Facilité d'utilisation
Airflow performance includes 1" washable (600 FPM max) filter media. 44101261302 THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE [_1 + + WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD It' CONNECTION DIAGRAM DISCONNECTBEFORESERVICING LADDER DIAGRAM zoo _. m _OO TO 115VAC FIELD DISCONNECT ROLLOUTSWITCH+TO2 > +40 0 INSERIESDEPENDING LP PRESSURE . . COPPER CONDUCTORS C) rr ONMODEL MAIN LIMIT BVSS SWTCH CAPACITOR ONLY J[ HOT NOTE #2 • */_7 EQUIPMENT GROUND Oo O _i R __R 2 (WHEN USED) (WHEN USED) (SOME MODELS' 1_ i_ NEUTRAL 0 + Z qlZ --R R---@ HOT END .,ERLOC. O= O. ' --o ---_ • ,EUTRALI L SWITCH ' Pml_l _U3_ _ f_._ °. / I--.g%RESSURESW,TCH_ GNTER " I+" I ,,OUCER N 211o. I_.ICAPACITOR a_" o_ Y II,DU_ER% I ,,V,'1%I_°L'_I I Y +TO2mSEnmS /INDUCERG_RNMI'irin "1 Iv I RELAY P2 I I'" I MOTORITI(sON1EMODELs) 3: 03003 1 \ ..... /IMVI'_GRNA''I--P 'l DEPENDINGONMODEL_ MOTOR j_ JlIU[ BK I == _ETI2 II,.I k. / IOI ._rn_Z ........... _ -o , +,__:_ _ ._ _ o_, PS NOITIEI3I --W_SE"SOR "_. ' ' 'Z I I'I_',T_NOTE#13 II °Ntl --@:: 4-q, l r_2. --- W TE#13 _ II I_ 1 I_ + _]GNITER II [ 24vAcL_coM"_ / B. W/_I _I]Hu_ "1" ++o III *_4_-_ -BK LO (R) I -- I RED ,LUE II I .s, _..--. .i /'1" -'+'11 M2_I_ I--*]I HEAT/COOL I . II I NDIF:'.-' ' 2I _ ' JUNCTION RELAY--_ ._I _1 HEAT_IMHI(O/ I ° .....'%... II I "_ LBK,_I'_I ;__, _oxI _ -" / "k"---J_?_ +, 0 x3: _ -0 MI PSC > _ _ BLOWER #, III, _ MLO BL _ -< 60SEC W BLOWER • I_=_'_ O__ III L,_. i B.T II" • _'X_ N RELAY I__ _ III __g I B._ I _E_C __ I. = °'_ ] I-_ rNI + _ BR _11 CONT FAN N + _ rM__-_ C I _[-_-r _ ___ _L_ . / q r_ w_ I 'II ' -(OPT) _ I _>_ 1.1_ +++,,_+_,,,. FtfFll+~-B.=. _ _-+_ I ,.SER,ESDE'_E.°,.+ TR_R C k _'_ .... H_OL + _ I _--_ONMODEL_ P I_FUSESA_";" L ( W _ _ I _ MA_LIMIT II NOT[_ _4VA_ _O_ _ _ ----R ---- __ ...... P14 1TO21NSERIES ' m_l_Q1 w I _ ____N _ER/E_DEL _ _ _ 1. 1. Ifanyoftheoriginalequipmentwireisreplacedusewirerated 105°C. SPEEDTAP CODE COLOR CODE --.... -I-< -HUM 24VAC 140 SEC 2. Useonlycopperwirebetweenfl]edisconnectswitchandthefumace .... --L--P1 10 box BLACK BK -i LP PRESS SWITCH I.unctJon _.. . •.... BLAC. ., BLOE BL II , I .=;L:_I/' _[+'_;DELS ONL'D' 3. ..is wire mus, _e connec,e_ to furnace sheet metal for control to w . _ I ., ORANGE MHI BROWN BR _ I P+8 NOTE #8 provename. BLUE MLO GREEN/YELLOWGRN/YII '_=_ \ _ ...... 4. Symbols are electrical representation only. I \ L_ ORANGE O GAS L ........ I not depicted as shown in the legend. 5. Solid lines inside circuit board are printed circuJt board traces and are RED LO RED R VALVE P1 2 _ I O J1 WHITE W y CPU RELAY BV_ --' mm 100 18 6. Replaceonlywitha5ampfuse. YELLOW Y I I _._ __) (FIELDINSTALLED) E_ IBBI 7. Slower motor speed selec(Jons are for average conditions, see _ m J installation instructions for detail .... pti ........ peed selection. . '' JI_ I r0140 8. Factory connected when LP Pressure Switch and BVSS (Chimney --LOW VOLTAGE FACTORY _ --I P1 ;7 _--_ 80 SEC Adapter A ....... yKit) ...... t instal!ed. ' vAGASE )_ 9. Blower of Fdelay, gas heating selec_ons are (60, i00, 140, and 180) LOW VOLTAGE FIELD ..... ' +"-IT seconds, cooling or heat pump 90 seconds. _ z r_ _ p LINE VOLTAGE FACTORY oS-= // ** NOTE #3 10. Ignition lockout will occur after four consecutive unsuccessful trials for LINE VOLTAGE F IE LD ignition. Controlwillauto-reset after three hours. __ ___ | ,I_)P1 3 SENSOR CONDUCTOR ON CONTROL 11. Blower motor and inducer motor contain internal auto-reset thermal --_o_ ,1_) P1 1 NOTE #12 overload switch es. JUNCTION O UNMARKED TERMINAL I _" I. 13. Depending on model, P4 inducer motor leads may be in a single connector 12. Flame sensor: 0.7 RA D.C. minimum, 2.0 -4.0 pA nominal. _ IICONTROL BOARD I_,P1 9 or b,_._oquick connecters. CONTR OL TE R MI NAL 330709-101 REV,B 2 Parts for N8MPN/L 2 AA 17 16 \ \ u F S E 3 4 H 6 25-25-09 441 01 2613 02 [_ [ Replacement Parts -N8MPN (NaturalI Gas) Models -N8MPNO50B12B1, NSMPNO75B12B1, N8MPNO75F16B1, NSMPN100F14B1, N8MPNIOOF2OB1, N8MPNlOOJ22B1, NSMPN125J20B1, NSMPN125J22B1 Replacement part supplied will be current active part. For parts not listed, consult place of purchase. NSMPN Key No. Description Functional Parts Part Number 050B 12B1 075B 12B1 075F 16B1 100F 14B1 I 100F 20B1 I 100J 22B1 125J 20B1 125J 22B1 I Heat Exchanger 1013623 1013624 1013625 1013626 1013627 1013628 I I 1 1 1 1 1 2 Switch, Pressure 1013529 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Wheel, Blower 1013011 1011420 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Mount, Motor kit* 1014824 1014823 1014822 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Mtr, Blor 1/115 1/115 1/115 1/115 1/2 CCW 1/2 CCW 1/2 CCW 3/4 CCW 1172490 1172487 1172488 1172489 1 1 1 6 Capacitor, 7.5 Mfd/370V 10 Mfd/370V 40 Mfd/370V 1171728 1171729 1171982 1 1 1 1 7 Transformer 1172810 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Control 1172550 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 Switch, Interlock 1171981 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Burner Assembly 1172884 1172965 1172966 1172967 1 1 1 11 Flame Sensor 1172827 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14 Ignitor Orifice, Burner # 42 1172533 1011351 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 15 16 Valve, Gas Switch, Limit (Rollout) 1172821 1013102 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 ...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :électrique - 8MPL100F20B1 (2.69 mb)
électrique - 8MPL075F16B1 (2.69 mb)
électrique - 8MPL050B12B1 (2.69 mb)
électrique - N8MPN125J20B1 (2.69 mb)