Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
AUTO HIGH ISO AUTO 64/100/200/400/ 800/1600 Adjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Adjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Shooting pictures sequentially while the shutter button is held down [DRIVE] B CAMERA MENU • DRIVE : K . Submenu 2 Application o Oneframeisshoteachtimetheshutterbuttonispressed. j*1Sequentialshootingatthefocus, brightness(exposure),andwhitebalancethatislockedinthefirstframe. WSequentialshootingatahigherspeedthan[j]. *1 The shooting speed varies depending on the settings for [A IMAGE QUALITY] (p. 29). When set to [j], [R] (Sound recording) (p. 32) is not available. When set to [W], flash is set fixed [$] (FLASH OFF) and [ISO] is fixed to [AUTO]. When set to [W], [IMAGE SIZE] is limited to [I] or lower. Moreover, [FINE ZOOM] (p. 31), [DIGITAL ZOOM] (p. 31), and [R] (Sound recording) (p. 32) are not available. Shooting at higher magnifications than optical zoom without reducing the image quality [FINE ZOOM] B CAMERA MENU • FINE ZOOM : K .b Submenu 2 Application OFFOnlyopticalzoomisusedtozoominforshooting. ONOpticalzoomandimagecroppingarecombinedtozoominforshooting(Approx.21x(max.)). This function will not reduce the image quality since it dose not convert the data with fewer pixels into the data with larger pixels. When set to [ON], [IMAGE SIZE] is limited to [H] or lower. This function is not available when [DIGITAL ZOOM] is [ON]. This function is not available when [%SUPER MACRO] (p. 23) or [OS-MACRO LED] (p. 23) is selected. Shooting at higher magnifications than optical zoom [DIGITAL ZOOM] B CAMERA MENU • DIGITAL ZOOM : K .bA Submenu 2 Application OFFOnlyopticalzoomisusedtozoominforshooting. ONOpticalzoomanddigitalzoomarecombinedtozoominforshooting(Approx.18x(max.)). This function is not available when [FINE ZOOM] is [ON]. This function is not available when [%SUPER MACRO] (p. 23) or [OS-MACRO LED] (p. 23) is selected. EN 1 Selecting the range for measuring the brightness [ESP/n] B CAMERAMENU • ESP/n : K .A Submenu 2 Application ESPShootstoobtainabalancedbrightnessovertheentirescreen. (Metersthebrightnessatthecenterandsurroundingareasofthescreenseparately.) n (spot)Shootsthesubjectatthecenterduringbacklighting. When set to [ESP], the center may appear dark when shooting against strong backlighting. Selecting the focusing area [AF MODE] B CAMERAMENU • AF MODE : K . Submenu 2 Application FACEDETECT*1Thisisusedfortakingpicturesofpeople.(Thecameraautomaticallydetectsafaceanddisplaysaframeonthemonitor).Presstheshutterbuttonhalfway,whenthecamerafocusesonafacetheAFtargetmarklightsgreen.WhentheAFtargetmarklightsorange,thisindicatesthecamerahasfocusedonsomethingotherthanaface. iESPThisenablesyoutocomposetheshotwithoutworryingaboutthefocusingposition.Thecamerafindsthesubjecttofocusonandautomaticallyadjuststhefocus. SPOTThecamerafocusesonthesubjectwithintheAFtargetmark. *1 For some subjects, the frame may not appear or may take some time to appear. Recording sound when shooting stil ll images [R] B CAMERAMENU • R : K . Submenu 2 Application OFFNosoundisrecorded. ONThecameraautomaticallystartsrecordingforapprox.4secondsaftertakingthepicture.Thisisusefulforrecordingnotesorcommentsaboutthepicture. When recording, aim the microphone (p. 6) at the source of the sound you want to record. Reducing the blur caused by the camera shake when shooting [IMAGE STABILIZER] (still images) / [DIS MOVIE MODE] (movies) B CAMERAMENU • IMAGE STABILIZER / DIS MOVIE MODE : K .bA Submenu 2 Application OFFTheimagestabilizerisdeactivated. Thisisrecommendedforshootingwhenthecameraisfixedinplaceonatripodorotherstablesurface. ONTheimagestabilizerisactivated. The camera’s default settings are [IMAGE STABILIZER] (still images) to [ON] and [DIS MOVIE MODE] (movies) to [OFF]. While [IMAGE STABILIZER] (still images) is set to [ON], noises may occur from the inside of the camera if the shutter button is pressed. Images may not be stabilized if camera shake is too severe. When the shutter speed is extremely slow, such as when taking still shots or taking pictures at night, the stabilizer may not be as effective. When shooting while the [DIS MOVIE MODE] (movies) is set to [ON], the image will be enlarged somewhat before saving. EN Adjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Adjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Brightening the subject against backlight [SHADOWADJ] B CAMERA MENU • SHADOW ADJ :K .bASubmenu 2 Application Shootswithoutusing[SHADOWADJ]. Thecamerafindsaperson’sfacethathasbeendarkenedbybacklightandmakesitappearbrighterfortakingthepicture. (Pointthecameratowardthesubject.Checktheframethatappearsaroundthefacedetectedbythecamera,andthenpresstheshutterbuttontotakethepicture.) OFF ON Submenu 1 Application For some subjects, the frame may not appear or may take some time to appear. When set to [ON], [ESP/n] (p. 32) is automatically fixed to [ESP], and [AF MODE] (p....