Instructions Roland, Modèle AXIS-1
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To assign a number, select a block A, B, C, D or E with the black key, then push a white key from E„ to Gn. Block C Block B--- Block A--- mm -Block D -Block E Key Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E Program Change Display • Program Change Display • Program Display Change j $ Program Change Display m 3rogram Change Display • E„ 0 1 1 1 f 2-1 S' I IN ^ i i i 72 • / l)(i S ! F„ l IE 25 4B 1!) IE 73 1)7 5? G„ 2 13 20 43 50 13 71 'S3 IIS '53 A„ 3 14 27 44 51 14 75 ?4 111) 54 B„ 4 15 28 45 52 15 : 70 ; ru un 100 '55 c, 5 IB 2!) 4B 53 IB 77 ?s 101 •55 D i 6 11 1 1 H(l 41 51 ^ *1 1 1 7,3 3 ■» c • 102 '51 E, 7 IB 31 48 55 18 7!) ?s 103 58 F, 8 B / 32 5 I 5fi 8 / SO 3 1 101 'S 1 G, 9 5S 33 sг 57 8E SI ■33 105 BE A, 10 S3 :u 53 5,3 83 S2 ■33 lllli S3 B, 11 54 3 5 54 59 84 S3 34 107 '84 C, 12 es 3(i 55 00 85 N1 •35 IDS ■55 D.. 13 cnB 37 SB lil 8B S5 '35 101) 66 E: 11 ¿7 3,S 51 Ii2 81 S6 31 111) 6 7 Fl 15 88 3!) 58 l>3 88 S7 ■38 111 6 8 G.. lfi 3 i Ill B I 01 • I 1 1 f «8 '4 i 112 •“I l 1 1 A; 17 3E 11 BS 05 'IS si) ■4E 113 7«? B ■ IS 33 12 B3 06 13 no 43 11 1 13 C, 111 34 13 B4 07 14 :n 44 115 14 D , 20 35 II B5 lis 75 112 '45 110 15 E, 21 3B 15 SB li'.l IB 1)3 ■4B 117 IB F., 22 31 Hi 57 70 • l 1 I t HI 41 IIS "1 ^ 1 I G , 23 38 17 B8 71 18 1)5 48 1111 18 9 You can even hear the corresponding tone color while changing the program change numbers. (This is explained in "2) Setting a Program Change Number (2)" on Page 12} 1) Setting a Program Change Number <1» © While holding the Program Change Button Q down, select a Block you like by using a black key. @ While still holding the Program Change Button 0, push the white key that corresponds to the program change number you want. The program change number you have set is shown in the Display. If the program change number you wish to set is within the same block of the current one, skip the step 0. 10 e.g.) Setting program change number 9 © Program change number 9 is in the Block A. So push the F* key while holding the Program Change Button Q. 51X13 oukJoerS3>i icaiAi puepy II IIIIIIIIIIIII @ Program change number 9 corresponds to the G' key. So. push the G> key while still holding the Program Change Button 0. The Display © shows t?c> The number shown in the Display does not correspond to the actual program change number. (See page 7 of "MIDI") That is, you need to translate each number with the aid of the table on page 9. It may be a good idea to collect your favourite tone colors in the same block in the sequence you like. In this way, you can call those tone colors without changing the Blocks. 11 2) Setting Program Change Number <2> In this method, as you change the program change number, you can hear the corresponding tone color. Operation © While playing a key (or chord), hold down the Program Change Button 0, then release the key (or keys). © While still holding the Program Change Button 0, push a relevant key for the program change number you want. When you push the key, the corresponding tone color will be heard in the pitch of the key you played in the step ©. 51X13 QtildOBASX ICiVM puepy hi ii hi ii hi h hi 51X13 OHUDeASM iciw puepy in ii in ii hi ii in wm 12 c. Key Transpose The Axis allows transposition within 2 octaves upper and an octave down in semitone steps. Operation (T) Push the Key Transpose Button Q. The Display shows the current condition (C? Key). © While still holding the Key Transpose Button Q, press the key you wish to transpose to from Cj key. 51X13 CUUQBrS3X ICIIAI puepy in ii in ii hi ii hi If the Display shows the abbreviation* of the new key, the transposition is done. C; to B; : | C\~ [ b\ C.toB, : Llj-IE C.ioB, : rZ]~rb\ ^ ■ \IL # : [3] e.g. C": j ti 13 e.g.) To transpose an octave up from Cj © While holding the Key Transpose Button 0 down, push the C;, key. When the Display shows [~[} , transposition is completed. SIXI3 avduoeAax iciitj puepy in ii in ii hi ii in k • Play a chord, and without releasing the keys, press the Transpose Button 0. Then release the keys, without releasing the button ©, and play with one finger. Now, the chord transposed according to the key you are playing will be heard. In this way, you can enjoy chord playing using only one finger. To return to the normal playing condition, release the button 0. At this stage, however, the transposition, is not cancelled, that is, the Axis is transposed to the key pressed last. 14 d. Pitch Bender 0 The Up and Down positions give the pitch bend effect of two extremes, highest and lowest, Normally, the maximum effect of the pitch bend is adjusted by the sound module. ■J .1 BENDER e. Other Functions 1) Key Velocity (Dynamics) The Axis can send Key Velocity message depending on how hard you attack the key. The sensitivity of the Key Velocity is adjusted by the connected sound module. 2) After Touch The Axis sends After Touch message depending on how hard you press th...
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