould be a grounding-type 3-wire cord, and 3) Thelongercordshouldbe arranged so thatit will notdrapeover thecountertop ortabletop whereitcanbe pulled onby children or tripped over. Note: If the power supply cordis damaged, it should be replaced by qualified personnel;inlatin America,by an authorized servicecenter. eNGlisH product may vary slightly from what is illustrated. . . . . . . . . 1. lid cap 2. lid 3. Blending jar: BlBd10GW: Glass, 42-oz. (1.25 l) BlBd10pW: plastics, 50-oz. (1.5 l) 4. Handle 5. Gasket 6. Blade assembly 7. Jar base 8. Blender base 9. control panel How to Use Thisproductisfor household use only. GeTTiNG sTaRTed • Removeall packingmaterialandanystickersfromtheproduct. • Remove and save literature. • WashallremovablepartsasinstructedinCARe ANd CleANING sectionof this manual. . • Wipe outsideof appliance withadampcloth;dry thoroughly. BleNdeR JaR asseMBlY 1. Turnblendingjar upsidedownandplace flatoncountertoporwork surface. B c 2. Putgasketontopof bladeassembly.Place blade assemblywith gasket into bottom opening of the jar with bladesfacingdown. 3. Placejarbaseontojarandrotateclockwise untilit is tight (B). 4. Turn assembled jar right side up. 5. Placelidwithlidcapontoblendingjar. 6. Uncoilpowercordfromstoragearea underthe base. Note: do not plugin thecord. 7. Place jar assemblyon base, making sure it is pressed firmlyinto place. (Jar base should not extend more than..8-inch above the rimat thetop of the base.) (c). 8. Blenderisnowreadyfor use. UsiNG YoUR BleNdeR 1. Make sure appliance is oFF. 2. Placefoodstobeblended intojar. 3. Placelidonjar;makesurelidcapisinplace. 4. Plugpowercordinto outlet. Note: Whenin use,do notleaveblender unattended. When using hardfoods, suchasice, cheese,nutsandcoffeebeans,keeponehandonthelidtokeep blender in place. 5. Press the High (HI) or low(lo)button; then select the speed that bestsuits yourdesiredtask.Toswitch speeds,presstheHigh(HI)or low(lo)button and the new speed desired.(see sPeed CHART on page 24.) eNGlisH 6. When blending thick mixtures, such as smoothies, power drinks and milkshakespressthe Pulsebuttonseveral timestobegintheblending process.Pressthe Pulse buttonforno more than5secondsata time. This helps break up the ice and distribute the ingredients. d 7. openthelidcaptoaddingredients whiletheblender is running and drop ingredients through the opening (d). important: do not remove the lid while the blender is running. 8. When finished, press the Pulse/off button. Make sure blades havecompletelystopped before attemptingto remove the blending jar from the base. 9. Toremove the jar,grasp the handle and liftstraight up. do not twistthe jar. 10. Remove lidto pour. 11. Always unplug the appliance when not in use. BleNdiNG Tips aNd TecHNiQUes • Cutfoodintopiecesnolargerthan.-inchforuseintheblender. • Whenpreparingfoodsthathaveseveraldifferentkindsofingredients,always add liquid ingredients first. • Wheningredients splatterontothe sidesofthejarorthe mixtureisvery thick, press the oFF buttonto turn appliance off. Remove the lid and usea rubber spatulatoscrapedownthesidesofthejarandtoredistributethefood pushing foodtowardthe blades. Replace the lid andcontinueblending. important: Blender should always have lid in place when in use. caution: do not place blending jar on base when motor is running. e • The lidcap holdsupto1. oz. liquid andcanbe used asa measure and when adding ingredients such as juices, milk, cream and liquor (e). • When making bread crumbs, chopping nuts or grindingcoffee beans make sureblendingjaris completelydry. • When using Pulse function use short bursts. Allow the bladestostoprotating between pulses.do not use Pulsefor more than2minutes. • UsethePulsebuttontobegintheblendingprocesswhenpreparingbeverages that includeice cubes; this helpstopro...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Blenders - BLBD10GWUC (369.78 kb)
Blenders - BLBD10PW (369.78 kb)